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A Comparison of Journal Articles

Essay Instructions:

Please carefully check the content requirements and the 8 academic references required.

As you read the research literature you should start to see common themes/points made about the topic of performance management.  You need to get an overview of these themes (as has been done above for article one – Biron et al., (2011)) across the research literature (i.e., the two initial articles and the six additional articles).


As you read each article, start to group the themes to form key points that will be used to shape/structure your arguments, and the topic sentences that will begin each paragraph in the body of the essay. Remember that within each paragraph it is important to discuss the central point and argument in the context of the cited research literature – so cite and discuss more than one research paper to support your point and reasoning.


In every research article the author will discuss the implications of the findings of the study for management practice. This is usually located in the discussion / findings / conclusion section of the journal article (i.e., at the end of the research paper). Again, it is good to review the implications for management practice and discuss this in the essay.  

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A Comparison of Journal Articles on Organizational Performance Management
Performance management refers to a corporate management tool that managers and leaders use in monitoring and evaluating employees' output. The goal of the performance of management is to establish a work environment in which employees can effectively utilize their abilities to produce high-quality work. Two core themes emerge when reading scholarly works by Haines III & St-Onge (2012) and Biron et al. (2011). Firstly, despite the importance of performance management in the modern business world, contemporary research on the topic does not efficiently cover the existing knowledge gaps. Secondly, and most importantly, research outcomes suggest dissatisfaction with performance management systems in most organizations globally. Therefore, the current paper is a critical comparison of the mentioned peer-reviewed journal articles focusing on the established core themes and other aspects, including the purpose of research, theories & methodologies, findings, limitations, and implications to research and practice.
Core Themes
Both articles highlight that performance management is an increasingly vital aspect of any business organization. Despite the phenomenon, research outcomes reveal inconsistent results on the effectiveness of performance management systems (PMS). Therefore, the fir...
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