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Geospatial Intelligence (G.E.O.I.N.T.)

Essay Instructions:

Question: Discuss how the three GEOINT components are applied to a military, civilian, or commercial intelligence problem-set or scenario. This should be an actual intelligence problem that is of concern to the Intelligence Community (past or present).
Example Scenarios: Raid on Osama bin Laden, Iranian production of a nuclear weapon, spread of Ebola...be creative. Just remember, this should be a problem of concern to the Intelligence Community.
Below are the definitions for the three components of GEOINT:
Imagery: A likeness or presentation of any natural or man-made feature or related object or activity and the positional data acquired at the same time the likeness or representation was acquired, including products produced by space-based national intelligence reconnaissance systems, and likenesses or presentations produced by satellites, airborne platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other similar means (except that such term does not include handheld or clandestine photography taken by or on behalf of human intelligence collection organizations).
Imagery Intelligence: The technical, geographic, and intelligence information derived through the interpretation or analysis of imagery and collateral materials.
Geospatial Information: Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the earth, including: statistical data; information derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies; and mapping, charting, geodetic data, and related products.
Example Scenarios: Raid on Osama bin Laden, Iranian production of a nuclear weapon, spread of Ebola...be creative. Just remember, this should be a problem of concern to the Intelligence Community.
Keep in Mind: No need to repeat the definitions I listed above. Provide examples of the three components as they apply to your intelligence problem.
Use a minimum of 6 scholarly references for this assignment,
Citation Format: You must cite all other information from your sources (to include images), even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM.
Graphics are allowed and encouraged for this assignment. However, this paper should also have a minimum of 6 pages of double-spaced text, which does not include your title page, graphics and bibliography.
(1)Employ imaginative approaches to answer the question being asked; (2) display an impressive command of the subject matter beyond the immediately obvious; (3) demonstrate a high level of critical thinking, reflection of current and world views, and genuine intellectual development; and (4) excel in explaining all major points using multiple examples from individual research.
1National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National System for Geospatial Intelligence: Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Basic Doctrine: Pub 1-0, (2006), 7.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Geospatial Intelligence (G.E.O.I.N.T.)
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Geospatial Intelligence (G.E.O.I.N.T.)
The geospatial intelligence of the United States of America, also known as the G.E.O.I.N.T., is changing how security detail is acted upon, identified, and understood. Geospatial intelligence is the emergence of interdisciplinary expertise, space-based data, and advanced technology systems. This system ensures that world threats are well handled and eradicated, allowing the world to be a haven for all its inhabitants free of criminal acts.
Geospatial intelligence can predict the emergence of an international threat before it happens, and this is due to the occasional imaging and viewing of satellite photos around the globe. Geospatial intelligence can also propel responses as the attacks are about or currently taking place. This intelligence-based organization can mitigate and develop solutions to an ongoing threat while also looking into other upcoming ones.
This research involves the Taliban forces in Afghanistan. The Taliban are a soldier group in Afghanistan, and it is a Sunni Islamist national and Pro-Pashtun movement founded in 1990, and they ruled most of Afghanistan up to October 2001.
Taliban Terrorism of Afghanistan
The Taliban, or "students" in the language used by Pashto of the Afghanistan civilians, came to power in the 1990s in the Arabian nation of the Pakistanis, Pakistan, after the soviet group of Afghanistan withdrew from power. The Pashtun movement is predominantly believed to have its roots in Afghanistan and was paid for with money from another Arabian country of Saudi Arabia that was a firm believer of the Sunni form of Islam.
The Taliban forces made promises to the civilians of Afghanistan to restore peace, economic balance, and fair commerce countrywide at their rise to power.
The Soviet-Afghan government fell in 1992; hence this gave leeway to the Afghan Taliban to take over the government in 1994. The Taliban, at this time, moved to the south and had conquered most provinces from several armed soldiers that had been fighting the civil war (Nyadera and Bincof 2019).[. Nyadera, I. N., &Bincof, M. O. (2019). Human security, terrorism, and counterterrorism: Boko Haram and the Taliban. International Journal on World Peace, 36(1), 4–15.2 Gopal, A., & van Linschoten, S. (2017b). Ideology in the Afghan Taliban. Afghanistan Analysts Network.] []
The picture below depicts the Taliban of Afghanistan trooping to fulfill the Sharia law by their ways and might.
Up to a time in the year 2001, September 11, the Taliban gave a haven to al-Qaida, who gained a safe space for which they at will would then recruit, train, and even deploy terrorists to other nations. The most insurgent and low-level attacks in Afghanistan were by the Taliban also followed these attacks with periodic high-profile terrorist attacks. The Taliban also made regular hit-and-run attacks. The Taliban structure of the leadership was as seen below, with the leadership titles and the ones who led the specific positions.
Afghans, uninterested in mujahideen excessive and infighting once Soviets were ousted during a coup, greeted the Taliban with open arms after they appeared for the primary time.[3 Saleem, S. M., Shoib, S., Dazhamyar, A. R., &Chandradasa, M. (2021). Afghanistan: Decades of collective trauma, ongoing humanitarian crises, Taliban rulers, and mental health of the displaced population. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 65, 102854.]
The early quality was primarily because of the success of eradicating corruption, eventually reducing lawlessness within the country, and creating the infrastructure and areas below their management safe for businesses and commerce to come to the highest of the economic charts (Gopal and van Linschoten 2017a).
Taliban had introduced and supported punishments that adhered to the strict interpretation of Sharia law, such as public executions by leaders for those killed and committed adultery, similarly as-cutting out body parts of those caught stealing (Ahmad et al. 2021). Men were needed to grow a beard, whereas ladies and feminine children were required to wear the all-encompassing-burka
Terrorists did not stop at that and put restrictions on not watching television, not listening to music, and not watching movies at the cinema. The worst case of all, they banned girls aged ten and over from going to school.
The terrorists were convicted of several human rights and cultural violations. In 2000, the Taliban destroyed famous Bamiyan Buddha statues in central Afghanistan, despite international condemnation (Saleem et al. 2021).
World's attention was drawn to the Taliban in Afghanistan on September 11, 2001, when the World Trade Centre in N.Y. (Akbarzadeh and Ibrahimi 2020) was attacked. In Afghanistan, the Taliban were found guilty of providing a haven for the highest suspects at the time, Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda movement.[Akbarzadeh, S., &Ibrahimi, N. (2020). The Taliban: a new proxy for Iran in Afghanistan? Third World Quarterly, 41(5), 764–782.]
On October 7, 2001, a military coalition led by the United States launched attacks in Afghanistan, where the Taliban regime had collapsed during the first week of December. Despite one of the world's largest terrorist manhunts, the Taliban group leader at the time, Moslem Muhammad Omar, and other outstanding members of the organization, including the infamous Osama terrorist, escaped.
The Taliban's top leaders were said to have sought refuge in the Pakistani town of Quetta, from which they guided the Taliban. At the time, the "Quetta Shura" was not recognized by the national capital. Despite the increased number of foreign teams, the Taliban gradually regained control. They then expanded their influence in Afghanistan, instilling fear among many voters. Since 2001, Afghanistan's violence has reached unprecedented levels.
William J. Burns, the director of a the-Central administrative unit, presided over the a-secret meeting in...
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