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How the Division of Labor Defines the Labor Market

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to write a 2 page argumentative essay addressing the following prompt. Your responses should be in the form of a formal academic essay, with an intro paragraph that summarizes your argument and contains a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that support and provide evidence for your position, and a concluding paragraph. Your responses should draw on material from readings and lectures, and use appropriate quotes and textual analysis from multiple sources. Formatting should follow common collegiate standards, including common font type and size (11 or 12pt), 1” margins, and properly footnoted using the Chicago format. Your answers to these questions must take the form of an argumentative essay, meaning that in addition to being specific, debatable, and evidentiary, they must explain a relationship of historical causality by answering a why question inspired by these prompts

We have seen the practice of gender shape and develop many moments of American labor history, from industrialization to slavery and others. What explains the role of gender in labor history? How and why does it take the particular constructions that it does, in the particular circumstances that it does? How and why does it change? In particular, think about the cultural logics, the economic factors, the legal and political constructions of gender.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Labor History
Institution Affiliation
Labor History in America
The race has been used throughout history to represent power in the dynamics of economics, politics, and social situations in America. Historically, power was consolidated between the elite and the government. The elite, who were white, enslaved people and sold them to lower-class whites to work in the plantations and households. This system created gender roles and racism in which men were subjected to hard labor while women and children served in their master's households. Thus, this paper seeks to argue how the division of labor defines the labor market and why it took the cause of racism, discrimination, and the class system. 
Before the world war, Asian Americans and Black Americans were perceived as commodities by slaveholders and were traded freely among the wealthiest Americans to work on their plantations. They were a source of cheap labor and always faced discrimination against Americans. During the slave period, the family was considered the source of strength and thus was separated to ensure corporation. Enslaved people were considered possessions, not human beings, leading to their oppression. The oppression occurred in three phases; structural, where people are oppressed because they are powerless in a system; personal, where people are oppressed because they have certain characteristics; and interpersonal, where people are oppressed because they interact with others. [Matthew Frye Jacobson, “Becoming Caucasian: Vicissitudes of Whiteness in American Politics and Culture,” Identities 8, no. 1 (2001): pp. 83-104, https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289x.2001.9962685.]
Additionally, during the slave period, women were left to work at home, bore children, and carry out homely duties while men toiled in hard labor in their master's plantations. They were considered matriarchs, which meant they held authority over their families. Further, boys and girls were separated from their parents when they attained maturity age to work for their bosses. The women eventually became the pioneers of resistance and freedom fighters. They encourage everyone around them to resist slavery and focus on freedom. She was a greater warrior against slavery. However, study shows that few women were recognized in the fight for freedom, but they played a significant role.
However, the division of labor changed its course when white supremacists would trade slaves and make money in form of willing buyers and willing sellers (Capitalism). Individuals with the highest number of slaves were considered wealthy and merchants with a huge chunk of land purchased slaves to transform wild land into ...
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