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Subcultural Research- Drag Queen Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

you’ll need to do the following:

1. Choose one subculture from the list (or one of your own with prior approval from your instructors).

2. Perform outside research and collect data – visit the New School/NYU libraries and use academic databases to find scholarly written research about your subculture. (Limit websites/social media, etc.)

3. Document your findings in the brief, using citations and quotations as evidence to support your answers.

You will be graded on how well you meet the requirements listed above, as well as the following criteria:

 Clear and thoughtful summarization of your subculture

 Generous, explicit, and thoughtful connection to the sources of your research

 Ample citations, quotations, and a bibliography formatted according to Chicago style

 Clear writing and evidence of editing and proofreading

Intro to Fashion Studies – Subcultural Research Brief – Grading Rubric

Meeting Requirements (/30 points possible)

• Including all four components (origins, dress practices, political/economic stance, cultural activities)

• Including two or more illustrative images of your subculture and properly citing their source

• Meeting word limit expectations (250-300 words per component, 800-1000 words overall)

• Appropriateness of sources (performing academic research using New School databases and materials)

• Including and documenting any and all outside research (beyond the syllabus) using citations and quotations

• Including a bibliography listing all sources used in your research brief, formatted according to Chicago style

Quality of Writing (/40 points possible)

• Writing that clearly, thoughtfully, and fully addresses each component of the research brief using examples, evidence, and explanation

• Writing that demonstrates a clear understanding and accurate, careful interpretation of your research

Connections to Course Ideas and Outside Research (/40 points possible)

• Consideration of a variety of perspectives and sources of information (between 5 and 7 sources)

• Explicit and thoughtful connection to your outside sources through paraphrased material and quotes which are properly introduced, explained, and contextualized

• Explicit and thoughtful connection to readings and ideas from class, as they connect to your subcultural research

Clarity of Writing (/10 points possible)

• Evidence of proofreading and attention paid to typographical errors

• Evidence of editing and attention paid to technical aspects of writing

• Correct formatting of quotations and citations according to Chicago Style

Sources from 5-7 please

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
A drag queen refers to a male who deploys various acts that illustrate femininity in an exaggerated appearance of a woman with the intention of gender performance, identity expression or merely to display their creativity.[Edgar, Eir-Anne. "Xtravaganza!"]
The drag queen subculture can be traced back, though lightly, in the 16th century. Hierarchical and gender prejudices of the 16th century saw men perform the roles of women in the theatre. Young men are impersonating women by wearing women clothes and taking up female roles since women were forbidden from theatre stage. The female impersonation, however, changed in the 18th century after women inclusion into the theatre stage. Well organized drag performances became evident in the American society by the 19th century.[Baker 1994] [Ibid 2, p. 109]
Mostly comprised of gay men, performances referred to as drag balls were organized with the men dressed up as women while dancing. Drag ball patrons would cover their faces as a guise. Participants of the drag balls engaged in transgressive behaviors that portrayed deviation from the normal societal gender norms. Drag balls consisted of different races, genders, social class and people of different sexual identification who would openly express their identities without having fear. Religious leaders rebuked drag performances terming them as immoral with continued disapproval of the culture by “their families, communities, and schools because of their sexual and gender expressions”.[Baker 1994] [Ibid 4, p. 291] [Ibid 4]
Dress Practices
The drag queen culture incorporates men dressing in women clothes and dancing as a performance, or an expression of sexuality. The dressing of drag queens is mostly outside the norms of the society with participants receiving mixed reactions either in hate and rebuke or love and appreciation. The 21st-century dressing has changed to incorporate women and members of the LGBT community wishing to join the performance. Chauncey posits that drag balls consisted of both men and women cross-dressing and expressing various aspects of femininity and masculinity. The 21st-century drag functions have drifted from merely sexual identities to platforms expressing sexual orientation and desire. Drag queen performances have also been used to reveal the transgender identities as a convenient way to fit in the society as a sexual minority group.[] [Ibid 4, p.293] [Butler 2011.]
Consequently, participating in drag dances aids in discovering sexual identities and becoming comfortable with open appearances. Discovery of sexual identities in drag performances influences dressing with transgender choosing to dress as they please. Gay women have also dressed as men in drag performances entertaining gay men, indicating a shift in cross-dressing originally by men.[Taylor and Rupp (2004)]
Political/Economic Stance
Drag performances have provided a platform for participants to air their political social and economic beliefs. Being members of a minority group, drag performances have opened discussions that have given a chance to create new legisl...
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