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Decriminalization of Marijuana: Medicine, Social, and Recreational Effect

Essay Instructions:

this is very important for you to understand this is an Argumentative essay, it is arguing that we should decriminalize the possession of weed.
the intro of this essay must start with a compelling case study of a person to set the story, the intro paragraph must end with a properly formulated thesis statement.
remember the whole point of this essay is to decriminalize the possession of marijuana NOT to legalize it 
you need to talk about all the good things that come from decriminalization of pot such as the reduction of costs to gov't and less of people in prison MAKE SURE TO support this with graphs and charts 
this whole paper needs to have a continuous thread that relates all the arguments together and that thread is THE LOSS OF HUMAN CAPITAL with so many people being in jail for these no offensive crimes.
EVERYTHING IN THIS PAPER MUST!!! be CITED in proper chicago format this includes images, graphs, quotes and Paraphrases 
all the sources you use I NEED the links that i can access and you need to tell me WHICH Page and paragraph from your source documents SO I CAN CHECK YOUR CITATIONS (I.E. " this is a quote or a statement " page 6 of blank source paragraph 2) you need to do this for all quotes paraphrases and images graphs
Remember this is a Argument essay it needs to have counter arguments but only to so you can discredit their arguments very aggressively 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Decriminalization of Marijuana
Professors Name:
Marijuana is a worldwide drug that has been used for ages for medicine, social, and recreational effects. The facts advocate for studying the importance of decriminalization of weed possession. There is a different public opinion about the legalization of marijuana. National treaties, as well as national and regional laws, have been established to forbid it. Despite this, sixteen states in the US have allowed the use of weed for medical purposes. US federal laws recognize marijuana as a drug and efforts to legalize it have raised some questions.
Myths developed through films such as Reefer Madness and the stereotypical approach in associating it with immoral acts and particular ethnic groups of people lead to complications in the legalization of the drug. The gap created by the public perception and the importance of marijuana makes it be degraded as a plant of medicinal value in the modern communities. The claims made suggest that the use of marijuana results to mental decay that leads to destructive and immoral behaviors. The government spends funds in fighting the use of marijuana.
Estimates show that 3-4 percent of the people in the world aged between 15 and 64 are regular users of the drug and the prevalence in the United States is three times the global average. Given the benefits of the drug, legalizing this drug can transform the use of funds into other beneficial activities. The prescriptions of the drug can be beneficial to patients with health complications such as anxiety and poor appetite. Additionally, legalizing weed would make it a commodity of legal trade earning taxes for the government and income for farmers, merchants, and retailers rather than criminals.
Mary Amylea Nunez is one of the medical marijuana patients who is considered the youngest child to use marijuana oil in conquering her epilepsy. According to the Doctors of Marijuana (2016), Mary was born with what was considered as a rare form of epilepsy, a factor that has left this little baby nurse close to 15 seizures within a single day.
Nicole Nunez, Mary’s mother alleged that she had tried every sort of medication that was within her disposal with no success. In an attempt to save her baby, she was introduced to cannabis oil also referred to as CBD that consequently had lower traces of THC. Nicole further states that this treatment has impacted the life of her child immensely. This case clearly depicts the importance of medical marijuana in treating several kinds of ailments, a factor that justifies its decriminalization.[. Marijuana Doctors (2016) Youngest Child to Use CBD Oil to Conquer Epilepsy./blog/medical-marijuana-patients/Meet-Youngest-Child-To-Use-CBD-Oil-To-Conquer-Epilepsy]
It is vital to consider that Marijuana appeared somewhere in mid-1960 when the aspect of "Hippie" took the forefront in the society. This saw the introduction of objections that were directed towards objecting the use of marijuana because of the lifestyles and values associated with its use. Marijuana evolved to become one of the symbols of a youthful rebellion and counter-culture, a factor that saw its use rise immensely within the American society. Some nations in this case began accepting the use of this drug since the users changed their attitudes about the dangers of using this drug.[. Thies, Clifford F., and Charles A. Register. 1993. "Decriminalization of marijuana and the demand for alcohol, marijuana and cocaine." Social Science Journal 30, no. 4: pp.385.]
The idea of decriminalizing Marijuana has emerged into a burning issue for years now. This is mainly because of its value as a medicine and its industrial uses. This essay therefore seeks to determine the reasons why marijuana should be decriminized with the central focus being on its medicinal purposes and the reason why it should be made available to every citizen in the country besides being legalized.It is essential to note that not every citizen has the knowledge of what marijuana is, and with that in mind it is vital to mention that Marijuana’s scientific name is known as Cannabis.Mello (2013) purports that;[. Damrongplasit, Kannika, and Hsiao Cheng. 2009. "Decriminalization Policy And Marijuana Smoking Prevalence: A Look At The Literature." Singapore Economic Review 54, no. 4: 621]
There are two main strains of Cannabis termed as Sativa and Indica. It contains a drug that is referred to as tetrahydracannibol which helps to stimulate the body of a human being. It is important to note that Cannabis is also known to its users as reefer, ganja, green, grass, Buddha, weed and maryjane. Marijuana’s use as a cure medicine began during the advent of civilization and it can be smoked or engulfed in many different ways.[. Mello, Jeffrey. 2013. "Employment and Public Policy Issues Surrounding Medical Marijuana in the Workplace." Journal Of Business Ethics 117, no. 3: 659]
The first remains or evidence of Cannabis were discovered back in 300BC near a tomb that was believed to be of an Eagyptian. It was discovered in large amounts around the tomb. Marijuana is believed to be a remedy for people suffering from eating disorders, chromes, anxiety, depression, cancer, arthritis, and many other conditions. Cannabis is one of the most effective drugs today compared to other medicines that are available in various health facilities.With all this information there are no doubts that Marijuana should be made a legal commodity in any country with the aim of helping in saving the lives of the citizens.[. Ibid. pp 659]
According to some investigations, it has been pointed out that the banning of Marijuana is not beneficial to some countries such as Canada. The number of Cannabis users has immensely grown since 1970, a factor that depicts its usefulness and benefits. Scientific facts that have been conducted by experts in this field, through a test that was performed on a monkey have revealed that Marijuana highly affects the brains. Marijuana unlike other drugs cannot be overdosed and does not easily kill, thus this drug is considered to have a positive effect on brain development. This paper consequently seeks to argue out on the aspect of decriminalization of Marijuana.[. Ibid]
Decriminalization of Marijuana
When most people consider the element of decriminalizing marijuana, they are inhibited by the fears of a marijuana free-for-all with this considered as giving every individual the opportunity of getting high. However, the aspect of decriminalizing the use of Marijuana may turn out to be a burdening task for the government of the United States since this will require a legal process that will engage Congress allowing the government to ensure appropriate measures is put in place to control its distribution, content and quality.[. Adler, Jonathan H. 2015. "Marijuana, Federal Power and the States." Case Western Reserve Law Review 65, no. 3: pp. 505]
These laws would in this case be similar to those that are currently regulating the consumption of alcohol including those that determine the distribution of this drug, the ages that are allowed to consume it and the limits of its usage especially for drivers. This would consequently call for a thorough investigation of the benefits and costs of making the use of marijuana legal that need to be examined before the implementation of any policies. In accordance to my view, the benefits of using this drug would outweigh some of the detriments as compared to the usage of other drugs.[. Harvey, Kathleen. "Protecting Medical Marijuana Users in the Workplace." Case Western Reserve Law Review 66, no. 1 pp. 209]
Individuals centre their arguments about the legalization of marijuana on three primary areas that include its social aspects, health care and the increased levels of crime. Some of the counter arguments that have been on the air wave include the perception that marijuana is one of the dangerous drugs with its harm considered as more than that of cigarette. On the other hand, there is a belief that marijuana creates more airways impairments as compared to an entire pack of cigarette. A single joint of marijuana is considered to contain more tar than a cigarette does thus it is assumed to be more dangerous. As a result of this, perceptions have revolved to think that this increases an individual’s blood pressure and pulse rate during its consumption. It is however, essential to consider that some of these perceptions can be justified as valid, but the smoking of cigarettes is legalized ad remains one of the booming businesses for governments in terms of revenue collection with its effects also considered as adverse.[. Ibid]
The society that we live in today, considers drugs as a way of spending their leisure time. It is vital to note that the law makers as well as the society highly advocate for the consumption of Alcohol and cigarette. Additionally, they also point out that it is rational to consume alcohol and cigarettes should not be banned since it is one of the ways that a state raises revenues to support its developmental processes. On the other hand, it is clear that not every individual understands that all kinds of immoral behaviors like vandalism, rape and fighting occur as a result of Alcohol and other drugs consumption. The question is would there be a change if every person decides to smoke Marijuana instead of consuming Alcohol? Most people believe that drinking Alcohol is not as harmful as smoking Cannabis which according the some reliable source is considered to be incorrect.[. Shi, Yuyan, Michela Lenzi, and Ruopeng An. 2015. "Cannabis Liberalization and Adolescent Cannabis Use: A Cross-National Study in 38 Countries." Pp.5]
According to some information that was brought on the table by a foundation that specializes in making and amending laws involving Marijuana, it is important to note that in some developed countries like America, Cannabis is one of the most popularly used drug during relaxation. Several Americans use this product in spite the fact that it is illegal and might lead to their arrest. Those who have experienced the product can clearly clarify that the drug provides a feeling that every person would want to experience and that is the reason why most Americans prefer this to alcohol as a way of spending their leisure time. In spite the fact that the drug is not very harmful, it is considered as a serious crime in almost all the states. Consequently, the government and the people in charge of making laws regarding the use of Cannabis should be clearer about the contemporary condition regarding Marijuana and its consumption.[. Ibid. pp. 6]
Marijuana is regarded as the best natural way of reliving pain and thus it should be made legal. An instance of this can be seen in health facilities that use this drug to relive pain especially among patients suffering from muscle tissue disorder. Medical marijuana in this case aids in easing patients aches, factor that justifies its importance. According to various scientific studies, it has been concluded that this product is most effective for distressed people as well as those suffering from common tissue disorders. Currently, in the United States of America, most health organizations are in support of Marijuana being used as a treatment by patients under the doctor’s directions, thus every patient should be able to access the product without fear of being arrested. It is important to note that decriminalizing Marijuana can lead to many positive effects in the society today.[. Ibid. pp.7]
Firstly, the cost of taxpayers would go down. Additionally, it will help youths whose number is highly...
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