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Amazon’s Early Success Between 1990-2000. Business & Marketing Essay

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Amazon’s Early Success Between 1990-2000

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Amazon’s Early Success Between 1990-2000
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Amazon’s Early Success Between 1990-2000
Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here today to discuss Amazon’s early success between 1990 and 2000. First of all, as a global giant, Amazon's ultimate success is attributed to its creativity and business innovative culture. As we all know, Amazon started its operation in 1995 by selling books, but it encountered a lot of competition from its rival firms. Its competitors had return and inventory issues, although the market comprised of independent sellers and national chains. In what proved to be a giant step to counter competition, the company offered more significant discounts than its competitors who were already established in the sector. They also rolled out an online payment system through a 1-Click transaction system, which facilitated refunds and protected consumers against any form of fraud.
I would also like to inform you that Amazon's first base of operation in Seattle also contributed to its success. That is because Seattle offered a lot of digital acceleration technology, proximi...
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