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Influence and Social Power (ISP)

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Cialdini argues for what he calls the six ‘weapons influence’ with which to affect the behavior of others.

Briefly explain the scientific basis put forward by Cialdini to support his arguments before critically assessing the extent to which leaders can use the weapons to influence others ethically.

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Influence and Social Power
Influence and Social power rely heavily on the principles of persuasion. Cialdini's six weapons of influence are principles of persuasion that analyze human behavior on how individuals are persuaded (Chen et al., 2018, 582). Cialdini puts it that individuals have various key factors in their decision-making, and it does not necessarily have to be based on one's thinking. The various principles set out by Cialdini that determine human behavior and responses include reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking, and consensus. An analysis of the various aspects that determine human behavior by Cialdini indicates factors that determine decision-making among individuals.
Based on Cialdini, the principle of reciprocity is based on the assertion that individuals tend to give back what they have received. An example of the principle would be when one is invited to an event, and then they will be obligated to invite their friend to the event of their own. Based on the principle of reciprocity, one should ensure that they gift individuals with personalized gifts as individuals will tend to reward extremely better when it comes to their turn(Alant, 2020). This thus makes it a two-way where one gives after receiving.
The principle of scarcity by Cialdini is based on the assertion that individuals will always be interested in aspects that they can get less. A scarce item is good (Fenko, 2017). A significant example would be reducing the trips to a specific town from two trips to one. Automatically despite no changes in aspects such as vehicles, the levels of passengers will tend to increase. In the principle of scarcity, individuals have to be pointed to the uniqueness of the product that one is offering.
As laid down by Cialdini, the principle of Authority is based on the idea that people will follow credible experts. A significant example would be when a doctor gives patient recommendations. Then the patient will automatically follow the recommendations as they believe that the doctors have the expertise and knowledge of the field. This thus highlights that one should ensure that they show others the skills and knowledge that one poses for individuals to understand one's brilliance.
The consistency principle indicates that individuals tend to stand by what they have previously said or done. An example would be people willingly taking in a fundraiser could not attract a huge number of individuals. However, a significant number of people committed themselves to take part in the fundraiser, then a significant chunk of individuals would be involved. To influence individuals with the consistency theory, one would capitalize on public commitments and write them down to act as a reference.
Liking principle by Cialdini implies that individuals will at most times agree to what they like. Some of the aspects that make individuals like someone include people similar to them, people who pay them compliments, and those who cooperate to attain their goals. Individuals will tend to listen to people they like and give them their attention. To harness the principle of liking, one has to ensure that they look for areas of similarity with individuals and strive to ensure that they give them compliments before engaging in any form of business.
The consensus principle asserts that individuals will look at people's actions and behaviors in their surroundings before making any decision. Changing signs, for example, would affect an individual's behavior. This is reflected by how individuals easily trust emails from a reputable source (Nishikawa et al., 2020). A good example would be having a sign for a zebra crossing. A significant number of individuals will tend to drive slower, leading to a decrease in accidents. Individuals would thus ensure that they try to work with the environment surroundings when making decisions.
The principles of persuasion set by Robert Cialdini highlight the various small changes that leaders can apply, leading to big differences without having to use cost necessarily. The principles automatically make a big difference in one's ability to influence individuals ethically.
Based on the principles discussed by Cialdini, leaders adapting the different principles of persuasion could go a long way into ensuring that they become better leaders. For any business to be successful, compliance, effectiveness, and efficiency are required. Understanding workers in a given business will go a long way in ensuring that leaders adopt the best leadership approach and persuade employees. By appealing to employees and individual's interests, one is better placed to create a great rapport with the individuals. This aspect will ensure that leaders are better placed to put in policies as individuals will welcome the change as long as they exert influence and compliance in the organization. Cialdini's approaches to persuasion highlight the various ways and actions that leaders can adopt to influence employees. Consensus, for example, will be key in organizations. When several employees are happy in the organization through amendments made, higher chances will be that all emp0loyeeees are happy. Being able to influence an individual's attitudes comes with social power and is key in ensuring that individuals are Compliant in the long run.
Being able to influence individuals has several advantages. Being able to affect actions leads to efficient execution. By influencing actions, one will have fewer variations in any action undertaken as individuals are less likely to deviate. In organizations, efficiency is easily achieved as individuals are easily persuaded on the importance of efficiency and their role in ensuring efficiency.
Persuasion comes in handy in various ways. With persuasive management, leaders will be better placed to make quick decisions, which would increase productivity. With persuasion, there are high chances that there will be limited aspects of confusion in terms of decision-making. With persuasive management, leaders are better positioned to get a better reaction from individuals than other measures. With persuasion, management leaders are better placed to have a motivated team. Motivated teams are ideal for any giv...
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