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Mass Media and American Politics

Essay Instructions:

1000-word essay with the following components: Answer one of the three questions using evidence (quotations and paraphrases) from both the Iyengar Textbook and the Kirsch Video Lectures, (750 words) and then also summarize two peer-reviewed journal articles (found on JSTOR) that provide background or engagement with this subject by stating their hypothesis or research question, their method for finding answers, and their findings/conclusions (each summary about 125 words, two summaries totalling 250 words).

Please do not turn in your paper with your name on the pdf document. It needs to be anonymous for peer reviewing later in the semester.


Question Options (Choose ONE of the following for a 1000 word essay with citations):

In recent years, local news has surpassed network news as the major source of public affairs programming. From one scholarly perspective on the news media, this is utterly predictable. Describe this perspective.

The mass media have replaced political parties as the principal intermediaries between candidates and voters. How has this change transformed the candidates’ campaign strategies.

Assume you were asked to evaluate the “civic performance” of American news organizations. What criteria would you use to define their performance, and what would you prescribe as a means of raising the level of performance?


Also summarize TWO peer reviewed journal articles that seem to address the above questions.

Summary of the two peer reviewed sources (which should be from journals like Political Communication, or perhaps Perspectives on Politics, The Forum, or New Political Science) should include the title and author and date in the citation, as well as a summary of the question they asked in their research, what they did (the method they used) to find new information or data, the conclusions or findings they reached, and what could be done to either challenge or support their findings (a new method or updated or more thorough information).

(Your paper will be assessed based on whether your piece follows the assignment’s directions (i.e. answering one of the above questions directly, taking evidence and citations from the textbook, source material from this Canvas module such as the video lectures or articles). Try to keep in mind the quality of your thesis, the use of evidence, quality of analysis, mechanics, and organization. Source citations (which should be in Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), (not ALA or APA) should not come from internet searches, but rather from reading material and lectures included in this module, and from the library's JSTOR or EBSCO databases, and must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

If possible. The book to cite from would be

Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide

by Shanto iyengar

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mass Media and American Politics
(Course name)
(Date of Submission)
Mass Media and American Politics
The mass media have replaced political parties as principal intermediaries between candidates and voters. This change has transformed candidates’ campaign strategies, particularly at the national level. Politicians are keen to propagate and maintain a positive public image and steer the public towards a more positive reception of their candidacy and policies. The shift from personal appearances to mass media campaigning as the only uniquely unmediated form of a campaign speech has resulted in various media strategists by politicians to spin the press and ensure a regular stream of favorable media coverage. The first strategy is avoiding placing oneself at the mercy of the media by sidestepping any behavior that raises questions about the candidate’s suitability for office. Since issues about morality tend to take a black and white approach, scandals tend to raise doubts about the aspirant’s suitability even when he or she is an able leader. While past presidential candidates have periodically found themselves entangled in multiple personal and official disgraces and even managed to win, ensuing media storms tend to overshadow everything else and make it more difficult for the candidate to eke out an edge in the race.[Shanto Iyengar, Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide (Fourth Edition) (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2019).]
Because of the heightened scrutiny brought about by mass media, politicians have also adopted being decisive on sensitive policy issues. Policy issues are typically a convenient excuse for journalists to attack a candidate, and therefore, aspirants whose deeds or statements are incompatible with their statements are ripe for widespread criticism. In those cases when both candidates are relatively flawed or ethically upright, the press is particularly keen on analyzing each candidate’s assertions on policy issues. Therefore, any inconsistency becomes a stumbling block. Another critical facet in spinning the press is manipulating reporters’ treatment of the aspirant’s electoral chances by playing their expectations to one’s advantage. For instance, favorable coverage during the initial stages can help source additional funds and voters, while setting low journalists’ expectations can help moderate the level of scrutiny given to a candidate. Candidates who are not regarded as favorites may get away with the occasional gaffe, while high-profile aspirants tend overly-criticized for even the smallest stumbles. Downplaying or overplaying electoral prospects can provide significant advantages in shaping public perception and amassing campaign resources. Another way in which the rise of mass media as the primary form of a campaign speech has transformed the candidates’ campaign strategies relates to scheduling events to ensure maximum news coverage.[Shanto Iyengar, Media Politics: A Citizen’s Guide (Fourth Edition) (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2019).]
Timing one’s announcements have become a central pillar in press management, especially in increasing the longevity of a candidate’s news coverage. Politicians are careful to announce their running mates just days before the party convention to generate as much advanced media attention as possible. A candidate’s newsworthiness is tied to how much hype he or she can generate before a major political announcement or event. Therefore, it is not uncommon for celebrities to feature politicians’ efforts to stimulate media interest. President Bush went a step further and organized a convenient photo shoot on the third anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to sustain media support for his stance on terrorism and national security. By tying his campaign to the event, Bush succeeded at redirecting public attention from economic issues to terrorism and national security, which continued to receive disproportionate attention from major news networks. Tied to this strategy is providing the press with unlimited access to the candidate when drumming up support and then restricting the same after gaining a comfortable lead. Those trailing in the polls require as much media coverage as possible to gain on their rivals, while those in the lead want as little media sc...
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