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Week 3 Research Report Sustainable: Improving the Environment

Essay Instructions:

video link: https://player(dot)vimeo(dot)com/video/4246943
It scarcely mentions sustainable design. Yet it shows someone discovering what we need to create by diagnosing what we need to repair, and gives some of the reasons why we don’t make those repairs. Please think about this. Then, please observe a setting in your nearby environment. It can be indoors or outdoors. Specifically, please look for space that is unused, degraded, or "left over." In the spirit of Seth Godin's video, please think about the difference between the place as it is and as it could be if it were better designed, developed, and tended. Envision an improvement to an existing space, a way to improve it so it gives more service, value, and delight. As you assess the space, think about the resources needed to improve it. Can you improve the space without enlarging it? Do you need to devote labor, resources, and energy? If so, what labor, resources, and energy? After your improvements, what ongoing resources or energy would be needed to maintain your improvements? How does that compare, in your mind, to the added functions, services, or beauty of the space after your improvements? Photos, sketches, diagrams, or other images may help you make your points more effectively than words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Improving the Environment
Institution of affiliation
Improving the Environment
Many people in the society think that it is not their responsibility to develop where they live. They assume such responsibilities are entitled to their social leaders within the society. Moreover, they think that it is not their job to engage in such societal development activities as they are for public use but not personal development. This myth can be reversed and the members of the society, therefore, can utilize such chances to engage in societal development for the benefit of themselves and the society. After identifying gaps within the society then we should deliberately take the responsibility to redesign and try to develop the regions.[(Heezik, Y. M., Dickinson, K. J., & C., F. (2012). Closing the gap: communicating to change gardening practices in support of native biodiversity in urban private gardens. Ecology and Society, 34.)]
In our society the recreational facility available does not effectively meet the demands due to the inefficiency in equipment and development. It requires great facilitation and dedication to develop it to meet the demands of the society. In our town, the recreational facility available is just a clear land with green grass whereby limited recreational activities can be carried out. Different people perceive how they spend their free time differently. Therefore, for any recreational facility to be effective, there should be diversity in the facilities and services offered. That is why the recreational center in our town only accommodates a limited number of people due to limited services available.[(Zheng, B., Zhang, Y., & Chen, J. (2011). Preference to home landscape: wildness or neatness? . Landscape and Urban Planning, 99, 1–8.)]
There are some of the crucial facilities which lack in the recreational facility that when invented they shall increase the efficiency of the facility. Services such as swimming pools, well-organized playgrounds, modern gaming facilities and more comfortable resting spaces. Due to the presence of unutilized spaces within the recreational facility, it will thus make it possible to develop the place without even demanding additional space. It needs strategized utilization of the space to ensure prope...
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