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Self-Reflection on Self-Regulation Process Business & Marketing Essay

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Self-Reflection on Self-Regulation Process
[City and State]
Zimmerman's (2002) study discusses the self-regulatory process of studying, and excellence in the academe. It argues that, aside from personal initiatives on studies, external factors can influence study habits and outcomes. Also, the writer provides an in-depth reflection of the study in connection with personal strategies and experiences. Examples are provided to illustrate Zimmerman's (2002) self-regulatory process that is relatable to the writer. Moreover, management agility, which is the learning for this course, is given attention in the discussion. The paper relates Zimmerman's (2002) study to how one can learn management agility. The influence of strategies in studying and learning, when it comes to the management of agility, is given further understanding. Lastly, for an effective outcome, a personal development plan consulting the discussion in the course lays out the application of learning to the future career path.
Learning goes beyond the four corners of a classroom, where students experience typical learning activities and discussions (Kuh, 1994). It can be acquired from different places, people, and experiences that are rich of knowledge. One may accumulate knowledge just by having experienced a particular situation or occurrence. Learning also depends on a person's ability to acquire knowledge in different areas. Intelligence is hardly measured by mental intellect because there is what we call multiple intelligence. Multiple intelligence recognizes people's diverse capability that is not limited to intellectual ability. Some of the intelligence bits are in sports, music, arts, academics, science, and many more. In terms of academic learning, we mostly use a mix of everything we know, from intellectual capacity to physical ability. Aside from these two, "it requires personal initiative, diligence, and self-directive skill" in maintaining acceptable performance in the academe (Zimmerman, 2002, p. 85). This means that our competence in the academe does not rely on the intellect we have. Whether we are intellectually gifted or not does not guarantee excellence all the time.
Academic Learning Beyond Personal Initiatives
Zimmerman (2002) thinks that we must put some effort into it to thrive in the academic setting. We should start taking action on the things we aim to achieve. Our willingness can also push us to excel in any field we want to pursue. At the same time, we should push and motivate ourselves to keep working on things that will help us succeed (Kemp and Dywer, 2001).
Students must first, learn about identifying what factors may disrupt studying or learning. The purpose of this method is to give time and energy to fixing the problem rather than dwelling on it. In times of distraction, the ability to focus is important. Students must train themselves to coexist with distractions anywhere they go. This way, they will be more flexible in learning even in unwanted situations. Adjusting to discomforts and disruptions while studying is a vital skill. It enhances one's agility to negative impacts and results in studying. Managing agility is not merely managing how you react to circumstances. It is how you do your tasks with an expectation of other possible occurrences in the surrounding. Even in the professional setting, connection, and access to diverse networks allow an organization to have multiple options in dealing with its situations (McLaverty and Mckee, 2016). Applying it in the academic setting, learners also need various sources to acquire knowledge from different perspectives.
Another strategy, which is based on business management, that students can use is the utilization of resources available around, bet it people, facility, or academic materials. In business, outsourcing allows organizations to make use of other organizations' services and facilities to maximize the resources available (Morgan, 2003). In the academic setting, outsourcing will not necessarily mean to capitalize or consumerize studying skills or anything related to the academic field. Rather, students must learn to ask help from people who they know would contribute well in areas one could not understand. For instance, group study allows collaborative studying and the exchange of different ideas. This method of utilization of resources in the academe will teach students to be resourceful as well as to be generous with their peers. Learning about the concept of outsourcing as early as academic education can enhance the ability to choose the right people and organization. Resourcefulness in the educational setting practices the student's skill in identifying competent people in particular areas of studies. Applying the skill in the business world, an employee will be able to distinguish eligible partners that can share successful plans and strategies with the organization. Also, the ability to apply outsourcing in different fields implies a flexible competence because it manages to fit the strategy in different contexts.
Reflection: Self-Regulated Process of Learning
To illustrate a learning experien...
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