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HUMINT Organization Regulatory and Legal Requirements

Essay Instructions:

Write a minimum of 5pages double-spaced, of the proposed Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section of your course project (Ref. order no 00136421). The Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section should:

1. List, and briefly describe the major regulatory and legal requirements that your organization does, or will operate under (i.e. Executive Orders, Military Regulations, Laws, etc.).
2. Analyze the implications of regulatory and legal requirements with the HUMINT scenario and intended activities from (Ref. order no 00136421).
3. Establish a code of values and ethics that will serve as the overarching moral code to guide your organization's personnel as they conduct HUMINT activities.

Note(s): (1) Intelligence organizations typically have a myriad of regulatory and legal requirements that will apply. For purposes of this project portion, include the top five (no more than five will be necessary). Also include peer-reviewed references that contribute to the substance of the paper, and support the topic thesis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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HUMINT (Human Intelligence) is a fantastic tool for obtaining data for diverse purposes. HUMINT operatives have contact with information that isn't available anywhere else. Using citizens as a source of communication involves a particular set of abilities. While it may not be as effective as other information professions, it does allow admission to exclusive data that could be just as important. Because of the Sinaloa Cartel's clandestine activities, the war on drugs, for example, may profit significantly from the use of Human Intelligence collecting. The Sinaloa Cartel recruits personnel from within the United States, creating focused information compilation through other means more complex. The establishment of new entry points into the Sinaloa Cartel's supply chain that the Drug Enforcement Administration can later abuse can be a helpful instrument in the drug conflict.
Organization Regulatory and Legal Requirements
The DEA is also responsible for enforcing the Controlled Substances Act, which classifies pharmaceuticals based on their potential for abuse and therapeutic usefulness under Title 21 of the United States Code (USC). The Controlled Drugs Act (CSA) establishes standards for manufacturing and allocating such substances. The DEA will continue to be governed by Title 5 of the United States Code, including the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974. These two measures assist in protecting people's privacy while enabling them access to executive branch agency records.[Executive Order 11727. Retrieved from, 2016. /federal-register/codification/executive-order/11727.html]
Executive Order 11727 established the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which has the authority "to coordinate the actions of administrative branch segments and organizations that are directly relevant to the implementation of laws concerning narcotics and hazardous substances. In order to prevent drug associations and other unlawful smuggling action, Executive Order 13773, enacted in 2017, raised the significance of sharing intelligence across federal agencies and improving collaboration with overseas colleagues. Executive Order 13776, which was issued simultaneously as EO 13773, focuses on lowering crime and safeguarding the American people by designating drug trafficking as a top priority and forming a task force to battle the problem.[Learn About the Freedom of Information Act. (n.d.). Retrieved from /divisions/learn-about-freedom-information-act]
Furthermore, both the US and Mexico are bound by the Letter of Agreement they symboled in 2008 when they agreed to the Merida Initiative. The Merida effort recognizes "the United States and Mexico's joint responsibility in combating drug-fueled violence that threatens civilians on both sides of the border.". Despite the fact that the Merida Initiative does not have straight services or law enforcement actions, it will have an impact on bilateral collaboration.[McDermott, W. T. (2020, March 3). DEA State Reciprocity. Retrieved from /GDP/(DEA-DC-018)(DEA067) DEA state reciprocity (final)(Signed).pdf.]
HUMINT Regulatory and Legal Requirements
The Merida Initiative will be helpful in establishing both the United States' and Mexico's aims and obligations. The Merida Initiative routinely materials the Mexican government with preparing exercises and equipment for identifying illegal products at the US-Mexico border, despite the fact that no military or law enforcement help will be provided. The equipment also includes planes designed for counter-narcotics missions that might be used in a combined operation.
Executive Orders 13773 and 13776 involve enhanced partnership between US intelligence services. As a result, the Joint Intelligence Operation Center will assist in information distribution within the US Intelligence Community and our international complements in the Mexican government. All regulations of engagement (ROE) and guidelines will be determined before the activity, allowing for a more efficient and effective human intelligence operation. If federal agencies and nations communicate correctly, all parties have been more productive in carrying out the process.
If any US citizens are engaged, Title 5 of the USC will influence the HUMINT operation. When cit...
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