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Religion & Theology
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Essay Instructions:

Take a primary source (from the syllabus or another relevant source) as a starting point, and justify the choice. Give a short analysis of the source, discuss what kind of perception (s) of Jesus it conveys, and put this into a larger historical context of ideas. The source should be relatively «short», but can be of different genres (prose / poetry, works of art , song / music, video or similar).

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Jesus Christ is known as one of the most influential religious leaders in history. The most popular stories about Jesus Christ are found in the Bible, which accounts for his life since his birth, his ministry, death, and resurrection. Not everyone is religious, and definitely, not everyone believes the stories of Jesus Christ. As such, many different stories seek to discredit the story of Jesus Christ as a son of God and as an extraordinary leader. To better understand the story of Jesus, I chose to evaluate the article "Who was Jesus?" by Owen Jarus. This assignment aims to show the author's perception of Jesus in relation to the larger historical context.One of the reasons I chose the article was because the title was simple and easily comprehendible. The question format of the title asks who Jesus was, which means the title gives a perception of Jesus through the author's eyes. Another reason is that the article is relatively short, which matches the requirements for this assignment. Owen Jarus is a writer of archeology and the history of human beings. Jarus has two degrees from two universities, a bachelor of arts degree and a journalism degree. Jarus writes for live Science, which covers facts worldwide, research ventures, and scientific breakthroughs. Live Science syndicates editorial commentary and stories to major news outlets such as Fox News.The source describes Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God whom God sent to live among humans, was crucified for humanity's sins and resurrected from the dead. According to Jarus (2020), Jesus performed supernatural activities during his mission, such as healing people by simply touching them, walking on water, exorcising demons, calming storms, and raising the dead. According to the article, Jesus was born in Bethlehem to a Virgin Mary and her carpenter husband, Joseph. At the time of birth, King Herod ordered the killing of all boys with two or fewer years of age, forcing Jesus and His family to flee to Egypt till the death of Herod.The author, however, relies on other people's ideas and not theirs in explaining who Jesus was. The article tries to show the portrayal of Jesus in the Bible and the critique of non-believers and scholars. Some people believe that it would have been impossible for Jesus to do some of the things he allegedly did. One of the disconnects between the Biblical stories and the historical evidence was the difference in dates and timelines when certain events occurred. Mostly through the article, the author gives the account of Jesus' life and opinions on doubts of scholars.In the article, Jarus perceives Jesus as a humble person who lived the life of a normal person until he started His ministry and started doing extraordinary things. Jarus'views coincide with the larger historical context that Jesus cared for other people regardless of their backgrounds. For instance, Jesus worked as a carpenter probably because His father, Joseph, was a carpenter. Since Jesus was both a son of man and a son of God, he demonstrated both sides in his life; in his early days, he lived as a son of a man doing normal things, and when He began His ministry, He demonstrated He was God's son especially through miracles.Despite the doubt on the existence of Jesus and the things he did, the evidence fits some of the Biblical stories into historical context. The connection between the life of Jesus Christ as given in the Bible and the historical context goes a long way to justify the stories about Jesus. The connection also helps solidify the perception that he was the son of God sent to live among human beings to show He was one of them and later die for their sins. The connection also adds credibility to Christianity because it originates from Jesus Christ.Jarus says that according to the Bible, Jesus had 12 disciples that helped him during the time of his ministry. The perception of Jarus coincides with that of Denova (2021) , who says that the twelve disciples of Jesus symbolized the twelve tribes of Israel. The article by Jarus says that Jesus began his ministry at the age of 30. In the beginning, Jesus made an inner circle of 12 Disciples with whom he did the ministry. He would get them out of their daily life duties one after another to join his team till they became 12.In the larger historical concepts of authors like Freyne, Jes...
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