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Robert Gordon University In Egypt Essay

Essay Instructions:

The premise of the Second Diet assignment for BS4330 Global Business Practice is about an organisation (Robert Gordon University) CONSIDERING engaging with the specified location. The overall requirement (as per the assignment brief) is to explore that POSSIBILITY.

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[Name of Institution:]
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Executive Report
Across the Arab countries, Egypt is the most populous, where the population has tripled from 32 million in 1960 to 98 million by 2017. Although the country experienced the revolutions that destabilized the country's political and social economy, Egypt managed to do a turn-around through substantial economic reforms. Being a developing country with a young population, the country offers international and reputable universities. One of them is Robert Gordon University, a ready and willing market that provides the best services in terms of research, skills, and employability. Having chosen Egypt as the target country, the report has clearly analyzed the advantages of Egypt due to its location that is quite informative to the University management.
Higher education institutions located in the UK have become the most preferred institutions by most international students, which would benefit the institution RGU is planning to establish in Egypt. Therefore, RGU should be fully compliant with the global business practices such as the institution structure, culture, and political economy to ensure the institution runs smoothly once established. Furthermore, due to the cultural beliefs and norms, the institution will adopt the localization strategy to market entry due to the language barrier and ensure they can reach as many students as possible to join them. Finally, the institution will ensure that the human resources management is well trained. Most of the employees recruited are locals to adhere to the localization market strategy and understand the cultural norms to serve the clients (international students) in the best way possible.
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY IN EGYPT PAGEREF _Toc76292159 \h 1Executive Report PAGEREF _Toc76292164 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc76292165 \h 4Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc76292166 \h 4Vision Statement PAGEREF _Toc76292167 \h 5Statement of the Values PAGEREF _Toc76292168 \h 5Egypt Political Economy PAGEREF _Toc76292169 \h 5Early Political Economy through the Use of Marxism PAGEREF _Toc76292170 \h 6Current political economy PAGEREF _Toc76292171 \h 7Location Advantage PAGEREF _Toc76292173 \h 8Porter National Diamond Framework PAGEREF _Toc76292174 \h 8Demand conditions PAGEREF _Toc76292175 \h 9Factor conditions PAGEREF _Toc76292176 \h 10Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry PAGEREF _Toc76292177 \h 11Relating and Supporting Industries PAGEREF _Toc76292178 \h 11Government PAGEREF _Toc76292179 \h 11Chances PAGEREF _Toc76292180 \h 12Global Business Practice PAGEREF _Toc76292181 \h 12Internal Company Structure PAGEREF _Toc76292182 \h 13Culture PAGEREF _Toc76292183 \h 13Political Economy PAGEREF _Toc76292184 \h 13Engagement Market strategy PAGEREF _Toc76292185 \h 14Localization Marketing Strategy PAGEREF _Toc76292186 \h 14Potential Implementation and Post-entry Issues PAGEREF _Toc76292187 \h 15Human Resources PAGEREF _Toc76292188 \h 15Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc76292189 \h 16Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc76292190 \h 18Appendices PAGEREF _Toc76292192 \h 21
Robert Gordon University is a modern university based in Aberdeen, Scottish city. The university was founded in the 18 century; however, in 1992, it was granted university status (Robert Gordon University). Gordon University has focused on professional education, demonstrated through employment records and the school's type of graduates. The university is located in a multi-culture and vibrant city home to over 220,000 people (Robert Gordon University). By studying at Robert Gordon University, students can participate in the journey of education that provides them with the subject language and engages them in employment services. In addition, the institution produces skilled and experienced graduates capable and prepared to succeed in their career choices.
Mission Statement
The university's mission is to transform the staff, students, communities, and the industry through a collaborative and active partnership approach to achieve professional excellence practice through independent inquiry.
Vision Statement
Robert Gordon University's vision is to be recognized as a leader in knowledge exchange and professional education that is practice-led with an outstanding employability reputation.
Statement of the Values
There are various values that the university upholds, which underpin the mission and the vision statements to enable the institution to deliver intellectual contributions to the faculty. The contributions include: embracing creativity and innovation through entrepreneurship, foster collaborative relationships with the local communities through engaging them in global and regional activities, and enhancements experience that continually improves the student impact experience and developing responsible citizens by promoting ethical behaviors(Our Strategy Our Values)
Egypt Political Economy
Egypt is located in North Africa and is one of the biggest countries in the northern region. The country has witnessed major events throughout the ages, such as colonialism, Israel wars, economic policies, and government switching. During the 20th century, the middle -east benefited so much from oil revenues. After the 1952 revolutions in Egypt, there was agriculture dominance, substantial state control, price and cost control mechanisms (Aziz, 2014). The government shifted to the open door policy in 1970, which diverted the political and economic strategies. With the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance in 1991, the country transformed into a liberal economic system whose effects were not felt as much as anticipated (Aziz, 2014).
Egypt witnessed major social uprisings in the 2000s, which received so much attention around the globe. Egyptians overthrew President Mubarak on January 25, 2011 (Aziz, 2014). Millions of Egyptians aspiring to a better life, dignity, social justice, and better lives, daily bread in terms of better and stable jobs got rid of dictatorship, which took them 30 years and absorbed all the country resources. For months Arab uprisings caught the attention of the global media due to the activities witnessed in the countries. Between the years 2012 to 2016, their political instability was witnessed in the country, which seriously impacted Egypt's economy (Aziz, 2014).
Early Political Economy through the Use of Marxism
Marxism is a political, social, and economic philosophy that is named after Karl Marx. The philosophy examines the impact of capitalism on productivity, labor, and economic developments. Karl Marx believed that the power relationship between the workers and capitalists would create a class conflict since workers were being exploited. Marx believed the conflict ultimately would lead to revolutions where capitalists would be overthrown by the working class, who would take control of the economy (Petranek, 2018).
The general crisis between the laborers and the capitalists in Egypt was the main reason for the uprising the country experienced in the 2000s. The Egyptian working class was conscious of the weaknesses in relation to capital which made them start the revolutions. The Egyptian workers' labor power has historically and consistently been eroded by several policies and capital accumulation, leading to workers feeling undervalued over time. Egypt consisted of the predatory capitalist that was in power for thirty years. Mubarak was a crony capitalist surrounded by the Muslim brothers who were corrupt businessmen that amassed most of their wealth through land grabbing and privatization of the state resources, among other ways. Other than production, the predatory capitalist accumulates most of their wealth through predation.
There was a symbiotic relationship between the productive capital (military) and commercial capital (al-Ikhwani), which both needed each other to make profits from their operations. These capital agents are work within the parameters of reproduction of capital and were limited by exogenous and endogenous variables. The brutal capital reproduction laws made a painful visitation towards a variable capital such as labor-power. The capitalist who could not exploit the fixed costs, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Mubarak, were compelled to continually develop a means of production, employ government policies that were public and other conspiracy capitalist agreements to secure profits.
Current political economy
Recently, Egypt's structural reforms and macroeconomic have stabilized the country's economy and enabled them to enter the global pandemic crisis with the improving external accounts and fiscal policies that have improved. Although the adverse pandemic repercussions have undermined the country's progress since the uprising, the country's political economy has improved. However, job creation in the private sector, especially in the formal sector, is sluggish, and foreign direct investments (FDI) and non-oil exports are underperforming below the potential revenue mobilization. The World Bank Group has had several engagements with the Egyptian government in various projects in the past. As a result, they decided to extend the programs in the country to help fight inequality and poverty. The support and help the government of Egypt receives from the World Bank Group to mitigate some of the first waves adverse effects will help achieve sustainable growth and create more jobs. Egypt growth rate is expected to increase as per the below;
Source: /statistics/377340/gross-domestic-product-gdp-growth-rate-in-egypt/
Location Advantage
Porter National Diamond Framework
Michael Porter's diamond model, also known as the theory of national advantage, is a framework that primarily focuses on explaining reasons why particular industries in a certain nation are internationally competitive while others are not. It also seeks to explain why companies in some nations are capable of innovation while others are not. Michael Porter argues that the ability of the company to compete in the international arena is mostly based on the set of location interrelated advantages that other industries possess in various nations. Porter's diamond model stresses the importance of external and internal sources in creating the firm's competitive advantage. Being able to untangle the paradox of the location in a global economy will reveal key insights into how institutions such as Robert Gordon University will create a competitive advantage (Eickelpasch et al., 2010). The main elements of the porter framework are factor conditions, demand conditions, structure and rivalry, firm strategy, finally, related and supporting industries. Using Porter's diamond model as a guiding framework, this report estimates the extent to which location resources impact the performance and innovativeness of Robert Gordon University. The below diagram is a Diamond porters model.
Source: -management-ebooks.com/news/porters-diamond/
Demand conditions
Mainly the home demand affects how favorable the institution or the industries within a certain region are. A larger market creates new opportunities for the institution to become better in terms of performance and presents several challenges. The presence of the local customers' demand helps and pushes the company or, in this case, the institution to innovate, grow and improve their quality. Higher education in the United Kingdom (UK) has been one of the most export in the country since it contributes two-thirds to the economy of the UK (Conlon et al.2017). Due to the higher education demand in 2018, the UK government relaxed some of the rules towards visa applications to attract talented students across the globe in a com...
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