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Literature as Narratives of Human Experience: The Book of Job and Euripides' Hecuba

Essay Instructions:

Please read "The book of Job" and "Hecuba" and answer following questions. (NO outside research. I will upload both readings)
-What are the role of epics, mythologies, and fiction?
-Why are they indispensable for understanding the facts about human experience?
-Is any of the central ideas presented by different texts right about their explanations of the meaning of life?
-How, according to these ideas, should a person decide that to do in our contemporary world?
-What, if anything, makes some of these ideas right and other thing wrong?
My professor will grade this paper following
-Accurate sexual analyses with precise references
-Logical consistency and soundness of their arguments
-clear answer to raised questions
-self-reflective use of concrete examples
-appropriate grammar and style of writing for academic standard
please answer all question and fulfill all elements (for grading) . Check grammar and strictly follow CHICAGO style.(using footnotes to quote) Also, after title of this essay please put epigraph (one sentence quote fits entirely this essay)
please after you make statement, put textual evidence and analyzed quote. Also, professor will check grammatical mistake sentence by sentence so please make sure to write essay correctly....and do not use passive voice please!!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature as Narratives of Human Experience: The Book of Job and Euripides’ Hecuba
Name of Student
All Counsel Is Not Wise Counsel – The Book of Job
The Role of Epics, Mythologies and Fiction
Epics, mythologies, fiction and literature in general are vital in forming the understanding that we have of the society. In both oral and written form, literature serves as the reflection of the enduring sensibilities of the society in history. Both The Book of Job and Hecuba are classic pieces of written literature; the former a religious text while the latter is famous mythological piece. The two pieces differ in the contexts that they exist in yet both function as how literature should; and that is to enlighten and emphasize the human existence.
Literature is situated in the field of humanities. Unlike hard sciences, literature is closer to what makes us feel human. The Book of Job is clearly a reflection on the human condition in the context of Christianity. On the other hand, Hecuba, a queen borne of Greek mythology embodies the mythological identity which is very much idealized but is still just human. The identities embedded in literature serve as a gateway for reflection of our own identities. This is why epics, mythologies and fiction serve great purposes in learning the dynamics of the social environment we are in.
Literature and the Human Experience and Existence
In our daily lives, we can never escape literature and this is one good reason why it is so relevant in our lives. Stories that people grow up with have a way of clinging to their memories which in turn find a way in being embedded in their consciousness; this is why stories also give way to newer stories. The cycle of literature is dependent on human experience; it is through human relationships and dynamics that literature is able to thrive and create different modes of meaning as well as meaning-making.
Epics, mythologies and fiction will always be indispensable in understanding human existence because these important pieces in learning more about the dynamics of the human condition, in history and in the current sociocultural landscape of the society. Literary pieces can be considered as narratives of the human experience. Mythologies for a fact are known to be holders of the so-called “mythic” truths that pave the way in the more humane understanding of the society, including the physical environment that we continuously experience. On the other hand, fiction is a category of literature is usually associated with a basic definition: anchored on the make-believe. This is not entirely true since fiction, as a part of literature, is anchored on the dynamics of the human condition. Fictional pieces of literature is a way of imagining different realities that readers do not directly experience; through fiction, they are able to experience more than what they actually go through in their day to day lives. Facts of human existence are usually embedded in concepts that are not easy for us to understand. Through these narratives of human life, the multiplicity of human experience comes to light which emphasizes the role of literature as the mirror of the human condition and vice versa.
Overall, literature can never be indispensable in understanding facts of the human existence. Despite epics, mythology and fiction utilizing literary devices that definitely seem out of the ordinary, all are deeply rooted to the strengths and weaknesses of the human condition. All these are reflexive of how humans are able to view themselves integrated with different versions of reality. Through literature, reality is reinvented and appropriated to our liking.
The different perspectives developed in the study of literature showcases the influence of history in the establishment of different narratives that shape the identities that empower the society. These identities differ in context and can be clearly seen in both the character of Job and Hecuba.
The Book of Job
As a literary piece that is situated in a religious context, The Book of Job contains religious sensibilities that empower the image of the Christian God. This piece is known for its depiction of human suffering. Job is subjected to suffering and hardships by God as a way to test his faith. The challenges he went through are by no means “easy.” They were enough to let a simple human being give up on life. To put it simply; everything important was taken away from Job and he fully accepted what was happening to him because he knew it was the will of God. Job didn’t know any reasons for his suffering which made his character all the more admirable in the context of the Christian faith. The value of his suffering was emphasized by the image of God’s sovereignty in the story for it was through God that he was able to go through everything.
The character of Job can easily be associated to the value of human resiliency yet his identity as a Christian says so much more. He claims: “As long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils, my lips will not speak falsehood, and my tongue will not utter deceit.” Despite his sufferings, he remained firm to his faith and this is a prime illustration of the virtue of integrity among Christians.[“Job”, Holy Bible, 2007, p. 969]
As a narrative of human experience, The Book of Job is not all-inclusive. It tends to serve a specific audience that may somehow limit its factors of being relatable yet this does not mean that this narrative cannot be universal to the human condition. The character of Job shows one facet of the human being who clings onto someone or something as way of faith. Job carries values and virtues that are shaped by his belief in God. This identity is the idealized Christian identity that the society knows. Job’s purity is highlighted through the image of God presented in the story
One primary aspect of the story is the actual and metaphorical concept of faith. This is what makes the story understandable to its readers. It talks of a concept that can be familiar to all, whether directly or indirectly. Faith, as presented in the story of Job, can easily be connected to the dynamics of religion and spirituality as perceived by everyone around the world. The identity of Job is symbolic to how faith works and in this case, how faith works in light of subjecting the human individual to suffering that would only be healed by faith.
The Meaning of Life According to Job
In The Book of Job, the meaning of life is presented simply and deliberately; life is anchored on faith and spirituality. Job’s suffering is juxtaposed by his belief in God and this is what made him endure: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”Like with other belief systems and religions, clinging onto a set of beliefs help people function accordingly to the societal dynamics that they are part of whether they like it or not. This is clear in how Job declares his faith: “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” For many people, believing in something is the actualization of life.[“Job”, p.973] [“Job”, p.970]
As a narrative of human experience and also as an important literary piece which is part of the Bible, The Book of Job presents only one facet of the human experience. Many will find Job’s experience as daunting and unbelievable yet as a literary piece, the identity of Job and the image of God is subjected to the epic values of literature. Job’s suffering is made to be astonishing and unnerving as an emphasis to what the human psyche with a faith so strong can tolerate. In analyzing The Book of Job simply as a literary text devoid of heavy contextual constraints; it is easy to see how identities of characters are plot and literary devices themselves. The identity of Job is what makes the story remarkable and memorable. After reading and digesting the piece, it is easy to say that Job is the embodiment of the purity of faith. In the context of contemporary times, Job is remembered through his suffering because it is what makes him most human. People see in Job the willingness to receive challenges. This became the measurement of the greatness of Job’s life and experience; it...
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