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Consumer Buyer Behaviour in jewllary

Essay Instructions:
i attach file which have an example of the essay i need. I need 500 words for each consumers A_B as i attached. ,which discribe the consumers experince in what they have bought. the consumer A has bought a Handwatch from JORG HYSEK. the consumer B has bought a handwatch from CASIO. which both of them are talking about man jewllary. *no introduction and conclusion are required. *can you please make diffrent opinion for each consumer. Thank you and if you have any quistion please contact me.
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Date: 16 February 2011
Consumer Buyer Behaviour in jewellery
Consumer A
Consumer A wanted to buy a hand watch when he desired to own man jewellery, but it was not in watch shops, so buying a watch was just the next option. From previous experience of shopping watches, consumer A had learnt that JORG HYSEK was consumer friendly and cost effective. This was jus part of his internal search, hence developed brand loyalty towards JORG HYSEK stores. In the process, consumer A also remembered that, JORG HYSEK stores offers student discounts on all jewellery products. Though there was an option of for him to buy online, but the consumer made a decision not to as he was going to buy it the following day, and this was the only way through which the product could be obtained quickly, so that he can satisfy his ideal much faster. The consumer did not have a budget in deed, as this product was supposed to be just in a certain price range of $80-$100. To ensure that the product was worthy buying, he read many reviews about it on the internet, and also asked friends as well as family who have owned or seen such a hand watch what they thought of the product.
After getting many reviews concerning the product, he did not engage in other alternative evaluation thoughts. The consumer decided to go into JORG HYSEK and buy the jewellery hand watch. He only had a few reasons as to why he did so, which were; accessibility, he just walked into the store and bought straight away, as the shop was much close to his home. Another reason was comfort in the store; there was music in the store as well as enough staff to assist where necessary. Then price was another factor; the product was just within a particular price range. He also wanted to use student income. Last but not least, the product was affordable and far much reasonable. The next day, the purchase was made and the consumer was much satisfied with the product and looked forward to owning man jewellery. After braking to friends and owning it for some times, his actual state achieved the same level as his fictitious state, (Solomon et al 2006). After owning the jewellery hand watch, the consumer experienced cognitive dissonance, as he had a believe that, the man jewellery was going to be the best, but, actually he was dissatisfied with it. Consumer A has since then sold the hand Watch on, (East, 1990). This Jewellery hand watch has a lot of meaning to consumer A, for instance, if the product could have been a car, then it would have been Mercedes Benz, since the Jewellery watch was set in 80s, and such like car reflects the era. If this product was an animal on the other hand, consumer A thinks that, it would have been a tropical bird, as the jewellery is eloquent and much rare. Last but not least, if this product was to be taken as a human being, the consumer thinks that, that person would be a footballer like Messi Lionel who was born in the same decade.
Consumer B
Consumer B recogniz...
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