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Entrepreneur Business Planning

Essay Instructions:
This is an mba subject EBP: Entrepreneur Business Planning. The lecturer told me 1. he would be looking at why should he invest in my business and what are its service benefits.He would want an executive summary before the table of contents in the business plan and yes he does not want any conclusion in the business plan. Kindly note these points while writing the business plan. As a guide you can also check the following link: http://www(dot)myownbusiness(dot)org/plan_checklist.html And pls do not include more than 2 or 3 website references, make sure you use academic reference relating to the subject and topic more.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Entrepreneur Business Planning
Student NAME:
date of submission:
Business overview…………………………………………………3
Products /services………………………………………………….4
Business Structure and management………………………………5
Market Analysis……………………………………………………6
Competition ……………………………………………………….7
Marketing Strategy…………………………………………………8
Finances ……………………………………………………………9
Action plan…………………………………………………………10
Appendix I: competitor Analysis…………………………………..11
Appendix II: Strategic SWOT Analysis……………………………11
A Delmonte juice is a beverage business based in Qubic New York. The primary product is fresh juice from fruits which is nutritious for health.
This business has been in operation since January 2008 and sits within the food and beverage industry. It has one owner who is the director, three managers, several assistant managers, engineers and hundreds of permanent employees in various departments.
Point of difference
Del Monte business stands out from other food and beverage businesses by:
Being a fresh juice processor which is nutritious and sweat to the consumers.
Encompassing an education program that teaches the apprentice and other employees on the new and advanced methods of juice processing.
Adopting a modality with a process that is natural, gentle, safe, and non-invasive and for the people of any generation.
Maintaining affordable products and easily available to consumers through customer based delivery method.
Concentrating on a strong and well networked online marketing system.
Products benefits
Based on my personal experience and professionalism in the processing industry, customers will be served with nutritious and affordable products. This is in regard to the fresh and available juices obtained directly from the farms. Customers will be empowered with the knowledge of fresh fruits production through the extension program and also how to remain healthy by adoption of the affordable and fresh nutritious juice from Del-Monte.
The business will be accessible to a wider range of customers through advertisements, home delivery and affordability.
Five year plan
In the next five years to come, Del-monte business will have a strong network of customers in the New York state, all other states of the U.S and international following the strong online network system in the region(Drucker,1994,pp 124)
The business will be sustainable and in a position to support all the employees both permanent and casual laborers. It will also be able to contribute towards non-governmental organizations like Red Cross society.
The core product of the business is a variety of fresh juice ranging from orange, pineapple, pawpaw, avocado and passion. Fresh fruits from the farm are delivered to the business factory using trucks and Lorries. The juice is extracted from fruits, concentrated and then stored under controlled conditions.
The fruit concentrate and water is filtred, pumped into tanks and mixed according to the product specifications. Once the mixing process is completed the juice or fruit beverage is pasteurized, cooled and ready for packing.

There is a logo with the business name which has been designed and implemented on all marketing and advertising material to ensure recognition of brand and maintaining a consistent image. It includes online business listings, business websites, posters, flyers and business cards.
The delicious pure juice drinks are packed in a wide variety of containers glass bottles, plastic bottles and cartons each delivering premium product to customers in New York.
These packages come in various sizes to cater for all customers ranging from those who capable to purchase in lumbsome and those purchasing in small units ( Pech 2009,pp 25).
The price of the various products is based on the production cost which includes raw materials, labor and other overheads. The following are some of the prices for the products:
Price for one 1000 litres of pineapple juice is $ 12.5.
Price for one 1000 litres of orange juice is $12.
Price for one 1000 litres of avocado juice is $11.5.
Price for one 1000 litres of pawpaw juice is $11.5.
These prices are reviewed at the end of each financial year based on the trends of the industry, business expenses, stock replacement, further training, marketing and advertising.
Most of our raw materials are supplied by individual farmers whom the company has entered into a biannual contract that is renewable. This is in addition to the raw materials from the company estate. At the moment supplies for machine spare parts and other equipments are sourced from well established and registered engineering firms like Ford engineering company.
The structure of the business is a company. This kind of structure has several benefits which include:
Limited liability to its capital (including any unpaid portion).
Protection of the personal assets of the shareholders and directors.
Not all creditors can demand personal guarantees.
The company owners are able to withdraw or reduce the need for personal guarantees as the company strengthens( Henry 2003 pp 28-35)
The company structure can endure beyond the lifetime of the owners thus beneficial to the coming generation as it is a separate and enduring entity.
Enhances credibility in the market place.
Creates credibility with lenders and investors.
Incase need be this business structure is easy to sell or transfer.
This provides more options for tax.
Another benefit of this structure is that it is easy to establish.
The business has registered the name ‘Del Monte’ in New York and the U.S at large.The business also has a registered trademark and thus protected from being used by any other company or even sole traders.It also has a registered URL ‘Fresh Delmonte produce inc.website.’
Owners and staff
Being a company the business has got some people in charge of management like Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh (chairman and chief executive officer), Hani El-Naffy (president and chief operating officers) with fourteen officers in top management (Stutely,2007,pp 113). The business has got also employees totaling to about five thousands who are employed on permanent basis together several others employed on a casual basis.
Target Audience
Del Monte foods company main target is the United States retail market. The company’s products are also sold to the United States military, certain export markets, the foodservice industry and other food processors.
The Del Monte business is currently located on 87 Mary Street in Qubic town in New York State. This provides the local market while the whole of the U.S is the national market. Countries like the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Cayman Island provide the international market.
Market state
The state of New York has got a total population of about 19,541,453 million people. However, the estimated population of working class was 9,435,600 people with individual income varying considerably (Smith, 2006, pp 85). Majority of the population earn around $150 to $ 800 per week.
With the statistics above one can easily judge the economic status of this particular state as stable and thus a stable market for the company’s product. This further is a clear reflection of the potential market in the United States as a nation for the products. Since the last census carried out in this state the population increase projection was 2.5 percent increase after five years and hence an increase in the market trends.
Irrespective of the recent economic recession in the united state, the trend towards adoption of fresh and natural juice products has been tremendous. Majority of the population have rapidly shifted from using products from other companies like Coca-cola, Pepsi which are prepared using a lot of chemicals ( Rhonda,2003,pp 124-130). These products with time have been causing some side effects to the users thus giving our company’s product an advantage.
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Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: chemical effect of Coca-Cola vs Pepsi

Price range
New York being a middle class socio economic state and considering majority of the population in the nation the products prices will still remain on the lower end of the scale. T...
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