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The Most Appropriately Assigned to Dual-Hatted COMAFFOR and JFACC

Essay Instructions:

Which one of the following duties, functions, or authorities is most appropriately assigned to a dual-hatted COMAFFOR/JFACC and operations in the air domain, and which one should more appropriately be assigned to another component or Unified Command? For both parts of this question be sure to justify your contentions with logic and reasoning.

Airspace Control Authority (ACA)

Area Air Defense Commander (AADC)

Collection Management Authority (CMA)

Collection Operation Management (COM)

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)

Space Coordination Authority (SCA)

Jamming Control Authority (JCA)

Supported Commander for Personnel Recovery (PR)

**Instructional note: This question is not a “CTRL F” exercise, nor does it ask what these duties, functions, or authorities are in detail. Remember, the goal is less than 10% of your response is a direct quote. Answers that display direct quotes greater than 10% lack original conception and academic rigor and will be graded accordingly.**

** Please make sure provide a introduction and conclusion and to answer both questions.*

*I will upload course materials within the next couple of days for the writer to use*

*When you place your in-text citation within the essay, please input your page number where you found the information. Example: (Hodges 2003, 176)., Hodges (2003, 176) discussed..., In a 2003 article, Hodges (176) discussed.

I started to do a little bit of research on this essay. What are your thoughts on this.

1. Which one of the following duties, functions, or authorities is most appropriately assigned to a dual-hatted COMAFFOR/JFACC and operations in the air domain? We will write about Airspace Control Authority (ACA).

2. Which one should more appropriately be assigned to another component or Unified Command? We will write about Supported Commander for Personnel Recovery (PR).

Let me know your thoughts....

Essay Sample Content Preview:

JA5510- Week 3/4 Essay
JA5510- Week 3/4 Essay
Airspace Control Authority (ACA) is most appropriately assigned to a dual-hatted Commander, Air force Forces (COMAFFOR)/Joint force air component commander (JFACC), and operations in the air domain. This responsibility is documented in the joint doctrine that designates functions and authorities to every air force member. The joint doctrine establishes that successful command and control of all air force operations starts with the commander.. Joint forces comprise service component commanders like COMAFFOR assigned to the joint force commander (JFC) and functional component commanders like JFACC designated by the JFC to the unity of command and effort for joint air operations. COMMAFFOR is designated as the JFACC because the positions have a preponderance of forces.[US Air Force. 2022. Airforce Doctrine Publication: Command and Control. 1-72.] [Ibid]
The doctrine designates JFACC as ACA and area air defense commander (AADC) because these duties are related. The COMAFFOR performs administrative control functions and authorities based on the achievement of administrative control functions. Administrative control is the authority that satisfies Title 10 responsibilities of the military department. In nearly all cases, the JFC designates the COMAFFOR as the JFACC. Since the joint doctrine acknowledges these positions as the same, it jointly refers to the individuals as ‘‘air component commanders’’ when referring to common roles assigned to them. The fact that the joint doctrine recognizes COMMAFOR and JFACC as the same means that the two can perform similar functions, and they have nearly equal jurisdiction. CAMAFFOR can also be assigned the ACA role.[Ibid] [Ibid] [Brown, C. Jr Q, and Rick Fournier. 2016. No longer the outlier: updating the air component structure. Air Force Research Institute Maxwell AFB United States]
From an individual perspective, the ACA responsibility is most appropriately assigned to a dual-hatted COMAFFOR/JFACC and operations in the air domain because this role needs someone qualified to assume responsibility for the Airspace Control System (ACS) operation in the airspace control area. Due to their qualifications, COMAFFOR/JFACC can coordinate and integrate the airspace, develop procedures and policies for coordinated airspace control, establish an airspace control system responsive to the joint force commander's needs, and develop an airspace control plan. COMAFFOR/JFACC can handle these ACA-related functions.[Hukill, Jeffrey, Larry Carter, Scott Johnson, Jennifer Lizzol, Edward Redman, and Panayotis Yannakogeorgos. 2012. Air force command and control: the need for increased adaptability. Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama 1-130.]
The joint doctrine specifies that the ACA should be the commander with a preponderance of air control and management capabilities. The ACA operates and provides effective air control systems. Therefore, COMAFFOR/JFACC is best placed to assume the ACA role. It is worth noting that the ACA roles designated to COMAFFOR/JFACC lie within the joint doctrine. This doctrine contains the guidelines and procedures of the military forces. It is a body of carefu...
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