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Week 7 report sustainable

Essay Instructions:

write this subjectively Please choose a building material or component that you have some familiarity with or curiosity about. It could be a material, such as concrete, stone, wood, or glass - or it could be a building component, such as a foundation, decking, cladding or fenestration. (It can be something else of course – these are examples.) Please report what you can find out about the history of the component or material. Where does it come from? How was it processed, refined, manufactured or otherwise altered? Is it abundant or relatively scarce? Does it play a crucial role in natural capital or ecosystem services? How would it be transported to where you live? (Warning: if you pick a complicated product, such as a piece of equipment, it will be harder to learn its history - if you choose a complicated product, tell us as much as you can.) Please describe how the material or component will be, or could be, used in some way you're familiar with: in a building you're helping to design, engineer or build, or as a material you might purchase for use in the place you live, or as something that might be purchased and used by someone you know well, or as something that might be used where you work. Describe what that material or component is going to do in this particular situation. Please report what you can find out about the future of the material or component in the use you describe. How long will it likely last? How durable or easy to maintain will it be? What role will it play? Will it affect energy consumption or water consumption? Will it have any health impacts on people? Will it interact with weather and/or moisture? Will it provide a service of some kind to people? Will it mainly serve an aesthetic purpose? In other words, what's the future story of this material or component during its use in the particular setting you've described? Please include what you can find out about the likely fate of the material or component when it no longer is in service. How will it be disposed of? Could it be reused or recycled? Does it contain substances that should stay out of the biosphere?

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Structural Glass
In building the skin is a vital architectural consideration. A building system that combines both the performance and aesthetic is highly desirable. The use of glass as a building envelope material has been on the rise since its discovery as a building material. In the twentieth century its use accelerated due to the “development of high-rise steel framing systems and curtain wall cladding techniques.” There have been little changes in the use of glass as building skin envelope. However, much has changed in building arts as much as aesthetics and performance are concerned as well as structural systems.[Behling, Sophia, and Stefan Behling. Glass: structure and technology in architecture. Prestel, London, 1999.]
Historical Context
The use of glass as a building material is not new. Over the past three decades it has been used in innovative experimental structures to determine its worthiness in buildings. It has its roots in Northern Europe and its use can be traced to several projects of pioneering architects and engineers. In his book Glass in Architecture Michael Wigginton states that, “Glass is arguably the most remarkable material ever discovered by man.” The first glass was manufactured during the 1st Century AD when Phoenician sailors who used to trade in soda cooking. They also used to soda to support their cooking pots. This combination of sand, ash and heat resulted in a vague translucent material. No one knows for sure the ideas of this discovery but it is considered to be an accident.[Wiggington, Micahel. Glass In Architecture, Phaidon, London. 1996.]
Years later, during the Roman Empire glass was refined to mix that is almost similar to the present soda lime glass used to manufacture flat glass: 69% silica, 17% soda, 11% lime and magnesia, and 3% alumina, iron oxide and manganese oxide. This recipe was developed during the late 18th and early 19th centuries (Wiggington, 1996). Structure and technology in architecture, Prestel London
In the modern world with great improvements in technology it is impossible for one to think of a world of building and construction without glass. Imagine of the present built environment of any building and instantly the glass disa...
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