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Developing Teams In Business: Characteristics And Role Within The Team

Essay Instructions:

P6 - Review the team’s overall effectiveness, together with your contribution to achieving the goals, receiving and providing feedback to other team members.

  • The review of the teamworking activity for P6 can be presented in any appropriate written form and must be carried out individually.
  • The review should incorporate the characteristics and roles within the team, the leadership/management style of the team leaders, causes (or possible causes) of conflict and how it is/would be resolved.
  • This can be followed by how performance is monitored and an overall judgement of how well the team and team leaders performed.
  • Feedback between team members and the team leader may arise naturally as the activity is happening, but it could be carried out immediately after the team activities have finished (as a full group or in sub-groups or pairs), and witnessed by the tutor.
  • You could include the following headings:

1)      Characteristics and role within the team

2)      Leadership style of all team leaders

3)      How All Team Members Performed (including yourself)

4)      Causes or Possible Causes of Conflict and How was it Resolve/Could be Resolved

5)      Feedback Between Team Members and Team Leaders (how you all felt each other performed after a discussion)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By [Name]
Professor’s Name
Developing Teams in Business
Characteristics and Role within the Team
There are characteristics that differentiate the team from others. While some tasks were handled individually, others were done collectively. Members decided on the tasks that were done individually and those done collectively. The team is also highly cohesive, and members are comfortable with one another. The atmosphere of openness has helped the group perform the tasks effectively and solve conflicts. I can say that I have made a significant contribution to the team since its onset. I have been playing “thought-oriented” role by offering ideas and suggestions. These ideas and suggestions have helped the group approach conflicts and how to deal with tasks. In addition, I had individual tasks that I had to complete and share with the team.
Leadership Style of all Team Leaders
Leadership and more importantly the style of leadership influence the outcomes of teamwork activity. There are many styles of leadership that may be present in the teamwork situation including autocratic, participative, achievement-oriented, and supportive (Northouse, 2010). Participative leadership approach is what characterized the team as everyone was involved in all processes of the team. Decisions were arrived at after a discussion with all the team members. As such, the suggestions by team members were discussed by others. The atmosphere of open communication since the onset of the team meant that all members were willing to share their opinions. The participative approach was applicable in all meetings conducted by the team. In regards to other team leaders, they also used participative approach.
How All Team Members Performed
I can say the overall performance of the team was exemplary. The achievement of the team goals could not have been possible were it not for the input of all members. Therefore, each of us played a role in tackling the team tasks. The leader was particularly instrumental in creating an atmosphere of openness and making each member feel they belong to the team. The leader encouraged the participation of all team members and managed well all the conflicts that arose. As for me, did my individual task and contributed to other important decisions of the group through the suggestion of ideas. Since the beginning, I suggested ideas in regards to meeting times, conflict resolution, and how to approach team tasks. I believe I helped the team significantly in achieving the team goals set at the beginning of the group. There was a session I acted as the team leader, and I oversaw the activities of the team well. Other members performed well as the tasks that were to be handled individually were easy.
Causes of Conflict and how it was Resolved
Conflicts are part of teamwork and how they are resolved determines to a great extent how goals will be achieved. Major causes of conflict for the team were poor planning and poor communication. Initially, members were divided on the meeting times for the group. There was poor planning initially as the situation of each member had not been considered. The conflict was resolved through discussing it with members offering suggestions. Resolving the conflict marked the beginning of teamwork where members felt free to share how they felt about the tasks. The atmosphere of openness reduced conflicts.
Feedback between Team Members and Team Leaders
Feedback was part of the discussions. At the beginning of discussions, goals are set in regards to what we were to achieve at the end. At the end, the leader would offer feedback as to what we had covered. In addition, with everyone having a role to play, accomplishing them determined the feedback.
Team effectiveness refers to the evaluation of the team performance outcomes in relation to some criteria (Salas et al., 2008). The team performed well as we managed to overcome the conflict that came along. The success of any team depends significantly on the level of communication, performan...
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