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Science and Scientists Are More Political than We Imagine

Essay Instructions:

This first assignment this term asks you to write a short essay analysing the biography we are using as a textbook this term. It is Matthew Stanley, Einstein’s War : How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I  (New York, New York: Dutton, 2019). This biography, as the author explains, follows Einstein’s life and ideas into and out of World War One. Assess the purpose of this framework. Is the book’s focus on the impact of war on Einstein and others trying to convince us that science and scientists are more political than we imagine? Or, is the book’s focus on the impact of war on Einstein and others trying to convince us that, ultimately, science is beyond politics (after all, Einstein did succeed in finding his calculations for general relativity)? Or, neither?
Criteria for Evaluation:Participation in tutorial discussion on the biography to develop this essay.Level of your understanding of the biography’s arguments about science, scientists and politics. A clear argument that responds to the question, above, supported with evidence from the book.Writing style, including good paragraph structure, clarity, and organizational structure. Correct grammar and essay-mechanics (title, spelling, punctuation) Ability to follow presentation instructions for format.
Format:1. Your work should be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font.2. Use 1-inch margins, and number your pages.3. Submit a doc or docx file – if you use another format for writing, like Google Docs, you must convert it before submitting. 4. Submit to the 1911 website by the deadline with your doc or docx file properly labelled: last name first name, course name, assignment name and date. E.g “LastnameFirstname1911Assignment62022.doc” 5. Follow University of Chicago format for any quotations, as with your other assignments.

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Albert Einstein is renowned for his mathematical and scientific brilliance. What is less well known is how World War I nearly prevented Einstein's name from being eternally immortalized as one of history's great physicists. According to author Matthew Stanley, No Man's Land split the Allies, the Central Powers, and the scientific community. Among Einstein's colleagues were several allies, including the United Kingdom. Nationalism and bigotry kept German-speaking scientists out of the English-speaking world during and after WWII, and both had to be overcome in order to demonstrate Albert Einstein's greatness. This book covers the lives of both Einstein and Eddington during WWI. It gives a detailed picture of the suffering and waste created by the war. It also highlights the problems of scientists who wanted to work together across national boundaries. Therefore, the book focuses on the impact of war on Einstein and others, trying to convince people that science and scientists are more political than we imagine.
Scientists turned to nuclear fission as a weapon after Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 fundamentally transformed scientific knowledge. The writer, on the other hand, does not go into great detail about his theory or its application in the war. Despite Einstein's little role in the theory, design, and detonation of the first two nuclear bombs, the public views him as the genius who determined World War II's result. When people see the book's title, they are immediately reminded of the Second World War. This, however, is not the case. The novel was set during World War I, when Albert Einstein released his theory of general relativity in war - time Germany, and how Arthur Eddington, a pacifist British physicist, organized a global quest to check the theory coming from an enemy country. It pays homage to the worldwide spirit of science that transcends national borders and soars above the ruling elite' provincial politics. It also serves as a cautionary tale, recounting the experiences of numerous other scientists who succumbed to popular sentiment and devised gadgets to murder enemy soldiers and civilians.
The book, as the title suggests, is about following the evolution of relativity from thought experiments through radical conceptions to scientific validation. It utilizes a dual-track narrative, switching chapters and parts to describe Albert Einstein's and Arthur Eddington's lives and work. Eddington's contribution to identifying Einstein's genius is crucial. In a British context, he labored against all obstacles. He declined to participate in the Great War because he was a Quaker. The British government rounded up all males of fighting age, regardless of aptitude, education, or natural tendency, when the war's casualty counts were so high. Many talented scientists were killed in the killing fields of continental Europe as a result of this indiscriminate conscription. Relativity was a complex, abstract theory that most people, including scientists, couldn't comprehend.[Stanley, Matthew. 2020. Einstein's War: How Relativity Triumphed Amid The Vicious Nationalism Of World War I. Dutton Books. Pg. 18.]
Eddington worked tirelessly on the hypothesis, despite the fact that material coming from enemy territory was censored throughout the war, and created textbooks for widespread use. He also gave presentations to the general public to explain the theory and build a support base for initiatives to test the theory's predictions. Einstein predicted that the course of light will be deflected by gravity as if it had mass. Theory was also used to determine the precise value at which the deviation will occur. Eddington organized two teams to watch and quantify the actual deflection of the complete solar eclipse of 1919 in Brazil and Africa. A change of 1.75 arc seconds, equating to 1/60 of an mm on photographic plates, was recorded by the researchers. It coincided with Einstein's forecast, and he became famous. According to the author, Einstein would not have be...
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