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Glaucon's Argument in the Story "The Ring of Gyges"

Essay Instructions:

Phil 1040G (001) Paper Topics Due Date: February 11, 2021 (25% of final grade)

Papers to be uploaded to OWL under the relevant assignment by 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the due date. Word .doc or .docx documents, please.

Late penalty: The late penalty is 3 marks per day (from 100) for one week. After one week, zero. Penalties may be waived for 48 hours in the event of an SRA or longer (but not indefinitely) if an accommodation request is received through your academic counselling office indicating documentation supporting medical or compassionate consideration. In either case new deadlines will be established in consultation with the professor and the same penalties will apply if they are missed.

Assignment: Your paper is worth 25% of your final grade. Please write a 1000-word paper and do not exceed the word limit by more than 100 words; include a word count at the end. Use double- spacing, adequate margins, and Times New Roman, Cambria, Arial or Calibri 12 point. The topics are quite focused, giving you an opportunity to engage thoughtfully with course readings. IMPORTANT: Your paper should demonstrate an understanding of relevant views and arguments of the author(s) cited in the question you choose to answer and show an appreciation of opposing views. Please cite your sources in endnotes (these can go beyond your word limit) and include a complete bibliography (even if you use only one source). Sources other than those that we studied are permitted but are neither necessary nor required (nor even encouraged) for writing a good paper.

Write your paper as a response to one of the following questions:

1. Towards the end of the assigned reading, “The Ring of Gyges” (from Book 2 of Plato’s Republic), Glaucon proposes that there is only one way to tell whether the perfectly unjust or perfectly just person is the happier of the two. Explain what he has in mind and why he thinks that is the only way to determine whether justice or injustice is truly the preferable path. In the context of the two-page reading assigned for class, what is Glaucon’s overall point? Do you agree with his reasoning? Explain and defend your answer.

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"The Ring of Gyges"
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"The Ring of Gyges"
"Ring of Gyges" is an illustration of power, and it shows people that if they had a particular set of power, nobody would be trustful. In this case, justice is not made to bring equity but rather to victimize; thus, it is injustice rather than justice. Justice is an important entity, and it is the most moral artifact in the world. Glaucon establishes that justice is a virtue set in a rational manner whereby one system does not tamper with other parts. According to Plato, justice should be inclusive, equitable, and fair to the involved parties. However, in "Republic book II" Glaucon's sentiments claim that human beings are always unjust and lack moral principles and qualities3.
Therefore, justice is not enough in determining what is just in these scenarios. Glaucon's argument oppose Socrates and Plato's thoughts on what justice should do in society. Both Plato and Socrates' sentiments resonate around moral uprightness in society. He (Glaucon) uses intensive arguments to show that justice is consequential, meaning it is self-interested. Furthermore, Adeimantus supports Glaucon's argument that justice is beneficial, therefore, injustice3. The primary item in Glaucon's mind is that people only see justice because it is beneficial to them one way or the other. Justice develops a strong rapport with the people in society, reflecting its benefits rather than finding the truth. "Republic book II" shows different types of good; Plato and Socrates argue that justice elements fall under the instrumental goods (consequential). Instrumental goods are essential things such as medicine.
Glaucon uses these artifacts to show the relationship between injustice and justice. From the people's point of view, justice is essential; however, Glaucon sees it in a contrary way; for example, he says, "injustice is morally good, but the law can force an individual to be against it." Therefore, nobody can be just willingly, and people can be unjust without being forced or barred from it. Everyone has desires, and some are selfish hence unjustifiable; however, people engage in injustice activities for their excellent and others. People are just because they have no option to do the opposite; otherwise, most people would be unjust in their entire life. Glaucon's "The Ring of Gyges" shows that justice is only valuable when people do not engage in injustice activities. For example, Gyges is a fictional character used by Glaucon to show injustice in the society1. Gyges pursues an opportunity of invisibility to...
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