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Week 3 Precis DP: Peter Zumthor, Thinking Architecture

Essay Instructions:

Writing a Rhetorical Précis as an Annotated Bibliography


Prior to the five-sentence paragraph base, you must include the following source information conventions:

Last Name, First Name, Book, Publisher City: Publisher, Date.

Last Name, First Name, Article, Periodical, Volume, Number, Date.

Webpages must include the date it was accessed on.

Note variations of these standards when combined, and consult LRC reference sheet.


1. Sentence one provides:

a) the name of the author, the genre (essay, novel, etc.), and the title of the work with the publication date (in parenthesis), a concise appropriate verb (claims, argues, exams), followed by;

b) a “that” phrase in which the thesis of the work is stated (either paraphrased or quoted).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 3 Precis DP
Zumthor, Peter- a way of looking at things in Thinking Architecture. Birkhäuser, Basel, Swtizerland, 2010.
In Peter Zumthor’s book, Thinking Architecture- chapter 1 “A way of looking at things” (2010), Zumthor argues that the character of buildings and architecture is based on memory of images and the atmosphere. By illustrating that his memory of architectural items is inspired from his experience and childhood, Zumthor emphasizes spatial composition representation in architecture as most effective related to the real world. The author seeks to present his viewpoint that his design process manages to merge sensory experiences, which people can relate to the art of architecture. Zumthor positions himself as an architectural theorist and wants to reach out to other architects to make the art of architecture meaningful, such that people can relate to the final product. Thinking architecture is relevant in the design process, as it highlights the need to engage different sensory modalities for one to produce exceptional designs. The book’s insights on the design process are applicable to the self, since being inspired by experience and emotions associated with the design appeals to the different human senses. Additionally, the art of architecture is associated with fixing what seems disintegrated, and there is an emphasis on what is valuable is represented in the final presentation. The art of construction is associated with making a meaningful whole using many parts, with creations depicting the wishes of an architect (11). To Zumthor using different materials allows architects to actualize the designs in fresh ways.
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Visualization of blueprint in the design process
Pollan, Michael. "A place of my own the architecture of day dreams." Penguin, New York (2008).
In Michael Pollan’s book, A place of my own the...
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