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Week 8 Assignment Paper: Greening the City Essay

Essay Instructions:

looking at greening the city and urbanism principles, write a 5-6 page reflective essay that describes what you believe are the 3-5 essential principles of a green or sustainable city. How have your views changed from Week 1 and why? Feel free to highlight aspects in which you have changed your opinions or aspects that you have seen confirmed. What tools do you think you will be able to readily employ in the workforce to help achieve these principles? Which are going to be more challenging to bring to fruition and what steps might be taken to work toward achieving them? Include references and a bibliography or list of sources.

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Greening the City
Growth of urban centers is a very essential factor in the growth of the economy of countries. Firstly, most of the urban centers require a varsity of land for construction of the buildings of occupation for the business related activities and residential areas. For a city to be sustainable the land is considered to be one of the major factors which should be well managed to facilitate balance. Cities which have well managed land use are believed to create a balance of the environment preservation, commerce of the area and livability for the individuals in the area. Transportation is an essential factor which is of great consideration on developing the essential factors of urbanism. Some of these essential principles for greening the city are:
Open space is a significant factor which determine the livability of an urban center. Open space determines the level of the development and advancement which can be made within the region. The availability of the open space determines the type of livability and even the population to occupy a certain urban center. For example construction manufacturing firms requires open space for construction. The society in the urban location, besides the general demand of open space, they require uncongested region which implicates healthy environment to facilitate health living of the society. With a congested environment it is very hard to preserve the environment as there is overutilization of the resources within the region. The open space also contribute to consistent active environment.[(Mueller, S. (2011, August 31). Principles of New Urbanism. Retrieved from The Plan: /plan/new-urbanism/)]
Water is life. All living organisms depend on water. Water supply is a very vital factor for the development of urbanism. Before the establishment of the urban center, water supply for that region should be established before deciding that the region is viable for urban development. The water supply should be permanent to enable livability of the environment for the occupants of the region. Areas with short term water supply are likely to be abandoned due to the fact that the situation or the conditions of the region are unsuitable for the community. Moreover for successful planning to take place there should be community planning and protection of the resources such that greening of the city factors such as water supply should not be affected. The water sources available should be able to sustain the city.[(New Urbanism. (2015, March 30). PRINCIPLES OF URBANISM. Retrieved from NewUrbanismOrganization: /newurbanism/principles.html)]
Another principle of the green city is the walkability and connectivity. Communities living within the urban region should be pedestrian-oriented. Their daily needs should be enjoyable and suited in regions where the community can easily access them. Most of the residents within the urban centers like to reside near their work place where they are able to connect to the working place easily. Therefore when creating an urban center the connectivity of these regions should be considered to facilitate easy and walking distance for most of the residents to minimize the cost of living. The residential, commercial, recreational and civic uses of the regions should be connected by both public and private transportation options to cater for the different preferences of the society. The allocation and specification of purpose of the main parts of the urban center creates these free and uncongested region allowing walkability and easy connection of the different parts of the urban center.[(Lehmann, S. (2015). The Principles of Green Urbanism: Transforming the City for Sustainability. london: E-publishers.)]
Another sustainability principle is integration of diverse community feature. Most of the urban centers are metropolitan regions with the societal demands being different. The community within the urban center are of different social levels therefore their demands for services such...
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