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Week 6 Assignment: The Energy Sources and Urbanism Report

Essay Instructions:

write subjectively game link http://www(dot)learner(dot)org/courses/envsci/interactives/energy/energy.html Energy Lab. Please open up this simulation game. At the top of the web page, there's the word "Lesson." Next to "Lesson" is a button with the default phrase "Managing Resources." Click on that button and select "Energy Efficiency." You'll then see two options on the page: "Add Energy" and "Advanced Options." In the game, you get to make choices about energy sources, energy demand and energy efficiency. You start in the year 2000. You can simulate worldwide energy use, decade by decade, for a century. In any decade, you won't be able to proceed unless you've met energy demand. You have 2 ways to do this: supply side and demand side. You control supply side through "Add Energy." You can raise or lower energy sources, but you'll be warned if you're over-relying on a particular source or are in danger of depleting it. You control the demand side by "Advanced Options." You can decide how much energy demand will grow each year - but changing the growth rate implies changing economic growth rates, so explain your reasons if you choose to do this. The default value in the model is 2%. That closely matches average worldwide economic growth from 1950 to 2003, but is higher than the longer-term average of 1.6%. You can also change the rate by which energy efficiency changes each year. The default value in the model is 0.5% per year. That's below the real-world average of 1% per year for the past several decades, so you may wish to correct that. You'll see that the game shows atmospheric CO2 levels and sets a goal of no more than 550 parts per million. In fact, the scientific consensus is that we should not exceed 450 PPM, so please set 450 PPM as your goal. You can choose to sequester some CO2 each decade, if you think it is realistic and necessary to do so. Please try some options, keep track of your results, and share them in your report. You can reset the game at any time to try another scenario. Can you find ways to balance energy supplies with energy demand and keep CO2 at or below an upper limit of about 450 PPM? And as always with Reports: what conclusions do you draw from this exercise?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Focusing on the supply side first and adjusting the energy sources by the year 2050, merely adding the new sources of energy jibs unsuitable since there is a need to match the demand and supply of energy sources. This calls for careful reevaluation of the energy use, since the supply of the energy source is not infinite. Biofuels have the highest Energy (EJ) source of energy compared to the other sources. However, given that the population growth would also require more food production, there is likely to be questions on the best way to use plant food for animals and human beings and as a source of fuel. The case for rebalancing the energy sources is shown below where exceeding various energy sources is unsustainable.

The simulation case shows that by meeting the demand, then one can reset the various energy sources for the subsequent decade. There is a dilemma on how best to use the fossil fuels given that are recoverable for a certain period of time. Even though the world is oil dependent, the oil production is likely to level off in the coming decades. There are new novel ways to extract oil and gas the most common fossil fuels, but the research on climate change has at times relied on inconsistent research findings to draw conclusions (Risbey & O'kane, 2011). Other than petroleum related fuels, coal has been identified the source of fuel as one that depletes rapidly, and the fuel source is also a source of pollution as it leads to increased carbon dioxide emissions compared to the renewable sources.
The scenario is based on the assumption that the carbon dioxide level is 450 parts per million (ppm). This change depending on the fossil fuel used to compare to the renewable energy sources. Since the fossil fuels still account for the largest proportion of hu...
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