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Week 7 Discussion Sustainable Paper Type Essay

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answer this subjectively (In Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella, "A Christmas Carol," the ghost of Jacob Marley, a financier and stockbroker in life, is condemned for eternity to wander the Earth, chained to cash-boxes, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses – the items of most importance to him in life.) Please begin by reading the column by Dana Meadows titled, “A Week’s Trash Is a Heavy Burden.” In 1989, Dana was among over 100 members of the Dartmouth College community to carry all their trash with them for a week, on their bodies, in plastic bags, all of their waking hours. What if you were asked to undergo the same experience? Please discuss, as honestly and accurately as you can, what that week would be like for you. Second, if you knew in advance what carrying a week’s worth of trash would be like, what changes in your personal behavior would you make in advance to better cope with the problem? Third, if you could influence how other people designed the products and packaging you would use during that week, what was mailed to you, and so on, what would you ask those other people to do?

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Week 7 Discussion Sustainable Paper Type Essay
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If I were asked to go through the same experience as Dana Meadows,' I would be a little hesitant because I anticipate I would have a long week of carrying with me trash that otherwise belongs in the dustbin. I would spend some time and critically think about and decide in favor of the exercise because it would serve as a signal both to others and to myself that there is need to be more careful in the way humanity handles trash. My week of carrying my trash with me would be demanding because I would have a huge load of junk such as newspapers, computer printouts, and utility bills in my bag wherever I would go. However, because many of the items that would cause an upsurge of paper I would have with me have been turned digital since 1989 when Meadows wrote her column, my burden would most likely be less cumbersome than hers.[Donella Meadows, A Week's Trash is Heavy Burden Deana Meadows Institute 7 Dec. 1989, 20 July 2016 http://donellameadows.org/archives/a-weeks-trash-is-heavy-burden/]
If I knew beforehand what carrying a week's worth of trash would be like, some of the changes in my personal behavior that I would make in advance to better cope with the problem include reducing the amount of disposable mater...
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