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Synthesis Paper Assignment On Pornography And Prostitution

Essay Instructions:

1250 – 1750 words,
5-7 pages, double-spaced
online submission
For this assignment, you will compose an essay of between 1250 and 1750 words, (5-7 pages, double-spaced). The paper should be formatted according to Chicago style, and should include a cover page and a bibliography. Your bibliography should include at least 2 readings from the syllabus, each from a different week, and these sources will be the main sources used in your essay. You should also include at least 2 other scholarly sources in your discussion and in your bibliography, and these may be drawn from the course reserves readings that do not appear on the syllabus, or they can be sources you find through your own research. Citations can be formatted as either in-text parenthetical or footnotes.
The course material you use can be similar to your synthesis paper, but in the final paper for the course, you will be expected to perform a deeper analysis of that material, taking my comments and / or corrections into consideration. You may choose to write an argumentative essay or a comparative essay.
( previous synthesis paper instructions:
- identify the main points from each reading and briefly summarize them.
- Next, you will produce judgements about the arguments presented, and draw conclusions about the validity of the claims that each author makes. Does the author provide credible evidence to support their claims? In what way(s) do you agree with their position? In what way(s) do you disagree? Provide reasons for why you agree or disagree with them.
- The final step in this assignment involves inferring a relationship between the sources. For example, does one reading extend the analysis of another into a new direction? Or does one of the readings provide a clear contrast with another? Or, by reading one source together with another, can you devise a new way of thinking about a particular topic? Provide an answer to only one of these questions.)
Your essay must include an introductory paragraph, that includes a topic sentence and a thesis statement. The body of your paper must be organized into well-composed paragraphs. Each paragraph should introduce and discuss ONE point in support of your thesis statement. Your paper should end with a conclusion that restates your thesis and points to new questions or implications that arise from this thesis that remain unexplored in your paper.
Some topics you may want to explore in your paper:
Eros, Philia, Agape
Love and the patriarchy
Love under colonialism
Sex and Sexuality
March 23: Prostitution
Califia, Pat. “Whoring in Utopia” Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex Cleis Press, 1994. OR (475-481) in The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings fourth edition, ed. Alan Soble, New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002 (e-reserves), Laurie Shrage "Should Feminists Oppose Prostitution?" (Stewart)
March 30: Pornography
Segal, Lynne “Does Pornography Cause Violence?: The Search for Evidence” Dirty Looks: women, pornography, power London: British Film Institute, 1993.
Vadas, Melinda "A First Look at the Pornography / Civil Rights Ordinance: Could Pornography Be the Subordination of Women?" (Stewart)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pornography and Prostitution
There have several controversies surrounding pornographic industry as others view it as an immoral act, while others have not seen anything wrong with porn materials. One thing that most people are struggling to understand about pornography is if it is different from prostitution or not. To begin with, it is important to first find out the origin of the word pornography. The word pornography originated from the Greek word Porni which means prostitute and the graphein which simply means to write. Considering the origin of the word pornography it would show that there are some relationship between pornography and prostitution. There have been several descriptions of the word pornography, however, pornography has commonly been defined as a sexually and explicit materials or pictures that are either on film or paper, or better explicit words on paper. Prostitution on the other hand refers to occupation that involves sexual activity with another person for money.[Houten, Gregory Van. "Testing Congress's Foreign Commerce and Treaty Powers: A New,(Un) Constitutional Tool for Combating American Child Sex Tourists." Am. Crim. L. Rev. 53 (2016): 177.]
This essay examines the link between pornography and prostitution and also to sample different views that different scholars have about these two activities or words.
Analysis of Pornography
Reasonable View about Pornography
People have had different views concerning morality of pornography, some people are of the opinion that pornography is immoral and should be banned, and on the other hand some people have got no problem with pornographic materials. Those who are for porn materials argue that if a person does not like something does not make that thing bad for another person. They argue that if an individual does not like these pictures, the person should simply ignore them. The group that supports pornography views the law that forbids the dissemination of these pictures as tyrannical act. However, those who are against the dissemination of pornographic contents views these materials as being out of the area of deontology. It is important to note that majority of people in the society are viewing these contents as immoral and therefore they are out of deontological boundary. Despite the many arguments, reasonable view about pornography is that it is immoral and should be forbidden in any society. It is rightly out of deontological boundary and the governments should come up with laws prohibiting the dissemination of its contents.
Non-contradiction of the Law
There should be no contradiction when it comes to the law that protects ethical standards that have been set by the society. Pornographic contents are explicit and are sexually oriented and therefore should be allowed in the society. Decision should be made conclusively between reasonable view and Dworkin/MacKinnon view. It is either pornography is a bad thing that should not be tolerated at all or its production and dissemination of its contents should be viewed as violation of the rights of women. However, Dworkin/ MacKinnon are of the argument that pornography is subordination of women and therefore it should not be viewed as violation of women’s right. In addition to that, bizarre that has been expressed by MacKinnon is more of philosophical approach. Therefore it would be prudent that reasonable view which has attracted majority of people is what should be treated as the law and pornography is immoral. Basically, it is very true that pornography does not only violate the rights of women, but also diminishes their dignity.[Califia, P. "Public Culture: The Culture of Radical Sex."Cleis press. (1994).]
Meaning of Subordination of Women and How Pornography Applies to It
In the past few decades there have been debates surrounding sexuality culture in western countries. Pornography represents sexualizing of women in the public arena or in the mainstream. There are different meanings to the term subordination of women. There is general meaning to the term subordination of women and philosophical meaning of the terms. According to Vadas, subordination of women simply means lowering the dignity of women or placing them at a lower rank in the society or community. For instance sexualizing of women in pornographic materials like films and books is a perfect example subordination of women. In addition to that, it is important to note that subordination of women had been there for many years and their only liberator have been feminist groups. It is also important to note that patriarchy has been the reason for most of the problems for subordination of women. Philosophically, subordination is depicting of women as people that are socially inferior to their male counter parts. Suggestion by Catherine MacKinnon that pornography is an outright subordination of women through explicit sexually graphics. However, this claim by MacKinnon has been attacked by ...
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