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Probability Sampling

Essay Instructions:

Please do this attached assignment based on the attached paper. I am going with probability sampling. The country is Kuwait. There are five research questions for the survey on this attached paper you can use them as a guide, but please come up with ten multiple-choice questions (4 demographic questions & 6 opinion questions related to your dependent variable).


Probability sampling where samples are chosen from a larger population, and there is random selection. There were 50 respondents, and the responses were analyzed, and data analysis requires both inferential and descriptive analysis. Sampling is essential in the study to get results that are representative of the population. The conclusions obtained depending on the samples analyzed and the sample size is considered large enough and helpful in getting reliable results.  The respondents were informed of the study objectives, and their understanding of gender equality provided clues on their experiences and attitudes.

There are different responses on equality between men and women and how gender discrimination and inequality. The respondents' demographic profiles are considered as the factors associated with gender inequality and the participants' belief that the interventions were effective.  The respondents are women, and there was no question on their gender, but instead, there is more focus on other demographic variables and then their perceptions of gender equality. All the questions were mandatory, but the respondents were free not to answer some of the questions if they do not wish to do so. Laws, norms, and gender stereotypes may influence people's perceptions of gender equality and discrimination.

 Examining the respondents' views on gender equality is based on their expertise and views on inequality and discrimination. There is a focus on determining whether affirmative action and women empowerment techniques effectively reduce and eliminate gender inequality.  The frequency distribution and proportion indicate how different strategies help address gender equality issues.  The percentage indicated it in the response. Since there were yes and no answers, it was easy to differentiate which issues are more likely to affect Kuwait's efforts towards achieving gender equality.



Survey Questionnaire

I would like you to answer a few questions on gender equality in Kuwait and provide your honest opinion. 


Age (years)

  1. 18- 30
  2. 31 -40
  3. 41 -50
  4. 51-60
  5. 61 +

Do you have children?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Prefer not to answer

Level of education

  1. High School
  2. Undergraduate
  3. Postgraduate
  4. Other
  5. Prefer not to answer

Marital status

  1. Single
  2. Married
  3. Separated
  4. Divorced
  5. Widowed
  6. Prefer not to answer






Have you experienced any form of discrimination because of your gender?

  1. Yes []
  2. No []

Are there laws on non-discrimination on gender and equality between men and women established in the law?

  1. Yes []
  2. No []

Do you believe there is gender discrimination and inequality between men and women in Kuwait?

  1. Yes []
  2. No []
  3. Maybe []

If you believe there is gender inequality and discrimination, which of the two measures do you think is better?

  1. Yes []
  2. No []

Which method do you believe is an effective method in improving Gender equality in Kuwait?

  1. Women empowerment
  2. Affirmative actions
  3. Other (Give brief explanation)

Do you believe that efforts to promote gender equality are practical?

  1. Yes []
  2. No []
  3. Maybe []
  4. Others (please specify) []


Thank you for answering the survey questions.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 4
Please do this attached assignment based on the attached paper. I am going with probability sampling. The country is Kuwait. There are five research questions for the survey on this attached paper you can use them as a guide, but please come up with ten multiple-choice questions (4 demographic questions & 6 opinion questions related to your dependent variable).
Probability sampling where samples are chosen from a larger population, and there is random selection. There were 50 respondents, and the responses were analyzed, and data analysis requires both inferential and descriptive analysis. Sampling is essential in the study to get results that are representative of the population. The conclusions obtained depending on the samples analyzed and the sample size is considered large enough and helpful in getting reliable results. The respondents were informed of the study objectives, and their understanding of gender equality provided clues on their experiences and attitudes.
There are different responses on equality between men and women and how gender discrimination and inequality. The respondents' demographic profiles are considered as the factors associated with gender inequality and the participants' belief that the interventions were effective. The respondents are women, and there was no question on their gender, but instead, there is more focus on other demographic variables and then their perceptions of gender equality. All the questions were mandatory, but the respondents were free not to answer some of the questions if they do not wish to do so. Laws, norms, and gender stereotypes may influence people's perceptions of gender equality and discrimination.
Examining the respondents' views on gender equality is based o...
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