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Conception of the Religious, Proper Attitude Toward it, and its Relation to Suffering

Essay Instructions:

PHIL-101-C—Introduction to Philosophy—First Exam
Directions: Answer the following question as thoroughly as possible. NOTE: Your answer should be treated as an ‘essay' – with a brief introductory paragraph containing a thesis (as opposed to a ‘topic sentence'), distinct paragraphs supporting that thesis, and a coherent overall structure.
Length of Response: Approximately 1300 – 1500 words (please include accurate word count on the title page) Submission requirements: Submit your exam in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format, uploaded back into Moodle. Begin with a separate title page that includes your name and my name, the title of your essay, and the date, along with the Honor Code Pledge: I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic work and have not witnessed a violation of the Honor Code. See below.
FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS: You may discuss the questions with your classmates, but your answers should be your own. Each answer should be self-contained; don't rely upon answers given elsewhere on the exam to ‘count' as part of a separate answer. Finally, any secondary sources you consult, including online sources, need to be cited somewhere in your exam.
1) Conduct a clear and focused comparison and/or contrast of the conception of the religious, the proper attitude toward it, and its relation to suffering, as seen in Fear and Trembling, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, the Cornel West piece, and the Malick film.
ELABORATION: You should be able to find a clear and thesis-able connection between these ‘texts'. Maybe it's that all four argue for some kind of ‘mysticism', maybe it's that all four argue that religion's most important role is in its impact in the world. Etc. But as you do so, make sure you address key points in the text in support of your thesis. For instance, with Hume, you will need to at least address some of the attitudes as presented towards the traditional arguments for the existence of God, and how they fit into the larger point that Hume wants to make, etc.
Remember, a ‘thesis' is a direct, one-sentence assertion, formulated in response to the writing prompt or question. While your introduction can include an ‘about' sentence (in this essay, I shall discuss… or… this essay is about…), an ‘about' sentence is not the same thing as a thesis. A thesis needs to say, “I shall argue that…” or the like.
The first book is Fear and Trembling
The second book is Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
The three pages in the attachment are CORNEL WEST - RELIGION IN AMERICA
And the movie's name is The Tree of Life
According to these four write paper Thank you very much!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Comparison of various Attitudes towards Religion
In the comparative analysis conducted on the four manuscripts provided for this study, I have discovered diverse perceptions of society as depicted differently by each author.
Each narration is unique but their similarity is also baffling in the sense that they all speak to the inquisitions of aspects of academia and philosophy and the urge to delve into viewpoints held by the narrators as well as the intended audience. These readings have given me intuitive and perceptive thoughts on religion and philosophy on the presuppositions of the existential dimension, faith, the finite ideologies, while literary enlightenment on the rationale for conventionalism versus modernism has been exposed.
Hume’s perspective
During the time of Hume, the ancient Greeks are the perceived enemies of religion. They hold the opinion that the organization of the universe is a natural phenomenon whose processes occur by necessity and further delve into the character of God and asserts that His element is in harmony with nature and is neutral on matters to do with human affairs. Their questioning of the character of God could only be comparable to atheists because God draws religious reverence and adoration.
Atheists’ belief in religion is a tool for obtaining answers to their philosophies and to preserve factional tolerance. It also embraces natural religion for the purposes of morality. This is demonstrable by free thinking philosophers like Francis Hutcheson and Shaftesbury, who believe in the divine rewards and punishment in the afterlife as being morally preferable to atheism because it emboldens moral virtues in the presence of vice.
To most of Hume’s contemporaries, his criticism of natural religion is considered unacceptable to both religion and morality. This is the reason his dialogues were not published until three years after his death as he was discouraged by his friends for fear of reprisals against him. His critics argue that his viewpoint as laid out in the, Treatise of Human Nature, Enquiry concerning Human Understanding and Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals undermines morality and religion. Consequently, he was disregarded during academic appointments and eventually faces excommunication from the Church of Scotland.
However, he is cautious enough to use dialogue as a motif in order to voice his criticism about natural religion. He also is determined to transform the way skepticism is characterized in modern dialogues regarding religion and emphasizes the need to avoid offensiveness in dialogue writing. He is of the view that communicators should maintain their friendship and mutual respect despite their philosophical differences.
Skepticism is portrayed as prejudicial as it is a suspension of judgment to achieve peace of mind by deferring customary behavior and he uses Bayle as the epitome of skepticism. An amalgamation of both atheism and skepticism becomes Pyrrhonism, a religion whose values are not prioritized and which lacks the ability to transform one into a dependable character. The conversion of Bayle to Catholicism and then later to Protestantism is an attestation to this.
Hume maintains that human beings are psychologically encouraged to form beliefs on the basis of probability and that philosophical reasoning is a worse method of determining degrees of probability. Topics that are beyond human experience such as the nature of God are uncertain and it is unreasonable to trust them.
The point of departure between atheists and skeptics is the nature of God. The ontological arguments support the existence of God. The cosmological argument shows the existence of a being from which all things require a cause. The empirical arguments however only infer the probability of the existence of an intelligent designer of nature.
Fear and trembling
This is a dialectical lyric. This description is captured in the poetic and moving passages that engage the imagination and emotions of the reader. The knight of faith, knight of infinite resignation and the tragic hero are poetic figures that are shaped in story and myth.
The book poses both philosophical and theological questions about religious and ethical issues, and the relationship between personal virtue, integrity, social and political duties.
The biblical story Isaac in Genesis 22 is the point of departure as the author poetically responds to this story. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac makes him a standard of faith as illustrated by Jews, Muslims and Christians as the father of faith.
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