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Racism And White Privilege: Race And Biology

Essay Instructions:

You may choose either one of the following two questions

1. Racism and white privilege

2. Race and biology

Find one written peer reviewed journal article

and write a 800-1000 words essay about the topic.

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Racism is a state of where a person is being discriminated or faces biases due to the color of their skin. It is based on a belief that people in a specific race e.g. whites, blacks, Irish or Asians, possess specific character traits or abilities which are unique to their race. Racism is brought about by brought about by the assumption that these “race-specific” characteristics make people from a certain tribe superior or inferior. There have been some assumptions that have been made that try to put it that race is biological. However, different scientists have come to reprimand these assumptions by trying to explain scientifically and using history that there is no such thing as race is biological. Discussed in this paper is the journal "Race and America’s Immigrant Press. How the Slovaks were Taught to Think Like White People.
"Race and America’s Immigrant Press: How the Slovaks were Taught to Think Like White People
The journal was developed after the realization of how the society in the U.S. had structured itself and blaming the issue of racism on biological factors. The American society has structured itself in a racial way that has provided people of some races advantage and more privileges than others. According to it, there is only one biological race, the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. It is a race that is placed by evolution where people evolved over the years as is seen in the various evolution theories in history. According to history, the Homo Sapiens Sapiens is considered as the modern man. It states that this is the only existing race, however, he also recognizes the different races in which our society is structured it does not exist. According to this, racial divisional as social and not biological.["Race and America’s Immigrant Press: How the Slovaks were Taught to Think Like White People." 2011. doi:10.5040/9781628928273.]
The journal classifies race as a divide due to various factors which are, historical, ethnic, religious, linguistic and others like skin color and backgrounds. It states that there is no genetic variation that makes a person white or blacks. Biology is all genes and body compositions. There are no specific genetic character traits that are found or can be characterized to be composed or special with people of any specific race. There are genes that make people of any s...
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