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This essay should completed in the form of a report and also there is a file have an information that provide for this report in the attachments. About Section A.1, please complete the character profile assessment sheet and put it into appendices. In addition, the sheet of section A.1 is not necessary through the survey that you need analysis by yourself (There is an example in the attachment). p.s Please follow the assignment remit of business enterprise students.
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 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621110" Target Market Profile  PAGEREF _Toc319621110 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621111" Product Differential  PAGEREF _Toc319621111 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621112" ATL  PAGEREF _Toc319621112 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621113" Newspaper  PAGEREF _Toc319621113 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621114" Television  PAGEREF _Toc319621114 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621115" BTL  PAGEREF _Toc319621115 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621116" Website  PAGEREF _Toc319621116 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621117" Leaflets  PAGEREF _Toc319621117 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621118" Design Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc319621118 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621119" Format  PAGEREF _Toc319621119 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621120" Layout  PAGEREF _Toc319621120 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621121" Visuals  PAGEREF _Toc319621121 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621122" Color  PAGEREF _Toc319621122 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621123" Typography  PAGEREF _Toc319621123 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc319621124" References  PAGEREF _Toc319621124 \h 10

Based on the demography, age and sex, the customers of Pallasades Shopping Centre can be classified into five major sections including boys from age 15 to 23, girls from age 15 to 23, men from 23 to above, women from 23 to 35 and women from 35 to above.
The first two sections have limited access to money, although very interested in purchasing. The men group has sufficient ability to buy anything they want, but not interested in buying things except for what actually want. Both of the female groups are the main target as they are not only the main customer of different fashion accessories and lifestyle stuffs but also they buy daily household things and appliances.
As a modern and complete shopping centre, Pallasades Shopping Centre has numerous stores, covering almost every type of products that the customers may look for. The major product categories include cards, gifts, books, home accessories, electronics, music, mobile, jeweler, and fashion for both men and ladies, footwear, health & beauty, sports, outdoor, food outlets, departmental stores and services. Products from some of the most renowned brands in each category are available in the stores as well as local items. Starting from very low price, a customer can move up to an expensive accessory according to his or her budget and preference.
In discussing Above the Line (ATL) marketing possibilities for Pallasades Shopping Centre, we can consider newspaper and television. The main reason for selecting these two is they have been the most popular and accepted methods for marketing and product promoting by the customers and the experts for many years. Another important fact about newspaper and television is both of them have long term marketing effect which has been a major marketing strategy, in respect to promotion and price, in recent time (Steenkamp et al. 2005; Pauwels, Hanssens and Siddarth, 2002; Nijs et al. 2001; Jedidi, Mela and Gupta, 1999; Boulding, Lee and Staelin, 1994).
The newspaper has been a part of our life since its introduction. With this media, we can reach to any level of customer. Newspaper is a pricewise moderate range advertisement media; although it largely depends on the budget, based on its location and size. For example, a larger ad will cost more than a smaller one. Also the first page, followed by the last page, cost more than any of the middle pages.
The ad in the newspaper can have graphics along with general information to add visual appeal. The ad can be published daily, periodically or only when something big comes up. In the case of Pallasades Shopping Centre, publishing a newspaper ad for every offer or sale is very crucial; especially to reach the local community.
For targeting the locals, local newspapers can be utilized effectively. They usually cost less than national newspapers and this can be used to publish a colorful large ad in the front page to catch attention of every reader. Using color is almost mandatory for a shopping center ad and the special offer or exclusive facilities must be published in large big fonts.
From a general point of view, there is not any notable disadvantage of using newspaper as a marketing media. It has already been proven effective around the world, and if the ad is good enough to attract the readers, it will provide very good result for sure.
Television is often considered as a brand oriented advertising media (Mela, Gupta and Lehmann, 1997), which can enhance brand image and create great awareness as well as improving brand equity (Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1993). The impression of television ad is very critical. It can create a permanent customer or lose a customer very easily. The main factor here is how influential the ad is. In a television advertisement, the marketer does not get much time to tell about his product as the cost is determined on the length of the ad and it is not very cheap, even in a local television network.
So the ad must be created in such way that it informs the viewers everything they need to know in such a way that the viewers feel interest and remember it for a long time. This can be achieved only with nice visual elements and audio.
As for Pallasades Shopping Centre, the television ad must show the best features of the shopping mall while narrating the facilities and benefits of visiting it in the background. Also, the ad must be created in such way that it can directly communicate with the target audiences, which are the main possible customers of Pallasades Shopping Centre. Although the ad can be showed at national television, the primary target should be the local channels for showing the ads. This may also reduce some cost. Based on the choice data or brand sales (Kamakura and Russell, 1993), and related information of brand approach (Aaker, 1996), the brand equity can be operated and idealized from television ads.
As Below the Line (BTL) promotional media, Pallasades Shopping Centre can use website promotion and leaflet distribution. Many experts argued that based on quantitative premium, advertising has enduring and positive effect (Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1999) which is reflected in BTL if applied properly. Website and leaflet are two such methods.
Internet has become one of the largest media of marketing in the recent year, even for a local business. The marketers can reach to a huge number of customers within the smallest time and connect with the customers in all over the world. They can communicate with the consumers, asking for their suggestions and requirements directly. They can also keep the customers informed about new products or discount offers through the website. This is one of the lowest priced marketing methods and does not cost anything extra once launched. And it does not have any disadvantage.
To properly using the website as a marketing media, the best way is to develop a design that attracts any level of customers. The information should be organized in more professional way so that a visitor can find any data he or she is looking for with ease. The next step would be building a large network which can be achieved through social media sites. Facebook and Twitter like sites can be a great help here.
One of the best ways to attract the customers of a shopping center is to promote discount offers and sales; and that should be highlighted in the website. If the above steps are applied properly, the website can bring a huge number of new customers as well as holding the remaining ones.
Leaflets, on the other hand, have more direct effect which is a price oriented advertising media which increases the price elasticity magnitude (Kaul and Wittink, 1995). The leaflets should be designed with a target of different customer groups. In Pallasades Shopping Centre, the collection of different product is very large and for that, the leaflets should have several variations. In general, the leaflets are visually appealing with colorful images along with important information.
The leaflets are easy to design, small in size and cost less. So they can be produced in large quantity and can be spread through the city. They can be distributed in every place in the city that may have possible customers including households, schools and colleges, beauty salons, offices, crowed places, other shopping centers and transportations.
If the leaflets have enough visual attraction as well as some exciting information or offers, it will bring a very large number of customers with minimal expense.
In this section, we are going to analyze the design of the website of Pallasades Shopping Centre to find out whether it is capable of serving, in terms of designing and professionalism, its purpose as a marketing and promotional media. The site address is:  HYPERLINK "/" /
In this section, we are going to analyze the design of the website of Pallasades Shopping Centre to find out whether it is capable of From the design and content from the website of Pallasades Shopping Centre, it looks li...
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