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Ecomodernism on Causes of Famine

Essay Instructions:

Explain how ecomodernism understands the underlying causes of famine. How should we understand the complexity of the conditions that have been productive of the crisis in Yemen, and the technofixes that are purported to solve it? The answers should be supported from the readings and should illustrate interconnections and evidence of systems-thinking. Please use Chicago citation style using footnotes. All the sources that might use are in the file.

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Explain how ecomodernism understands the underlying causes of famine. How should we understand the complexity of the conditions that have been productive of the crisis in Yemen and the technofixes that are purported to solve it?
Ecomodernism is the philosophical approach towards environmental protection using technology. The approach argues that humans can implement technological methods to protect and improve nature. It is based on the modernization of ecological solutions or interventions, using technology, with the aim of making them more effective hence bringing more positive results. It seeks to unite humans and nature using technology so as to ensure that there is a cohesive relationship with each benefitting from the other and there is no destruction of nature. The approach is based on an argument that human should properly utilize natural resources and minimize their impacts on the environment so as to avoid a collapse in both the ecology and economy.[Asafu-Adjaye, John, Linus Blomquist, Stewart Brand, Barry W. Brook, Ruth DeFries, Erle Ellis, Christopher Foreman et al. "An ecomodernist manifesto." (2015).]
Ecomodernism on Causes of Famine
Famine is a situation in which people in a particular area, region or country are in a state where there is a food shortage. Famine is as a result of the extreme scarcity of food. It is a state of food deprivation whereby the available food cannot satisfy the population. It is characterized by extreme cases of malnutrition, deficiencies, and deaths at the extreme. Famine is characterized by food insecurity. Being food insecure means that all the people at a given place do not have adequate food which is of quality nutritional value and safe for human consumption at all times. Famine is mainly as a result of drought, famine, wars and other natural calamities that lead to the destruction of crops and animals or make it impossible for people to engage in activities that generate food. During times of famine, there are some people who are most affected called vulnerable groups. People most vulnerable to famine include children, pregnant and lactating women, elderly and those who are sick or disabled.
Ecomodernism views issues in nature as a result of human activities. From an ecomodernists view, famine is caused by war and conflicts, inflation and population imbalances and government policies. All these actions by humans. Unlike other perspectives which view famine as a result of some natural factors like harsh climates and natural catastrophes which are beyond humans control, ecomodernism views it as a result of human actions. Government policies which lead to people being unable to access food or do activities that will increase their food security, population imbalances which lead to competition of available foods and lack of adequate arable land to cultivate crops, was and conflicts which lead to the destruction of crops in the farms and food in the food storages are the main cause of poverty in this perspective.[Asafu-Adjaye, John, Linus Blomquist, Stewart Brand, Barry W. Brook, Ruth DeFries, Erle Ellis, Christopher Foreman et al. "An ecomodernist manifesto." (2015).]
Modern famine, like other issues being experienced in the today society, is manmade. It is the actions of people that have led the experiencing of these problems. Ecomodernism is based on the protection of natural resources and environment which are key to food security. Climatic conditions according to scientists, require environmental protection to be favorable. Human actions like deforestation have led to climatic conditions being severe. The ecomodernist argues that if people were to observe their activities and make sure that they are not destroying the ecology then it would go a long way to solving famine issues. In most cases, the food crisis is not a result of one issue. The reason is that people in an area struck by famine can migrate to other areas or get food from elsewhere. However, some cases make it impossible for the people to move. For example, in a case of war, crops in farms and food storages may be destroyed through bombing or other warfare techniques with an aim of frustrating the population. Due to the war, people may be unable to migrate to other places or get food from these other areas and this may lead to them being affected by famine.
Yemen Crisis
The Yemeni war started in 2015 after a disagreement on who to constitute the government of Yemen. The then incumbent Yemeni government wanted to continue leading the government while the Houthi militia didn’t agree with that hence a war broke. The war put the residents of Yemen at various risks of famine. Interventions by foreign countries led by Saudi Arabia were put in place to try and stop the war. Saudi Arabia was accused of various war crimes by the United Nations (UN0 in its intervention in the war crimes. It was accused of obstructing humanitarian efforts purposefully which were being delivered to the Yemenis.[Al-Jbarat, Mahmmoud. "Yemen Crises; Historical Roots and Solution Spheres." Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research (2017).]
Saudi Arabia, according to the UN, were deliberately committing war crimes which included the use of starvation, withdrawal of humanitarian aid and diseases as a strategy in the war. The UN accused them of having and showing complete disregard to human life in the interventions during this war. The Saudi Troupes bombed farms, food factories and storages, fishing boats and other food businesses in the...
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