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Essay Instructions:
This essay should completed in the form of a report and also there is a file have an information that provide for this report in the attachments. About Section A.1, please complete the character profile assessment sheet and put it into appendices. In addition, the sheet of section A.1 is not necessary through the survey that you need analysis by yourself (There is an example in the attachment). p.s Please follow the assignment remit of business enterprise students.
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 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545579" Section A.1: Target Market Profile  PAGEREF _Toc319545579 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545580" Section A.2: Product Differential  PAGEREF _Toc319545580 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545581" Section A.3: Above the Line Advertising Media  PAGEREF _Toc319545581 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545582" Section A.4: Below the Line (BTL) Promotional Media  PAGEREF _Toc319545582 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545583" Section A.5: Design Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc319545583 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545584" 5.1: Format and Print  PAGEREF _Toc319545584 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545585" 5.2: Layout  PAGEREF _Toc319545585 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545586" 5.3: Visuals  PAGEREF _Toc319545586 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545587" 5.4: Color  PAGEREF _Toc319545587 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545588" 5.5: Typography  PAGEREF _Toc319545588 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319545589" References  PAGEREF _Toc319545589 \h 11

Section A.1: Target Market Profile
For targeting the market for Pallasades Shopping Centre, the total market has been segmented into four (4) sections including teenagers, man (20-30 age), man (35+ age), Female (23+ age) and referring them as partial target market 1, partial target market 2, main target market 3, main target market 4 respectively.
In the partial target market 1, there are boys and girls who don’t have their own income rather their family bare their expenses. So the main focus is into the target markets 2, 3 and 4. Both male and female in these markets have their own income and used to run a family or has involvement with a family in terms of potential customer point of view. They are highly brand loyal and go for frequent and bulk purchasing, making them perfect customers for Pallasades Shopping Centre.
Section A.2: Product Differential
The Pallasades Shopping Centre is situated above the new street station outside West Midlands where it provides the entry point to the city centre. It is a shopping centre where 350,000 people visited in a week. One can easily get into here by using bus, subway, rail, tram and car. It also has a vast multi-store car parking which is accessible from Hill Street.
With the diverse mix of accessories, trendy fashion stores, sports and beauty stores throughout the shopping center, one can start from the bottom and roam around his ways to specialist shops on electronics, computer games, cell phone, boutiques and many well-established eating places. One can find exclusive spot for snacks and hearty lunch. It is one of the places where buyer can get best value for money.
Section A.3: Above the Line Advertising Media
Advertising defines the promotion of the product and services and it can be achieved from many different processes thorough analyzing the target market. Above the line (ATL) advertisement is one such concept for marketing products and services among the target customer groups by using the traditional media, like TV, radio, newspaper, cinema, billboard posting etc. Basically it is a more direct approach of advertisement. For promoting the Pallasades Shopping Centre successfully, by implicating ATL, we can consider television and billboard as ATL media. The main reason for selecting these two media is they are very effective to reach and communicate with a huge number of customers in a very short time, unlike a non-traditional media that is less persuasive (Dalhen and Edenius, 2007).
Television is the low cost per thousand (CPM) exposure media for advertising that has very high impact to stimulate the sense and sensibility of the viewers. It also has a very high frequency of delivering massages with perfection. The first step would be to determine certain channels for the prime target zone, which in this case, is, but not restricted to, West Midlands. News and sports channels are the most popular ones among all television channels. However, the largest portion of the target customers for The Pallasades Shopping Centre is the female who are not the biggest fan of any of these channels. For them, fashion channels are the best choices, which are also relevant with the product, followed by drama channels. However, it is important to remember that, although Midlands is the main target here, the rest of the country must not be forgotten with the expectation that it would capture some visiting customers as well. Also, the increasing number of television channels makes it difficult for the marketer to reach to the audience (Kaikati and Kaikati, 2004).
The next target is to select the prime time for on-air which are the pre and post news session as this is the time when the largest number of viewers watch the television. Beside, commercial breaks in drama channels are very effective and the most popular dramas in those channels should be the first choices. The best ideas for the television ads for The Pallasades Shopping Centre would be promoting discount offers.
The only disadvantage of using television as a marketing media is it is very expensive, comparing with other advertising processes. Sometimes, a television advertisement cannot effect at all on a customer; but that only happens when the ad cannot communicate with the viewer, which is also applicable for any other ad that turn-off the interest of the customers (Strategic Direction, 2005). Opposite to this fact, a well structured and communicative ad can have significant influence to a customer, making him or her permanent customer.
Billboard posting is another way for ATL advertisement as it can be viewed by thousands of passerby when they are traveling across the spot. Location is the key factor for billboard advertisement and when the billboard is set up in a very busy road or commercial area, it has many more viewers than any other place. The cost is much lower than television advertisement and by using only five or seven words, with attractive visualization, the billboard can have significant effect to the viewer. Other billboard promotions, such as advertising on buses, subways, taxicabs, trains, elevators etc. which are considered as unconventional advertisement (Pavel and Cătoi0075, 2009), can give good result.
Visibility is the main advantages of the billboard and it can be viewed by a huge number of people at the same time; although, that makes it important to make the billboard visually attractive and it should contain all the important and related information regarding the product. For The Pallasades Shopping Centre, the board must highlight the offers along with contact details and some visual aids (i.e. images). Billboards can be placed near highway to attract outsider.
The disadvantages of billboard as marketing media are it may be ignored by many, depending on its location and sometimes it loses attraction for being placed at the same location with the same content for long time. To make it more effective, the content and visual aids should be changed on regular basis; mostly with new offers and products.
Section A.4: Below the Line (BTL) Promotional Media
Below the line is a customer centric communication and promotional approach where the results can be measured and can be stressed as concrete return on investment (ROI). The spending on the promotional activities can be measured easily in BTL, based on short-term ROI, as the amount is shifted from the traditional media in BTL (Hamilton, 2006). However, for other promotions, long-term ROI can also be measured (Ataman, Heerde and Mela, 2006). For Pallasades Shopping Centre, the best BTL promotional methods are flyers and website.
The most important advantage of BTL media is it can establish one-to-one relationship between the seller and the customer. This is used for attracting individual consumer through analyzing his or her personal requirements and preferences. For initiating such promotion, flyers are very effective and can be used as a part of ambient advertisement which states that the ad must be placed in the context where the customer encounters the message (Reyburn, 2010; Rayan-Segger, 2007). In these flyers or leaflets, the marketer can tailor his messages in a personal manner, providing the comfort and security a consumer looks for from the buyer, which is the primary goal of any marketing promotional campaign. In return, the buyer can improve his product and service based on the feedback he receives from the customers. However, the design of the flyer must be attractive and clearly communicate with the target audience.
As a shopping center, the Pallasades has a large collection of different products from different ranges for both male and female as well as children of different age. So using flyers, designed for each target group and for different products, can give show personal perspective which, for sure, is a very effective and a great way of product promotion.
In addition to that, the cost for such promotion is much lower in most cases than many other traditional methods, makes it easier to measure the effectiveness (Rayburn, 2010).
On other hand, websites have successfully established as one of the most effective and essential marketing media in a very few years. No matter how many other promotional campaigns, including ATL, effect to the customers, none of them can hold as much info as the websites. For a potential customer, website is the best place to look for information about a shopping center. And the website is the only way to include the vast information of a shopping center. So it is very crucial for Pallasades Shopping Centre not only to maintain its website but also to update it regularly so that the customer can get any information he or she is looking for without having any trouble. Also, a website is one of the least expensive marketing and promotional media there are. Currently the Pallasades Shopping Centre is maintaining a website at this address:  HYPERLINK "/" /. In Section A.5, we will discuss the design of the site. Here, we just need to know that the site contains the information about the shopping center which is a great way of marketing promotion and to reach to its customers as well as keeping them informed about the new offers.
Section A.5: Design Analysis
5.1: Format and Print
Comparing with popular and attractive commercial websites, the website of Pallasades Shopping Centre has correct format and at the very first sight, can communicate directly with the visitor. However, there are plenty to develop in the formatting; especially, increased vertical length, with some addition info, may look better. In...
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