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Should Rastra Blocks be the Future of Building Construction

Essay Instructions:

my topic is Rastra blocks and how they should be more widely used in construction.
follow these directions and parameters listed below exactly 
Create a list of 10 questions about your topic or area of interest.
Pick ONE question and use it to WRITE a RESPONSE per Rael's pg. 33 "Questions to ask when asking questions". Your response should be THOUGHTFUL, RESEARCHED AND ROBUST! Write an abstract summary, minimum 500 words (DOUBLE SPACED!).
Write a thesis statement after reading the LRC tip sheet (DOUBLE SPACED!).
Write a minimum 4 page essay (DOUBLE SPACED!) putting in to practice your thesis and USING YOUR RESEARCH TO DATE. Please be explicit, specific, explanatory, descriptive, and detailed in your inquiry and response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why Should Rastra blocks be the future of building construction,What monetary
benefits do they provide, What safety benefits do they provide and What time
management qualities do they provide?
In our modern society, we are now beginning to find alternative materials for construction as we are realizing that our ways of building are detrimental and destructive to our environment. Usually, materials that are manufactured for construction are made using lots of energy and other lower forms of materials. As we are now searching for more sustainable alternatives for our construction and production, one company has appeared in the market that seems to offer a solution to this modern problem of society. This company is Rastra. Rastra manufactures Rastra blocks which are made of 85% recycled materials mixed with special industrial concrete. In our society, there is a pressure on how we have done our construction since we are now beginning to realize the perils of not acknowledging the issues of the availability of natural resources, and the ever growing numbers of human population. In this light, this essay tackles the idea of using modern materials; specifically Rastra blocks to put a solution to this problem. Rastra blocks are marketed as a more environmental friendly material that is cost, energy, and time efficient. The use of Rastra blocks offers a way for our society to utilize environmental practices to create energy efficient buildings. Society can greatly benefit from its use in economic, social, environmental and cultural ways. Rastra blocks bring new insight to the techniques and practices that can be used to eliminate and reduce the impact of construction in the environment.
As we all know, production of construction materials are costly in terms of money and energy. Raw materials that are harvested from our natural resources undergo tremendous and delicate processes in order to achieve their current form. Most of the construction materials available in the market undergo such processes and are undeniably inefficient and unsustainable. Rastra blocks are marketed as construction grade material made from old coffee cups which are transferred and processed to be able to shape the blocks that will be used for building. It also boasts that a block’s production only averages at 1 kilowatt hour of electricity which is indeed energy efficient and inexpensive.
Rastra blocks can benefit our society by giving an alternative building material which can be used to create homes, buildings and other structures which can support life and our system’s institutions. Environmentally, the production of Rastra blocks are more efficient in terms of energy, which can greatly reduce the depletion of our natural resources as it mostly made out of recycled materials which are considered trash and unusable by most. More and more engineers and architects are recommending Rastra for construction because it shows minimal impact to our environment than other materials present in our modern era. It is essential to start producing buildings made with Rastra blocks so that society can secure not only an economic benefit, but environmental improvement as well. The innovation of construction starts with the popularization of energy efficient and practical materials which are durable and inexpensive such as the Rastra block.
The use of Rastra blocks for in present construction industry would benefit the society in environmental, ecological and economical ways. In present construction industry, many people have started construction of green buildings instead of using normal traditional methods and materials for constructing buildings. One of the most popular is the Rastra block due to its durability, heat resistance, production efficiency, availability and sustainability. A typical Rastra block is 10 inches thick, 15 inches high and 7 1/2 feet long. Since 85 percent of its volume is recycled polystyrene, a light weight material, two people can easily carry its 120-pound weight. The polystyrene in the block acts as insulation. Rastra blocks are designed to be easily stackable that once that it is, the hollow channels within can be fortified with iron or metal and filled with structural concrete to create a hardened wall. Structures made from Rastra blocks are typically durable. Tests done with Rastra blocks show that structures made with it are earthquake-resistant, fire-resistant and somehow sound proof due to the block’s design and quality. The surface of the Rastra block can also be improved by applying plaster or other materials.
The environmental impacts of construction can be indirectly observed through its usage of energy and other resources. Production of construction materials are generally high, especially in the 1st world countries where industries are centralized. The use of natural resources like metals, wood etc. are unavoidable in the construction of structures, thus it certainly has an effect to the environment. Today, many are realizing this. As a result, methods and techniques of building and construction are revolutionizing, paving the way for innovation of new construction materials such as the Rastra. The increasing demands for newer and more practical materials are not without the accompaniment of demands of economic benefit. Luckily, Rastra offers their quality construction materials in the industrial level at much lower costs because of the nature of how Rastra blocks are produced. Since the main materials used for its production are generally trash, costs of production are greatly decreased. This makes Rastra an easily accessible and affordable system for customers and consumers of the industry.
The construction and building sectors of our modern day society use high levels of energy and resources. This is detrimental to the environment because it releases pollution and greenhouse gasses in the production stage and emits higher levels of carbon into the atmosphere. In finding for alternative, elements of production costs, energy use, and material availability are looked into in order to acquire an understanding if it’s environmental friendly or not. Production of cement is one of the leading factors responsible for greenhouse gasses due to its use of fossil fuels and raw materials. Since most industries rely on for creating structures and building, usage of concrete in the whole world is generally high. In this regard, many companies are riding the wave of innovation of Rastra. One such company is Eterna Building Systems. It is a family owned and operated business that has persisted through 25 years of business in the construction industry. Nowadays, they market high quality building materials such as the ICF or Insulated Concrete Form which is similar to Rastra block, but of only different brand name. Since the family has been in the construction business for so long, they know that the quality and use of the Rastra block offers fire resistance, energy efficiency, termite resistance, high sound abatement qualities, they have persisted its production and marketing. They say that homes built with Rastra are practically a maintenance free home that is strong enough to withstand hurricane winds and earthquakes. Since the use of ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) systems have become so popular due to the rising costs of energy, lumber and other material, the ETERNA Company entered into a contract and partnership with Rastra.
Engineers, architects and home builders alike have described building with Rastra as â&...
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