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Business & Marketing
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Executive Summary

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Business and Marketing
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Executive Summary
In every single area of study, there are those aspects that are interesting and those that are not so pleasing to the learner. This essay is on my reflection on this course. It highlights the topic that I find most interesting and the one that doesn`t interest me that much, giving reasons for both cases. It then follows the same outline to give the review topic I would prefer to work on. It concludes by highlighting the contribution I will make in my group.
Q1. The Most Interesting Topic
In my opinion, the most interesting topic I the course is the product life cycle management. There may not be much to ascribe to this but I find the topic quite interesting. Furthermore, the topic is quite broad and there is a lot of information to be gained from an insight of the topic. Furthermore, the topic has more sources of information as compared to some others. This richness indicates that the topic is quite important or crucial in marketing. In addition, I figured that the topic is quite valuable for any person wishing to be successful in marketing. This is because the topic helps the individual to understand the major stages through which the product is expected to undergo; bearing that the product and the quality are the core factors in marketing (Ptak, 2004). It also gives an insight into product design and development (Ptak, 2004; Informationweek, 2011). These aspects can further the entrepreneurial minds that can make the individual quite competitive not only in the marketing field but also in the personal life, since the topic feeds the learner with the necessary information to start a business venture on by himself. The topic becomes even more interesting with the introduction of the computer aided processes concerned with the product life cycle (product-life-cycle-management.com, 2011). As a computer savvy, I find that this can be quite an interesting topic to dwell in. not only will it further my skills, it will drive me deeper into my interests.
Q2. The Most Uninteresting Topic
As a student, it is not everything that we learn that falls in our category of interests; some things are hard to digest and we just take them since it is the requirement for the partial fulfillment of whichever course or award for which we study. In this case, my nightmare topic is the one dealing with distribution. There are various reasons that make this topic quite disinteresting to me. First of all, I am more interested in the technical and technological aspects of business, majorly the production aspect followed by the business administration aspect. These aspects are more scientific, as opposed to distribution which is more theoretical in nature of study and more art-based in terms of execution. As indicated by Ptak (2004), distribution revolves around factors such as location, warehousing, zone picking, route selection, transportation and inventory control among other aspects. On the broad perspective and in literal terms, this topic is equally important in business and marketing and I do not dispute its necessity. However, I find that it is not challenging enough for me. The mode of execution is more of a routine practice, which, in my opinion, would lead to boredom within a short while, leading to incompetency at work. It is this aspect that makes me shy away from the topics, preferring those that would pose a new challenge time and again, leading to innovation and invention.
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