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Business Continuity together with Crisis Management

Essay Instructions:
Re-sit assessments. “We are living in a new world of risk. Globalization, shifting demographics, rapidly accelerating technological change, increased connectivity, economic uncertainty, a growing multiplicity of actors and shifting power structures combine to make operating in this world unprecedentedly complex and challenging for corporations, institutions and states alike.” World Economic Forum, Global Risks Report, 2011. Write an essay which critically evaluates how business continuity management (BCM) can help an organisation manage the challenges discussed above and discuss the possible benefits that can be gained from implementing a well embedded programme of BCM.
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Business Continuity together with Crisis Management
Critical evaluation of ways through which business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization
Various risks are usually faced during daily living like irregular power structures, growing actors’ multiplicity, economic uncertainty, increased connectivity, technological change which is rapidly accelerating, shifting demographics and globalization (Elliott, 2002, p.7). These risks bring about challenging and unprecedented complex states, institutions and corporations. Sources have indicated that the various challenges occurrence exposes organizations to difficulties as they attempt to meet held objectives as well as their goals. This calls for considerable actions to be undertaken with the aim of ensuring that suitable solutions are sought for the purpose of facilitating effectiveness when it comes to organizational operations (Myers, 1999, p.45). These challenging situations may effectively be solved through business continuity management. Business continuity management in this case may be perceived as management process which has the capacity to identify impending impacts which threaten organizations and offer resilience building framework as well as effective response capability which safeguards interests held by main stake holders, value, brand and reputation creating activities (Hiles, 2001, p.11). It may also be perceived as development regarding actions, plans and strategies which offer alternative operation modes or protection towards business processes or activities which may steer fatal loss or seriously damaging loses to involved enterprises.
Business continuity management has the capacity to facilitate challenges management within an organization, and this may best be explained by the various core elements found within the BCM. For instance, it entails elements regarding crisis management (Burnet, 2002). This may be explained as processes which are usually designed for the purpose of facilitating effective responses towards events. It has been found out that the various processes found within crisis management concentrates upon situation stabilizing as well as business preparation towards recovery operations. Through the crisis management operations, management regarding business continuity facilitates challenges management within organizations.
Secondly, planning concerning business recovery or business resumption has also been identified as a suitable element which facilitates challenges management within an organization through management activities concerning business continuity (Statt, 2004, p.23). This element entails recovery regarding critical business processes and functions which support or relate to core services or products delivery to customers. Suitable planning concerning business recovery and business resumption is therefore as it makes it possible for organizations to come up with suitable solutions towards experienced challenges.
In addition, recovery regarding IT disaster has also been pointed out as an element within the management concerning business continuity (Frame, 2002, p.6). This element addresses recovery regarding IT assets which are critical, including network assets, storage, databases, applications and systems. Through recovery process, it is evident that challenges associated with IT disasters are effectively resolved (Bjerke, 2002, p.41). This prevents the business from considerable loses which could have come up from such loses. Therefore, challenges associated with IT disasters occurrences are therefore provided with suitable solutions hence undesirable outcomes are eliminated.
To accomplish its purpose, the management regarding business continuity utilises aspects like contingency planning, product recall, emergency management, incident management, crisis management, business recovery, disaster recovery and alternative plans utilization (Sampson, 2004, p.57). These may be expressed as some of the ways through which business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization. These may be explained as follows.
For instance, through contingency planning, businesses have had the capacity to experience challenges management within them (Bannock, 2005, p.61). Contingency planning in this case may be explained as systemic approach towards identification of various aspects which may not go as desired within a given organizational situation. Instead of hoping that everything will go on as desired within organizations, planers ought to make suitable identification regarding contingency plans, after which they get prepared with approaches, strategies and plans which have the capacity to ensure that the contingencies are exploited, coped with or even avoided (Allon, 2003, p.71). This turns out to be a suitable way through which organizations ensure that possible challenges are appropriately resolved. This props up successful operations within companies which take up contingency planning.
Product recall has also been expressed as a suitable method through which business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization (Culp, 2001, p.89). In this case, goods which are perceived as defective are usually retrieved from consumers after which they are provided with compensation. Sources have pointed out that recalls are usually experienced in cases wherein safety concerns arise over defect regarding manufacturing within a product which may end up harming individuals using the product. In cases whereby defects are experienced upon produced commodities by an organization, it is apparent that customers may end up losing trust with the organization (Gursansky, 2003, p. 97). This may bring about negative outcomes upon the organization which may make it difficult for it to attain its held objectives or goals within future periods. For such a challenge to be overcome, product recall turns out to be the most suitable.
Emergency and incident management have also been found to be useful methods through which business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization (Warner, 2001, p.107). In this case, planning is usually done in ways which prop up accommodation of aspects which may come up within organizational operations unexpectedly. This helps in trimming down their impacts upon company operations. It is evident that through emergency and incident management challenges facing organizations concerning unexpected occurrences are resolved hence desirable operations are promoted within the organization.
Alternative plans utilization, commonly regarded as plan B has also been found to be a helpful method through which business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization (Cassis, 1999, p.15). In this case, the planners within the organization make considerable plans through which certain objectives may be attained, after which they set up other alternative ways towards the same objectives attainment in case the initial plans do not succeed. Through this, it is apparent that the organization manages to curb the expected challenges through business continuity management utilization. Alternative plans are very essential because in cases whereby original plans fail, organizations have the capacity to take up other plans regarded as alternatives for the purpose of ensuring that intended purposes are appropriately met.
Through the above discussed aspects business continuity management may facilitate challenges management within an organization through suitable solutions provision to possible challenges and also coming up with appropriate strategies which prop up desirable outcomes attainment within the organizations (Doherty, 2002, p.23). Through this, the various challenges are well managed such that they do not bring about undesirable outcomes within the organization. This props up desired objectives as well as goals attainment within the organization which manages to attain appropriate management regarding business continuity.
Discussion regarding possible benefits which may be obtained from implementation regarding BCM programmes which are well embedded
There are a variety of benefits which may be obtained from implementation regarding BCM programmes which are well embedded. These benefits may be discussed as follows. For instance, they offer competitive advantage through demonstratable continuity ability (Tayeb, 2002, p.91). Management programmes regarding business continuity make it possible for organizations to offer substantial solutions to various aspects perceived as threats towards successful operations. This enables the organizations to offer desirable services or even products to individuals hence they end up gaining competitive advantage over other organizations which are involved in similar commodities provision (Doherty, 2000, p.18). This turns out to beneficial to involved organization as it has the capacity to experience desirable outcomes attainment as well as appropriate realization of held objectives as well as goals.
Secondly, BCM programmes which are well embedded bring about liability actions avoidance (Graham & Kaye, 2003, p.33). This is usually attained through appropriate planning wherein the organization has the capacity to trim down liability actions occurrence. This is usually beneficial because it ensures that involved activities are appropriately accomplished. Sources have pointed out that liability especially in cases whereby it is uncontrolled has the capacity to bring about great drawback within an organization (Milgate, 2004, p.83). BCM programs therefore help in eliminating such undesirable outcomes by ensuring that liability actions are appropriately avoided.
Thirdly, through utilization of management programmes concerning business continuity, which is well embedded, mental peace as well as security improvement is propped up (Dismore, 2004, p.8). This is usually attained through appropriate emergency as well as incident planning. In cases whereby organizations appropriately employ management regarding business continuity, they usually come up with appropriate ways of handling emergencies which...
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