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Presentation of the Image Jesus in Matthew

Essay Instructions:

Give a presentation of the picture of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Use gospel examples to illustrate this. Emphasize Matthew's features in relation to one or more of the other Gospels in the New Testament.

The Gospel of Matthew has had a great impact on the later conceptions of Jesus. Give a few examples from older and / or more recent times, and discuss why the Jesus picture of the Gospel of Matthew came to play a role in these cases.

font Times New Roman (12 point) with 1 ½ line spacing. include page numbers or urls to the sources. Articles (also on the web) should have "..." before and after. And the bibliography should also include links to web resources.

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Presentation of the Image Jesus in Matthew
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Presentation of the Image Jesus in Matthew
Give a presentation of the image of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Use gospel examples to illustrate this. Emphasize Matthew's features about one or more of the other Gospels in the New Testament.
During the 2nd era A.D., the gospel book of Matthew was written. It is thought to be the first Gospel book to be written because it intensely talks about issues associated with Judaism. It also gives a suitable shift from Old Testament to New Testament in the Bible. Matthew contains all the essential factors to the early church that is the story of how Jesus was miraculously conceived, an account of the significance of worship, statues, teaching, and discipleship, and an explanation of the life and death of Jesus.[Carpenter, Cody James Everett. "Matthew's Jesus: The Divine Exposed." (2018).]
Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2). After his death and resurrection, he was called Jesus Christ. Though born in Bethlehem, he was from Galilea in Nazareth. The book of Mathew states that Mary was realized to have been made pregnant by the Holy Spirit (Mathew 1:8), Joseph only becomes a legal father. Jesus' Father was a carpenter (Mathew 13:55). The book of Matthew is the first Gospel book of all the four gospel books that explain the life of Jesus and his ministry. It is the first book in the New Testament. It shows how it means to be part and parcel of the kingdom of heaven. The book shows how he was betrayed, crucified, died, ascended to heaven, and commissioned his disciples to reach all parts of the Earth in spreading the good news about Jesus Christ. The book of Mathew gives a presentation picture of how the coming of Jesus made the foresight of the Old Testament came to pass, right from birth. Jesus lived a blameless life, which clearly shows Christians how to live morally upright and be right with God.[Stan Files. Matthew’s Depiction of Jesus. Retrieved from https://stanfiles.wordpress.com/2017/02/25/matthews-depiction-of-jesus/ (2017, February 25).] [Tan, Tobias. "Scottish Journal of Theology: Echoes of Coinherence: Trinitarian Theology and Science Together (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017), pp. x+ 246. $31.00." Scottish Journal of Theology 72, no. 3 (2019): 351-352.]
The book represents Jesus Christ as the Messiah (Mathew 1:1), the offspring of David who was promised and prophesied by Isiah to bring peace, justice, and salvation to all men. Concerning this, He is depicted as God's son. His conception was by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18–20). During baptism, God, in the form of a dove, descended on Him, recognized Him as whom He loves, and He is well pleased (Matthew 3:17). Jesus is God Immanuel who lives among people (Matthew 1:23). Jesus Christ is shown as the King because He is an heir of King David (Matthew 1:1) and severally speaks through parables that the kingdom of heaven has come near (Matthew 4:17). There are several references made to the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God than other books of the gospel like Luke, Mark, and John. In addition to that, the book of Mathew depicts Jesus as the promised savior or redeemer of the world. He is Abraham's son, the promised one and through whom all states of the Earth will receive countless blessings.[Carpenter, Cody James Everett. "Matthew's Jesus: The Divine Exposed." (2018).]
Matthew Gospel represents Jesus as the extraordinary teacher, "the only teacher who can interpret the Law of God (the Bible)." He also says that Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God. Matthew 6:20 talks of not storing treasures in places where thieves can easily raid and steal them but rather in heaven where thieves cannot smash and grab. Most of the teachings are centered on five. The book of Matthew clarifies the standards of forbearances Matthew 5:38-42, the importance of helping those in need-the poor in Matthew 6:1-4 when we give in secret to the poor, we get a reward from God, the reject in society, and displaying the reverence way of attaining inner wisdom which opposes to material things. In Matthew chapter 5 -7, the Sermon on Mount talks of characters like being peacemakers, poor in spirit, pure in heart, merciful and, duties, privileges like the persecuted will own the kingdom of God and destiny of citizens of the kingdom of heaven. In major teaching sessions of Jesus have the formula "when he finished saying these things." (Matthew 7:28).[Stan Files. Matthew’s Depiction of Jesus. Retrieved from https://stanfiles.wordpress.com/2017/02/25/matthews-depiction-of-jesus/ (2017, February 25).]
The gospel of the book of Matthew represents Jesus as the healer. After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus healed a man with leprosy, healing the centurion's servant, and the paralyzed man depicts that Jesus does not only have power in the word but in His deeds too. Jesus requires his followers to be pure and healthy, for those who seek good health from him will receive. Jesus' exercise of the power of healing is represented in the healing of the centurion's servant in another distinction level (Files, 2017). A centurion is a man in authority, and he expects Jesus to use His healing power to heal his servant; Jesus offered to go to his place. Still, the centurion just expected Jesus to use His power by just giving a healing order (Matthew 8:5-13). He goes to Jesus with much respect and addresses Him as 'Lord' or 'Sir.' The centurion had faith that Jesus can heal his servant.[Tan, Tobias. "Scottish Journal of Theology: Echoes of Coinherence: Trinitarian Theology and Science Together (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2017), pp. x+ 246. $31.00." Scottish Journal of Theology 72, no. 3 (2019): 351-352.]
Another instance of healing is when Jesus heals mother-in-law to Peter and several others (Matthew 8:14-17). It is quite different from the preceding healings. The previous healings occurred in public while this was in private; Jesus had to overcome social and spatial restrictions and entered into a private space of this woman in Peter's house in Capernaum. The book of Matthew shows that Jesus noticed mother-in-law to Peter lying down sick and with fever. In those times, fever was known to be a disease and not a symptom. There is no request for healing or an indication of faith (no dialogue). Jesus heals employing just touching the sick woman, and the fever leaves immediately.[Stan Files. Matthew’s Depiction of Jesus. Retrieved from https://stanfiles.wordpress.com/2017/02/25/matthews-depiction-of-jesus/ (2017, February 25).] [Staples, Jason A. "'Lord, Lord': Jesus as YHWH in Matthew and Luke." New Testament Studies 64, no. 1 (2018): 1.]
The book of Matthew depicts Jesus as a picture of unconditional love. He reaches out to both sinners and the righteous, the poor and the rich, the subjects to power and those in power. Jesus Christ's love for humans is much more than He could not contain. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus knew that there is emptiness in peoples' souls when He looks at people, He saw pain and life uncertainty, He compares with a sheep without a shepherd and invites them to come to him, for in Him, there is rest. In addition to that, He portrayed unconditional love as shown when He died on the cross, acted to connect us back to the Father; though He had not committed any sin, He took up peoples' pain, shame, guilts, and sins and nailed them on the cross. They mocked Jesus for who He was as a Savior, King, as a believer who trusted God, and as the son of God.[Stan Files. Matthew’s Depiction of Jesus. Retrieved from https://stanfiles.wordpress.com/2017/02/25/matthews-depiction-of-jesus/ (2017, February 25).] [Carpenter, Cody James Everett. "Matthew's Jesus: The Divine Exposed." (2018).]
The Gospel of Matthew has had a great impact on the later conceptions of Jesus. Give ...
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