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Assess the role, functions and future of Fair Work Australia in the Australian industrial

Essay Instructions:
Length: Between 2000 and 3000 words 1 Objectives This assessment item links the course objective numbers 1 and 3 as listed in Part A. Question Assess the role, functions and future of Fair Work Australia in the Australian industrial relations system. Key issues The best answers to this particular question will address the following issues and questions: 1. What is Fair Work Australia?; 2. What does Fair Work Australia do?; 3. Why was Fair Work Australia established?; 4. Does Fair Work Australia perform the same roles and have the same functions as the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and the Australian Fair Pay Commission played and performed in the Australian industrial relations system?; 5. What is the future for Fair Work Australia in the Australian industrial relations system? Will it be abolished when there is a change of federal government? The markers of the assignment will pay particular attention in their marking to the extent to which papers are referenced, analyse and critically discuss the evidence, and answer the question. Purely descriptive and poorly referenced papers will not receive high marks. Please note that this assessment is to be written in essay not report format.
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Assessment of the functions, role and Fair Work Australia’s future within Industrial relations’ system of Australia
The assessment concerning functions, role and Fair Work Australia’s future within Industrial relations’ system of Australia may best be accomplished through seeking of appropriate understanding of Fair Work Australia and associated functions which help in judging its future within the nation. For instance, Fair Work Australia may be perceived as a national tribunal regarding workplace relations (Alexander et al 2008, p.7). It may further be explained as the new government institution of industrial relations developed under the 2009’s Act concerning Fair Work. It promotes attainment of fair conditions within workplace environments by offering appropriate solutions to experienced problems or even challenges through provision of guidelines concerning how the various aspects influencing workplace conditions as well as experienced relationships ought to be handled. FWA is usually a self-governing body which carries out various functions concerning employment termination, dispute resolution, industrial action, enterprise bargaining, safety net concerning employment conditions and minimum wages, and other matters within the workplace (Balnave et al, p.11). These functions are very essential because they ensure that individuals experience desirable conditions while at work and this benefits both the employees and the involved organization. This is because in cases whereby employees are allowed to work under desirable conditions, they end up being motivated to extend substantial efforts towards organizational objectives’ attainment hence this benefits both parties. The organization generally benefits from the increased output whereas employees enjoy improved working conditions and desirable pays.
FWA varies and sets fixation regarding minimum wage, modern awards, dispute resolution and handles claims concerning unfair dismissal and also approves enterprise agreements (Bamber et al 2011, p.27). It is perceived as successor body concerning Australian commission concerning industrial relations, although the functions it is involved in were previously Workplace Authority functions and also those which were previously undertaken by Australian commission which handled aspects concerning fair pay of employees. The main purpose of FWA may be indicated as fighting for the attainment of the rights held by employees by offering guidelines which ought to be followed concerning employee handling while in workplace.
A new regulation system was established by the Act concerning Fair Work for the purpose of developing a suitable national system for accomplishing industrial relations regulation within Australia (Bamber et al 2009, p.635). In accordance with the various sources, it is apparent that FWA props up bargaining activities which occur amid employers and employees in good faith. The FWA further is involved in collective bargaining. These aspects concerning collective bargaining control employee hiring terms and future employee treatment by employers (Gollan 2009, p.265). It serves as voice mechanism through which representation parties, employers and employees have the capacity to express the objectives they hold concerning work nature. This ensures that misuse of individuals regarded as employees is highly prevented.
The FWA was established due to the following reasons. For instance, experienced problems concerning undesirable conditions within workplaces steered creation of a body which would offer strict guidelines concerning workplace conditions (Barnes & Lafferty 2010, p.1). Through demand for desirable conditions for workers, employers would be prompted to respect workers hence set for them appropriate conditions. This was realized through FWA which presented workplace requirements to employers, who were then required to fulfill them. Through it, employees were exposed to conditions which would allow them to comfortably work and also obtain desirable pays.
Secondly, the earlier bodies which attempted to protect employee welfare by ensuring that security was enhanced together with suitable payments for performed work were not successful, hence the need for another body which would appropriately handle these issues (Boxall & Dowling 1990, p.195). FWA therefore managed to handle those aspects through its functions concerning safety net towards employment conditions and minimum wages. Employers would therefore be prevented from misusing employees hence desirable workplace conditions were enhanced. Through FWA, employers would be prevented from offering wages under the stated minimum hence earlier problems which were associated with underpayments was done away with.
Other factors which steered FWA creation included the need for clearly stated guidelines to be put forward concerning employment termination, dispute resolution, industrial action and enterprise bargaining (Bray et al. 2010, p.57). These would facilitate desirable operations within workplace in that suitable solutions would be sought concerning all arising challenges associated with relationships within workplaces. Appropriate relationships would be enhanced such that frictions would be minimized. Research points out that, organizations which create conditions which highly favor employees comfort ability by attempting to meet their needs end up experiencing desirable output because employees end up being motivated. However, those without the capacity to develop appropriate working conditions have the likelihood of experiencing undesirable performance.
FWA creation promoted organizational operations in that workers had the capacity to extend considerable efforts towards organizational operations (Decieri et al. 2008, p.61). This implies that their motivation was increased as they received suitable treatment and would enjoy considerable security while in they working environments. Their efforts would highly contribute to successful operations.
The question as to whether FWA is involved in similar functions together with roles as those which were performed within industrial relations of Australia by Australian Commission concerning industrial relations as well as Australian Commission towards fair pay may best be resolved through examining of the functions together with roles which were undertaken by Australian Commission concerning industrial relations as well as Australian Commission towards fair pay (Ellem 2010, p.353). These may be brought to light as follows.
For instance, the Australian Commission concerning industrial relations had a principal function which involved giving effect to framework of legislation for co-operative relations within the workplace, capable of promoting economic welfare and prosperity of Australian individuals (Gollan 2009, p.260). Industrial registry of Australia has a mission of facilitating experienced operations within the Australian system of workplace relations. So as to accomplish its purpose, the registry aims at realizing various goals including offering appropriate administrative support to Au...
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