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Values Driven Leadership

Essay Instructions:
Leading and managing effective teams 2 psychometric tests to be included as appendices. Leadership self-assesment to be included as appendix and mentioned in the third section of summative. Emotional intelligence questionnaire is also attached. No subheadings as it’s an essay. It’s not a report. Use Tuckman as reference. Tuckman's stages of team development (1977)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Leading and Managing Effective Teams Student's Name Course Professor's Name University City (State) Date Leading and Managing Effective Teams Introduction Patagonia is a renowned American apparel brand that manufactures outdoor clothing and gear. The retail brand's leadership approach integrates ethical practices within corporate decision-making and serves environmentally conscious customers (Patagonia, 2024). The essay outlines the value-driven leadership approach taken by Patagonia using two leadership theories: transformational leadership style and servant leadership style. The value-driven leadership at Patagonia is recognised for its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable environment practices (Sundheim, 2024). The leaders ensure that the corporate operations and culture are aligned with its solid values and principles towards CSR and sustainable environmental practices. The essay also discusses three people management activities that values-driven leaders within Patagonia use to develop, manage, and lead their teams. It explains how these approaches will lead to individual, team, and organisational success in Patagonia. Finally, the essay reflects on the key challenges I expect to encounter in my first year of leadership and how I can enhance my readiness to perform well in my value-driven leadership role. The reflection is based on a leadership assessment test. Section 1 Transformational CEOs inspire and encourage people by instilling a strong feeling of purpose and devotion to the organisation's objectives. The leader of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, the organisation's founding member, exhibits transformational leadership skills and behaviour behavioural actions and decisions regarding sustainability and social responsibility ( HYPERLINK "https://ceoworld.biz/author/dr-samantha-madhosingh/" Madhosingh, 2022). They motivate the corporate stakeholders by integrating individual goals into the corporate objectives. Chouinard has remained unwavering in his dedication to his vision and fundamental principles centred on environmental concern. He focuses on making a progressive impression on the world rather than short-term profits. The transformational leadership at Patagonia influences the industry try's transformation and inspires responsible consumer behaviour. Along with cultivating a culture of autonomy and innovation, one of the critical components of Chouinard's philosophy is encouraging employees to take initiative and contribute to the company's environmental aims. Patagonia can ensure its revolutionary vision is upheld at every level of the organisation by establishing a work environment where workers are passionately invested and dedicated to the company's mission. There certainly are pros and cons of the different leadership styles in the apparel industry where Patagonia operates. Transformational leadership can positively influence employees by influencing them to pursue motivation, a compelling vision, and value-oriented goals. Employees develop a sense of ownership, which enhances their commitment to the job and business mission and increases productivity and job satisfaction. Leaders drive innovation by adopting a change risk-taking approach, allowing the organisation to evolve with the rapidly changing trends and preferences of the customers in the apparel industry. The cons of transformational leadership are the challenges leaders face in implementing strategies and changes continuously (Davis & Thilagaraj, 2022). Continuous change, innovation, and employee involvement might raise issues for the apparel and gear industry, which requires operational stability and highly efficient processes to meet the customers' varying choices. Chouinard's leadership style demonstrates servant leadership traits as well. The leadership at Patagonia is highly committed to the well-being of its stakeholders and the communities in which it operates. The leaders focus on employee personal and career development through flexible working hours, wellness programs, work/life balance, training, and environmental internships. The leadership is focused on implementing sustainable ecological activities such as waste management, recycling of materials, and controlled carbon emissions. They exhibit strong servant leadership characteristics by engaging in community events, offering grants for environmental improvement, supporting several social causes and activism, and volunteering in events to contribute to society and serve humanity positively. Servant leadership style has its pros and cons. The pros include employee engagement and satisfaction. The apparel industry faces challenges regarding workplace conditions and labour practices, so it can play a positive role in fostering a positive workplace environment to serve people ethically, which can drive loyalty. (Hai & Van, 2021) This style can improve community well-being and environmental stewardship, build the company's credibility, and influence the apparel industry. Employees can contribute when empowered by servant leaders, who promote innovation and creativity among employees, which is essential to the apparel and gear industry. Sustainable practices dominate the clothing industry, where industrial waste, water conservation, energy consumption, recycling material, and manufacturing processes are the primary threats. Patagonia can influence the global apparel industry through sustainable practices and environmental protection policies. The leadership is involved in the social awareness and improvement programs to make an influence using their status for creating awareness and positively affecting the policies. They can drive change through solid communication skills and campaigning abilities to positively influence the corporate stakeholders. Specific skills and behaviours demonstrated by influential value-driven leaders distinguish them from other leaders. The skills include empathy and emotional intelligence, which are required to comprehend and relate to people and their feelings (Nadiia et al., 2019). Strategic planning is another crucial skill for leaders to lead an organisation's long-term vision and objectives. Adaptability is a critical skill that allows value-driven leaders to accept changes and improve continuously while adhering to corporate values and principles. Communication skills, decision-making, and visionary thinking are some essential skills that allow leaders to create a resilient corporate culture within an organisation that inspires others to follow and motivates them to achieve goals (The Economic Times, 2023). Value-driven leadership empowers others through integrity and accountability and ensures ethical conduct. It is of utmost importance to ensure open communication channels, sharing of information, and accountability. The leader's behaviour determines the action and performance of the employees, so they must lead by example and establish values and principles through their demeanour and performance, which can influence people. They are responsible for building and encouraging a culture of transparency and mutual trust among the employees. Section 2 Building a Rock-Solid Recruitment Process is the most important people management activity for Patagonia's value-driven leaders. Patagonia is a highly committed, socially and environmentally responsible organisation with a consistent shift in customers' trends and preferences. The business must hire people more dedicated to their jobs, serve people, and have extensive environmental consciousness. Leaders must realise the alignment between job requirements and candidates to ensure cultural fit when hiring employees for their respective jobs (Firman & Inrawati, 2023). Value-driven leadership invests in employee recruitment and selection programs, which shows their commitment to organizational growth, sustainability, and social responsibility, enhancing Patagonia's reputation. The integration of value-based assessment in the recruitment process can help evaluate the alignment of the aspirant with the values and culture of Patagonia. Individual eco-conscious mindsets can foster the community and Social Development culture. The company can leverage technology, promote flexibility, and continuously enhance open and effective communication to reach a greater audience for recruitment purposes, including multiple remote and hybrid teams. It may include virtual interviewing p...
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