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Influence Of Celebrities On Consumer Buying Decisions

Essay Instructions:

Research TopicsBelow is a list of some potential research topics. It is highly recommended that you choose one of the following topics. Please note: These are just preliminary Research topics, they are NOT Hypothesis. In the final Research proposal, you have to formulate your own Research Hypothesis (Quantitative) or Research Question (Qualitative) based on the chosen topic.Quantitative Research Topics 1. What are the effects of climate change on tourism to the Great Barrier Reef (one of Australia’s top tourism destinations)?2. What are the visitors’ attitudes towards Canberra’s events such as the Multicultural Festival or Florida?3. What are the factors contributing to the success of Canberra’s Enlighten?4. How does climate change pose a challenge for business?5. What are the common perceptions about accounting held by the broader society?6. What are the impacts of Nike’s policies and practices towards emerging economies?7. The impact of branding on customer attitude.8. How can celebrities influence consumer buying decision? 9. Factors affecting consumer adoption of mobile banking10. Relationship between job satisfaction and turnover at work place 11. Factors affecting purchase intention of organic food products.12. Perceived usefulness of social media usage decision in healthcare sector.13. Impact of country of origin of food purchasing decision14. Consumer ethnocentrism and purchase intention. A study in the context Australian supermarket industry.15. Impact of perceived information quality on customer satisfaction for online retailers. 16. Impact of social influence on internet banking adoption

17. Factors influencing online shopping behaviour of Australian university students18. Factors affecting students’ use of Facebook. 19. The study of job satisfaction and job performance relationship20. Impact of employee personality on job satisfaction21. Perceived barriers of social media adoption in healthcare22. Impact of brand image on customer loyalty 23. Assessing the relationship between employee engagement and organisational performance 24. The effect of organisation culture and job satisfaction25. The effect of leadership style on job satisfaction26. Impact of religious beliefs on consumer buying decisions in the context of Australian supermarket Industry27. Impact of culture on consumer buying decision28. Impact of social media marketing on buying decisions29. Facebook advertising and influence on purchasing decisions30. Effect of food related communication messages on buying decisions.31. Relationship between turnover and performance in the Australian Public Service32. Is there a relationship between student’s attendance in lectures and their performance in that unit? 33. Are online students in Business Research Methods better off than the on-campus students?34. Does a gap year in a student’s life effect his or her work performance?35. Is there a relationship between the lifestyle and weather conditions of the residents of Canberra? Qualitative Research Topics 1. How is sustainable tourism assisting with poverty eradication in Indigenous Australian community settings? 2. What are the critical success factors for sustainable ecotourism in Botswana?

3. How is the concept of sustainability understood in the tourism sector?4. How can Canberra improve its reputation as the Nation’s capital for the purposes of tourism? 5. Antecedents of impulse buying decisions

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The use of celebrities to influence consumer behavior has been a highly effective marketing tool for organizations. Since the early 80s, the inclusion of famous individuals in advertisements has helped companies increase their sales and make more profits. Celebrities influence the customers purchasing decision through their association with the brand which makes it easier for the customer to recall the product whenever they are shopping. Nonetheless, celebrity advertising also has negative effects, and in some instances, does not have any influence at all. Such cases occur when the celebrity is associated with more than one product, which makes it difficult for the customer to decide whether the celebrity really likes the product, and instead, fails to purchase it. Additionally, celebrities can overshadow the brand rather than concentrating on the product, the attention of the customers is directed towards the celebrity. In such cases, the celebrity has no influence on the purchasing decision of the customer.
Keywords: Celebrity, Endorsements, Brand Image, purchasing decision.
Celebrities and Consumer Buying Decisions
Communication is highly important in business. It helps to share persuasive information to customers using marketing channels. Businesses that utilize proper channels of communication are equipped with an effective strategy which is useful in building the company’s brand image (Chan, Leung Ng, and Luk, 2013, p. 167). One of the strategies is using celebrities to market products. In today’s business world, a significant number of individuals have adjusted their lifestyles to suit that of their favorite celebrities (Ilicic, and Webster 2015, p. 168). This level of influence greatly reflects on the buying behavior of the individuals. Due to such influence, companies have turned to public figures to tell apart their brands and be more competitive (Ilicic, and Webster 2015, p. 164). Although celebrities do not always affect a customer’s buying decisions, their association with a certain product greatly impacts a customer’s perception on the particular product, and, this increases the customer’s chance of buying the product (Khatri 2006, p. 26). Previous research shows that celebrities greatly influenced the buying behaviors of customers and this led to celebrity endorsement being one of the strongest advertising strategy to date (Bergkvist and Zhou, 2016, p. 644).
Critical Analysis
Buying behavior involves an individual’s search for a product or service that they need or want and make a decision to buy the product they consider to be most appropriate from a range of similar products (Brewster, Sparrow and Vernon 2007). Companies try to manipulate a customer’s purchasing decision by considering every aspect of a customer’s choice to try and influence their choice. According to Brewster, Sparrow, and Vernon (2007), the factors that influence a person’s buying decision varies with regards to age, Culture, location, and personality, among others. Among the various factors are celebrity advertisements.
Celebrities are described as individuals who are famously known by a large groups of individuals. Erdogan, Baker, and Tagg (2001 p. 42) describe celebrities as having unique features like magnetism, special skills, or unique standards of living, which are not easily experienced by the ordinary person. Such differences make celebrities stand out from the common crowd. Out of the many categories of celebrities, the most influential are considered to be sportsmen and sportswomen, models, and actors. According to Khatri (2006, p. 25), companies use celebrity endorsements as a promotional strategy to win over customers. The constant changes experienced in the business environment has led companies to identify means of differentiating themselves from their competitors and building their brands. Such organizations use public personalities to endorse their products and create a unique identity of their brands which can reflect on their sales and profits. Nonetheless, despite using celebrity endorsements for product promotion and creating brand awareness, celebrities do not guarantee that their presence will result in increased sales (Khatri, 2006 p. 26). Nonetheless, celebrities help to create more awareness and make the company more popular.
The use of celebrities by companies to influence their customers has been carried out for several years. Celebrities have been recognized as current features of modern marketing. Erdogan, Baker, and Tagg (2001, p. 43) explain that approximately one out of six advertisements had a celebrity during the ’80s, and by 2001, the numbers grew to twenty-five percent. Celebrities are necessary for advertisements due to the amount of value that they bring to the commercial. As stated by Dean and Biswas (2001 41), commercials that have celebrities tend to stand out. Similarly, celebrities who are recognized globally can have the same influence on the international market. Reason being, celebrities are able to eliminate the language and cultural barriers that hinder most companies from effectively marketing their products (Dean and Biswas, 2001, p. 42). By eliminating such barriers, the company is able to attract more customers to buy influencing the choices made by their customers.
Various research have shown that including famous personalities in commercials enhance feelings towards the advertisements. 476253040380Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1Figure 14762525717500As shown in figure 1, a majority of consumers strongly agree that celebrities influence their purchasing decisions. Celebrities influence in advertisements is considered to be psychological, whereby, the customers get to have a unique attraction to the advertisement and the product itself simply because the celebrity is included in the advert (Haghirian and Madlberger, 2005). Similarly, Dzisah and Ocloo (2013, pp. 200-201) explain that celebrities help to increase a viewer’s attention towards the particular commercial. The image that celebrities portray to consumers about a certain product is as important as their ability to gain the attention of customers. For this reason, McCracken explains that the effectiveness of a celebrity’s ability to influence consumer behavior is depen...
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