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Find a brief and catchy title that will reflect the main message and context of your reflective essay

Essay Instructions:
Please follow the structure and steps in the BRIEF document. Finding a catchy title that relates to the essay. I have sent you four sample essays. If you have any problem please contact me. Thank you. This individual assignment will ask you to frame and structure a short critical paper of 2000 words around the focused research question of your choice in leadership. While we provide some suggestions on specific research questions below, you don't have to limit your choices with those. The general assessment criteria are based on the logical development and depth of your argument, evidence of independent relevant research, and the careful application of the assıgnment brief guidance.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Embracing Diversity in Leadership Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Introduction Gender diversity in leadership is a current topic since the gender advancement has become a significant issue in the sphere of business communities, due to the recognition of the significance of inclusivity or equity. The progress towards female leaders has been made but still the wide gap between women in leadership positions and men can be seen, pointing to the organizational barriers and the existence of social norms that are longstanding. Likewise, apart from traditional masculine traits, women leaders are also confronted with special challenges that male leaders do not normally experience due to gender barriers & expectations (Alhassan and Al Doghan, 2022; Fernando et al., 2020; Lemoine and Blum, 2021). The main objective of this study is to do an in-depth analysis of the implication of gendered leadership towards effectiveness of leadership through the influence of characteristics of feminine leadership on effectiveness of leadership. On the other hand this example demonstrated how a leadership can be effective showcasing the mixture of components that makeup own identities, decision-making, and organizational cultures. This piece aims to tackle the dynamics and how they affect women's experiences and outcomes of female leaders in different company domains. Background For centuries, the laws of the communities and the thought processes of the individuals have compiled to shape up the meaning and beliefs of male and female in the pool of leadership. The leadership concept is closely intertwined with masculinity, therefore, men usually are depicted as efficient and more reserved leaders for the simple reason that they are male. This is due to the persistent inclination towards the male tendency of leadership in different cultures, and organizations around the world. This implies that the female leaders are underrepresented (Bridges et al., 2020). In male-dominated workplace, women leaders are often forced to compensate with masculine leadership styles, which are generally the only acceptable ones (Bridges et al., 2020). Female leaders also struggle with stereotypes and gender biases that hinder their advancement. This stress can shape up differently – from such or the other kind: to always make rapid decisions to sticking to the old fashioned way of management, having a boss, and being assertive towards the tasks and of course the team (Lekchiri and Kamm, 2020). On the other hand, while women may be assigned to a leadership position, they may be then led to suppress their feminine leadership and adopt behaviors associated more with masculine stereotypes. They will go on to feel inauthenticity, introspection and irritation in future. Additionally, the pervasive gender bias and sexist attitudes in workplaces will further complicate the situation for female leaders. Gender appears to be the stereotype and a huge challenge to women in case they are at the leadership positions because male colleagues and subordinates who have had the beliefs of gender roles and ability hold strong. These biases can get expressed in a number of ways, i.e. being interrupted more often in meetings, and while other people are may be getting their ideas heard, yours are given little or no attention, therefore your promotional opportunities are falling through, and you might be subjected to microaggressions (Lekchiri and Kamm, 2020). The ongoing interaction of these stereotypical expectations and discriminate perceptions can lead to the remarkable manifestation of imposter syndrome among female leaders, whereby they doubt their own performance and consider their deservingness of the leadership position, which is inappropriate considering their qualifications and achievements. The “impostor syndrome” can leave its marks on leadership, in that it can erode the self-confidence and the effectiveness of the leader and thus impede on his ability to make decisions promptly, reduce the risks and solve the problem (Feenstra et al., 2020). Furthermore, it may be a vicious circle in which female leaders adopt external comments about their skills or abilities and have self-doubts. Hence, the way society responds to women in power affects their own outlook on their capacities. Ultimately, gendered bias, prejudice, and stereotypes have played a significant role in persuading the sense for nothing other than female leadership is pervasive and complex. Findings these challenges means there is a need for an aggregated effort to check the archaic view about leadership, and also to promote gender equality and diversity at all levels of leadership, and creating an environment where leadership styles can be expressed regardless of the gender issues Theoretical Framework Through the ages, the rules of leadership have been motivated by masculinity roles, which underline qualities such as assertion, certainty, and dominances. It is these traits that are usually attributed to the well-done leadership in the organizations with these characteristics being a kind of a yardstick for leaders' behaviors and expectations. But, this traditional leadership style has been at the base of restricting women from competing on an even ground, where being a leader does not automatically imply possessing or conforming to the masculine characteristics that society attributes to it (Benmira and Agboola, 2021). It has become very difficult for female leaders to climb through the male leadership which has been the typical norm. The doubt may go as to the despised backlash that the woman in leadership may experience for not following the normal stereotypes involving a...
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