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Connecting the dots: synergies among grassroots tools for authentic sustainable development

Essay Instructions:

GBL 295 – Ethics Writing Assignment #1 (Fall, 2017) Instructions As discussed in class, on or before October 16, 2017 at 11:59pm, you are to upload to D2L (via a drop box) a typed paper (double spaced) answering TWO questions as outlined hereunder:Answer One of these Two Questions:(1) In the article ‘Connecting the Dots: Synergies Among Grassroots Tools for Authentic Sustainable Development’ (Chapter 7 of the Course Pack – Page 51), Professor Stenzel makes the point that “increasing numbers of businesses emphasize social welfare and the environment through their CSR programs”,(a) What facts/evidence does Professor Stenzel use in her article to support this proposition?(b) Write whether you are agree or disagree with Professor Stenzel’s position, as articulated above, and explain why you agree or disagree with Professor Stenzel.- OR -(2) In the article at Chapter 8 of the MSU Course Pack – Page 61, ‘Our Ability to Respond’, the author is critical of many, if not most, CSR programs,(a) What facts/evidence does the author use in the article to support these criticisms?(b) Write whether you are agree or disagree with the author’s criticisms of CSRprograms, and explain why you agree or disagree with these criticisms. - AND -Answer One of these Two Questions(3) Behanville High School has a history of fielding very bad sports teams. Incredibly, the team has had a string of good luck and has advanced to the state championship game. The game is scheduled to be played later today at an arena in Big City, Michigan - about 100 miles from Behanville - and the team has stayed overnight in Big City. In complete violation of team rules, exactly one-half of the members of the Behanville team violated, by an hour, a curfew set for all team members. The coach of the team has always maintained that any violation of team rules will result in a player being suspended for the next game the team plays. If the team members who violated curfew are suspended, the team will have to forfeit the championship. The coach has looked to you for advice. Please articulate the reasons for suspending the offending players, and the reasons for not suspending the players. What advice will you give the coach?- OR -(4) A day before the final exam in a class, your best friend tells you, in confidence, that a copy of the final exam has come into your friend’s possession. Your friend does not indicate, one way or the other, their intentions – but your friend does tell you that the exam only contains the questions, not the answers. You are enrolled in the class as a student, as well, and you have not seen the exam. Please articulate some options you can think of for how to handle this situation. Do not explain which option you would use, but articulate, as part of your response, what you think the positive and negative aspects of each option might be.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question 2
The author offers convincing and compelling evidence from reputable sources such as the United Nations in his criticism of CSR programs. Environmental indicators show that CSR programs have failed. There has been an increase in ecological footprint in the world such that it has exceeded the earth’s biocapacity. This means that the environment is continually being negatively affected. Also, since 1970, there has been a decline of about 30% in about 5000 measured populations of about 1,686 species in the world. Land conversion and deforestation in the tropics, climate change, and the impact of dams have driven the decline. Also, the UN Millenium Ecosystem assessment shows that there has a been a degradation of 60% of world ecosystem services. In addition, water withdrawals have doubled in the last 40 years while fish are overharvested. There have also been significant loses of corals and mangroves. Also, species extinction rates have risen, and they now stand at 100-1000 above the natural rate. The author also quotes a 2010 study by UN which found out that 3000 biggest companies in the world had a combined estimated damage worth $ 2.8 trillion in 2008. The global weather has also been worsening as there have significant increases the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. The last decade has experienced a faster increase in carbon dioxide concentration than any other. The rate of increase in global temperatures is also higher than before. As for the global village, the poor people of the world have suffered as a result of capitalism. Although progress has been made in poverty reduction and getting children to school, many people in the developing countries still suffer from displacements and poor sanitation. In regards to global dishonesty, it is the belief of many that private ...
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