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Week 2 discussion sustainable design

Essay Instructions:

answer these in essay format 1. Before you begin this Discussion, you’ll want to read the article from this week’s resources: National Geographic: “Big Idea: The Carbon Bathtub”. Then please visit this online climate game. (You’ll need a computer or mobile device that supports “Flash” animation.) In the game, atmospheric carbon dioxide is depicted as a "bathtub." If atmospheric CO2 exceeds 450 parts per million, the "bathtub" will overflow. First, hit the "play" button on the upper left of the game, to show historic emissions and CO2 concentrations up to 1997. Then, you get to decide the future of CO2 emissions from 1997 onward: you can let them increase, stabilize them, or reduce them. Try all three choices – it won't take long. Using ideas from this week, explain what's going on in the simulation - why does it behave the way it does when you make different choices? What conclusions do you draw from this? Can you apply the “bathtub” analogy to other situations with which you are familiar? 2.Your research this week will begin with thoughtful observation. We’ve used a “bathtub” analogy to think about stocks and flows in systems. Keeping that in mind, please observe and think about something in the built environment that you can directly examine and analyze. It could be a building, neighborhood, park, household, commercial establishment, part of our built infrastructure, and so on. You may find it very helpful to draw a diagram of it, using a box or other symbol as a stock, with arrows, valves, or other symbols indicating flows into and out of the stocks. For what you observe, please think of it as a system of throughput: materials and energy, possibly people, flowing in and out, similar to flows in and out of a bathtub via faucets and drains. Part One Please report about the stocks and flows of what you’ve observed. What is flowing in and out? WHY are those flows occurring? What goods and services are enabled or supported by those flows? Does a lot of benefit result from each unit of flow through the system? Why or why not? Where do the “source” flows come from? Where do the “sink” flows go? Are the “sink” flows useful “source” flows for other systems? As you observe and think about this, what conclusions do you draw? Can you make suggestions about ways to redesign the configuration of the system to provide more service with fewer throughputs? Part Two Please read the (instructor-edited) excerpt from Wikipedia on “Emergent Properties”.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sustainable Design
Institution of Affiliation:
Sustainable Change
In the climate change simulation, when one increases the carbon emissions to the atmosphere, it rapidly flows and fills the bathtub. The bathtub is the atmosphere; the water flowing into the tub is the carbon emissions into the environment while the water flowing out is the carbon removed from the atmosphere. Also, temperatures increase at a higher rate. If the rate at which carbon flows into the environment continues without inhibiting actions, the possibility of an overflow will happen sooner than later (Climate Interactive 2016).
With a global warming crisis at its highest and it will be too late to curb the menace. If we reduce the carbon emissions into the environment, the temperatures will also increase but after some time, it will level up because there is no overflow in the ecosystem. The act by which we make decisions over the environment will force either a positive feedback or negative feedback (Korotayev, Malkov and Khaltourina 2006). Increased carbon emissions to the environment will lead to disastrous high temperatures in the environment since there will be little amounts of emissions that are used up by the earth. If we decide to lay off carbon emissions, the temperature will still increase but at a slower rate due to the higher emissions rate to the environment compared to the one that is used up. This action will receive a negative feedback since the 'laying off' of carbon does not solve anything but rather affects the environment. But if we decrease the rate at which carbon is emitted to the atmosphere, the temperatures will arrive at an equilibrium state and remain constant. The amount of carbon used up will be of the same quantities of the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere. Hence, there will be no more increase. We would have achieved our goals by curbing the carbon menace. Hence, a positive feedback noted due to our quick action.
6553202209800This can also be applied on the state of immigration in the United States. The US keeps outsourcing labor from other countries before firstly utilizing the population it has. This has lead to an increased rate of immigration into the US. ...
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