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Threat to Joint Cyberspace Operations and the Audience Analysis in Information Operations

Essay Instructions:

Please provide a 200 word response to each of the 3 posting of the classmates in regard to questions A, B, and C. Please note you can agree or disagree in your response with any of the responses from the classmates as long as you back it up with an explanation and facts. Ensure sources are most current and relevant to the topic.

QUESTION A: Select a threat to cyberspace operations listed in Joint Publication 3-12 and argue why you believe it is the most critical threat to Joint Cyberspace Operations. Support your argument with relevant evidence and examples and explain how the selected threat presents the biggest obstacle to the Joint Force's ability to conduct cyberspace operations.

J L, Group A, Initial Post

According to JP 3-12, cyberspace threats can originate from states and their surrogates, criminal enterprises, individuals, and accidents and natural hazards, which together create a persistently contested environment in which the joint force plans and executes joint operations. (JP 3-12, pI-12) In my opinion all of these individuals and the untimely events of natural hazards and accidents create an object of opportunity for additional attacks during periods of vulnerability which could amplify the issue. Recovery from accidents and hazardous incidents is a difficult task in of itself. This requires joint planning to come through at its peak performance with all the interagency coordination between government agencies and outside sources. In my opinion during this time of vulnerability makes us the most vulnerable for cyber-attacks whether it be a nation state or even non-state threat. It very well could by individuals or small-group threats during this time due to the fact that there are so many low-cost but yet sophisticated malware programs made available this could be a product of bad timing, or good timing based on perspective, for a cyber-attack.

The biggest problem that I can foresee is the unknown. We will never know we are under attack until we are, and during a natural disaster type situation. In 2018, Houston, TX hosted a drill for critical infrastructure companies on two simultaneous incidents: a natural disaster and a cyberattack. The drill’s objective was to identify challenges of keeping critical infrastructure operational in the face of cyber threats while dealing with the constraints of a hurricane. (Cybersecurity and Natural Disasters: How Mother Nature Affects Cyber Risk, reciprocity.com, 2022) As I can imagine, with all the different agencies working together to get through the trying situations. This exercise was based off of the circumstances of Hurricane Harvey in 2017. During the same year with Hurricane Florence, a sharp increase in phishing scams was documented. Cyber-attacks too advantage of the civil unrest and posed fundraisers to steal money and other personal identifiable information (PII). The good news is that agencies that see these types of events are aware and are practicing their preparedness for such attacks during vulnerabilities.

QUESTION B: Why is conducting an audience analysis critical when developing a narrative for Information Operations? In your own words, argue for the necessity of an audience analysis, and explain how it enhances narrative acceptance, supporting your argument with relevant evidence and examples where appropriate.

Cartwright's Response to DQ B,

As seen during the current Ukraine Crisis[1], Information Operations are critical to success in both times of conflict and during peacetime. However, to achieve information superiority, a nation must first understand the foreign audience that is being targeted through the use of Target Audience Analysis (TAA). TAA is a crucial element of Military Information Support Operations[2] and a whole-of-government approach to provide tailored analysis for the Joint Force Commander to understand and target key audiences to influence foreign personnel to support or align U.S. national security objectives. TAA is utilized by all functions of the Joint staff when it comes to operational planning ranging from Intelligence professionals who look to identify key relationships, MISO planners who use TAA to seek to influence changes in the environment, to Public Affairs who seek to understand how to tailor messages based on a foreign audiences perceptions[3]. Without TAA, a JFC's message may be ignored or interpreted negatively because it was not tailored or adapted to how a foreign audience may ingest information or their cultural norms.

The value TAA brings to the joint force is that this process enhances the effectiveness of U.S. and allied operations in a region by ensuring the joint force can depict their actions in a positive light to the foreign audience. By consistently utilizing TAA across the spectrum of joint functions, the U.S. can shift the audience positions on key topics to be more favorable to the JFC's objectives. Looking around the globe, we can also see how our adversaries utilize Audience Analysis. China, for example, has sought to influence foreign governments and populations by tailoring messages released through overt or covert sources. With the COVID-19 pandemic, PRC foreign-controlled media and influencers highlighted that China was providing significant aid to countries like Italy and Serbia compared to the European Union[4]. Efforts like these allowed China to enhance its narrative in Italy to either increase support for China's efforts or ensure perceptions remained neutral. While in peacetime, China's use of TAA to sway public opinion is a modern example of Audience Analysis and its effectiveness. Utilizing TAA, as observed, provides a foundational component to achieve information superiority and allows a nation to shift foreign opinions and pave the way for additional actions across different domains.

[1] Alden Wahlstrom et al., "The I.O. Offensive: Information Operations Surrounding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine," Mandiant, 2022, https://www(dot)mandiant(dot)com/resources/blog/information-operations-surrounding-ukraineLinks to an external site..

[2] U.S. Dept of Defense, Joint Publication 3-13.2 Military Information Support Operations, 2014, V-2 – 4.

[3] U.S. Dept of Defense, Joint Publication 3-04 Information in Joint Operations, 2022, A-4 – 5.

[4] Cook, Sarah. "Countering Beijing's Media Manipulation." Journal of Democracy 33, no. 1, 2022, 119, doi:10.1353/jod.2022.0008Links to an external site..


QUESTION C: Analyze and select one OIE unit that you believe is critical to accomplishing operations in the Information Environment. Then, in your own words, argue for the importance of your chosen unit, providing a detailed explanation of why it is essential to the mission, with relevant evidence and examples where appropriate.

Henry's initial response to QC:

The importance of Civil Affairs lies in its ability to directly identify and address the "often-intangible factors [that] may affect the employment of forces and bear on the decisions of the commander" (JP 3-04, p. II-1). CA units play a critical role in achieving successful operations in conflict-affected areas by focusing on understanding and interacting with civilians. They act as a bridge between military forces and local communities, facilitating effective communication, building trust, and conducting civil-military operations that directly contribute to the success of military missions. The approaches below describe how CA helps with intangible factors that affect military operations.

1. Understanding and collaborating with the local community is crucial for successful military operations. CA units focus on a people-centered approach to gain support and accomplish missions (JP 3-04, pp. A-5-A-6).

2. They gather and analyze intelligence about local culture, social dynamics, infrastructure, and potential threats. This helps commanders make informed decisions and minimize collateral damage (JP 3-04, pp. A-5-A-6).

3. CA units rebuild or strengthen local governance in conflict zones to provide essential services, promote the rule of law, and rebuild infrastructure. Doing so stabilizes the region, addresses grievances, and reduces the appeal of extremist ideologies (JP 3-04, pp. A-5-A-6; Schwille, M. et al, 2020, p. 16).

4. CA units provide essential aid to civilians affected by conflict, including medical assistance, food, clean water, and shelter. This helps to save lives and build trust in military forces within the community (JP 3-04, p. I-1).

5. CA units collaborate with local communities to enhance civil-military cooperation, which boosts operational efficiency, encourages cultural respect, and fosters mutual understanding. This partnership also prevents miscommunications and negative perceptions of the military (JP 3-04, p. II-2).

Operation Al Fajr was launched in 2004 to regain control of Fallujah from insurgent groups. CA units played a vital role in engaging with the local population, setting up centers to coordinate with authorities and community leaders, evacuating civilians, providing medical assistance, and distributing aid. They also engaged in dialogue with influential members of the community to build trust and foster cooperation. By adopting a population-centric approach, the CA units minimized civilian casualties, mitigated conflict impact, and contributed to the mission's success (Schwille, M. et al, 2020, pp. 15-16).



JP 3-04, Information in Joint Operations (2022).pdf

Schwille, M. et al. (2020) Intelligence support for operations in the information environment, RAND Corporation. Available at: https://www(dot)rand(dot)org/pubs/research_reports/RR3161.html (Accessed: 03 August 2023).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Information and Cyber Operations
Response to Question A: (Joshua Lawhon)
I agree with Joshua Lawhon that the threat posed by accidents and natural disasters is a crucial challenge to Joint Cyberspace Operations. The combination of cyber vulnerabilities and natural catastrophes increases the potential for significant disruptions in a society increasingly reliant on networked systems. Hurricane Sandy's effect in 2012, for example, caused significant power outages and interrupted communication networks in the eastern United States. This natural disaster revealed how susceptible vital infrastructure is to both physical and cyber events co-occurring.
During such vulnerable moments, bad actors could exploit fragile systems, compounding the effects of disasters. Joshua's example of the 2018 Houston drill emphasizes the need for extensive planning to manage the convergence of cyber threats and natural risks. Furthermore, the spike in phishing attempts following Hurricane Florence demonstrates attackers' opportunism amid emergencies. This threat's cumulative effect on response and recovery efforts is a crucial impediment. When critical systems are hacked during natural disasters, the capacity to offer relief, coordinate reactions, and transmit critical information is severely hampered. This inability limits the Joint Force's capacity to conduct successful cyberspace operations, compromising military preparedness and mission accomplishment. As a result, tackling the confluence of cyber threats and natural catastrophes is critical to the resilience of Joint Cyberspace Operations.[P.A.L. Ducheine et al. “The ‘Next’ War Should Have Been Fought in Cyberspace, right? An Analysis of Cyber-Activities in the 2022 Russo-Ukraine War,” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022: 4.]
Response to Question B (Cartwright)
Cartwright's response thoroughly examines the crucial role of audience analysis in Information Operations (IO). I agree that undertaking audience analysis is essential for creating good tales. Using Target Audience Analysis (TAA), content can be tailored to resonate with foreign audiences, boosting narrative acceptance. TAA is the key to gaining information superiority since it allows for a more detailed grasp of the target audience's beliefs, tastes, and cultural nuances. Messages are at risk of being misinterpreted or rejected if TAA is not used. China's employment of TAA as a strategic weapon during the COVID-19 epidemic shows how crafted narratives can affect international views.[Sarah Cook, “Countering Beijing’s Media Manipulation.” Journal of Democracy 33, no. 1 (2022): 116.]
TAA's importance goes beyond th...
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