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Albert Laprade Museum of the Colonies (1929)

Essay Instructions:

After reading Patricia Morton's essay, what relationship do you see between race and place in Albert aprade's design for the Museum of the Colonies? Can you think of a contemporary example (in architecture, popular culture, etc.) that mirrors the racial dynamics manifest in this case study?

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Social Influence on Architecture
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Social Influence on Architecture
There is more to architectural design than the pure science and practicability of engineering. The social strata of the people living or existing in a certain locality have a lot to say in determining the kind of structures they prefer to live in and with. Race and culture are inherent companions. Still, humankind is the sole architect of race and culture. In this paper, there will be a spirited attempt to bring out a connection between race, culture and the place in which people live in.
Architecture and Colonialism
There is, perhaps, no better example of the extent of colonial power than the France exerted on her colonies. Many European colonialists were dominant and did not take into account the importance of local architecture and, therefore, chose to replace them with their own. However, France recognized the value of appreciating the architectural innovation of her colonial subjects and aimed at assimilating them by giving them the same level of rights as any of her own citizens while still maintaining the pride of their own civilization. The 1931 Albert Laprade designing of the Museum of the Colonies no doubt aimed at ensuring that people from colonized countries felt as much sense of belonging as any other ordinary France citizen. There was, however, a hidden aim behind the cultural extravagancies of ...
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