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Evolution of Management Thought about Leadership

Essay Instructions:

From Fayol and Follett onwards, the importance of leadership has been recognised by writers on management. Trait Theories of leadership suggest it is an innate set of qualities that some people possess, whilst Behavioural Theories identify leadership behaviours which can be developed and taught. Situational Theories argue that the type of leadership required depends upon the situation and is not fixed. These approaches are complementary and contribute to our understanding.

For this assignment you are required to do the following:

• Familiarise yourselves with the key writers on leadership. Witzel (2011, 2017) is a good starting point, but you are expected to read much more widely.

• Consider recent writing on the subject – e-journals are available in the library.

• From your understanding of the nature and practice of leadership, answer the following question:

“What can we learn from writers about leadership in an era of managing rapid change?”

Support your answer with at least 15 references, using “Harvard” referencing.

Where appropriate, support your answer with real life examples sources in the Financial Times, the Wall St Journal, Time, Businessweek, Bloomberg, The Conversation, The Atlantic, Reuters or the business sections of the BBC, The Times, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, etc.;

All of your sources should be cited using author/date (Harvard style)

Adding references just for the sake of making the list of references longer shows up in the drafting and will demerit your effort.

Word Count : (1000 words +/- 10%).

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Leadership is much more complicated, simple, bullet-point lists of 'good qualities. The lists are cliched in that they list the bare minimum of what is expected of a leader in discerning the need for and implementing change. In this generation of constant cultural change, business leaders have increased visibility, consequently creating a modern theatre. With highly publicized corporations, a new cast of management celebrities has emerged. The media has succeeded in dramatizing leadership, where the 'heroic' leaders appear as the central figure to a company's success. This dynamic genius guides less far-sighted colleagues towards a destination known only to them. This essay is a discussion of opinions by some of the best writers regarding the topic of leadership. Consequently, the analysis answers the question as to whether the proper steps are being taken to navigate this era of rapid change.
Today's leadership is characterized by a style in which leaders appear as supermen or superwomen. Numerous findings show that individuals are drawn towards people that possess stereotypic characteristics of heroes (Allison, 2015). However, leadership is more complicated than heavy-handed actions at the top (Ahn, et al., 2004). The CEO's popularity has increased just as rapidly as inflated market valuations due to the dot.com era spending. Consequently, the reputation of such 'heroic 'leaders has been called into question. The increased exposure to leadership has shown the existence of dubious ethical standards and corporate misconduct. The paradox is that while individuals' relative value is in question, there has never been a more urgent demand for effective leadership in this era. Ethically, it can be argued that Robert Greenleaf's servant leadership theory presents the best way for a leader to pay attention to the needs of the followers to get the best results. This theory vigorously cites Jesus as the prime example of a servant leader. A humble servant that is disinterested in personal accolades and instead focused on the wellbeing of the followers. The leader is characterized by listening, empathy, conceptualizing and persuasion awareness, foresight, and stewardship (Burkus, 2010). However, others argue that a leader can be focused on the needs of the followers such that the needs of an organization suffer as a result.
For effective leadership, there needs to be a balance between the two styles of leadership. This scenario is best represented by the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Upon his death on December 5, 2013, he was revered for his heroic leadership. To the world, Mandela was an icon and a leadership celebrity; however, he showed immense devotion and sacrificed towards the people of South Africa in his life. Barack Obama's tribute read, "he no longer belongs to us; he belongs to the ages (Goethals, 2014)." This is to say, even when transformational leaders perish, rhetoric is constructed that ensures their legacies transcend the short period they got to live.
Current trends in business and technology show that policies will keep increasing and changing as society becomes diverse. This provides more issues present leaders will have to deal with, unlike previous leaders. Democracy is, therefore, the best leadership style to help manage the interests of all the stakeholders involved. This type of leadership is considered ethically superior because of its persistence in upholding openness and fostering public value truth. Yet, citizens of such a system can't help but distrust their representatives and accuse them of peddling lies and half-truths (Kane, 2007). The system proclaims that no class possesses a natural right over others and inferior classes. Efficient as it may be, it creates a paradox that creates tension between the governor and the governed. Therefore, to develop daring leaders, organizations need to create environments where leaders and teams can be vulnerable (Romero, 2019). Phycological safety is just as crucial as the contractual safety provided by democracy. For instance, Google's study on highly productive teams found that team members feel free to take risks in each other because the leader showcases such a demeanor (Krenn, 2011).
The trait theory further heightens the importance of leadership in a corporate setting. Numerous entities have conducted systematic investigations to analyze traits possessed by leaders and followers. Many researchers believed that leaders would posse...
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