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Significant Factors that Influenced the Establishment of Trade and Economic Growth

Essay Instructions:

In TWO well-organized essays, EACH of them 500-700 WORDS IN LENGTH, draw on relevant and specific examples from the assigned course readings (required and optional) to discuss your choice of the following statements:

1. Drawing on examples from at least two separate chapters of the assigned course readings, discuss two factors you believe to have been most significant in establishing trade and economic growth during each the following three time periods: i. the 1800s, ii. the 1930s1950s, iii. 1980 to the present.

2. Drawing on examples from at least two separate chapters of the assigned course readings, discuss the factors you believe to have been most significant in leading to the decline in power for each of the following empires: i. the Ottoman Empire to 1919 ii. the Chinese dynasties to 1912 iii. British and European colonial empires to the 1970s.

3. Drawing on examples from at least two separate chapters of the assigned course readings, explain the ways in which women gained rights that challenged traditional beliefs, yet also suffered setbacks, in each the following three cultures: i.China, 1850 to the 1980s ii. Europe and America, 1900 to the 1960s iii. the Global South,1970s to the present.


1. Assignment Submission: Although you are writing two separate essays, please compile both of them into a single file when submitting them via the course website.

2. Grading: The purpose of this take-home exam is to have you practise your writing skills and to ensure that you have a good grasp of the course material. Your instructor will mark your answers according to the following criteria

Each responses on the exams will be evaluated using the following criteria:


Insightful reflection. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the course material.


Well organized 500-700 word short essay response, including a clear introduction, conclusion, body. /33.3

Overall clarity of writing throughout the answer. Chicago style citations for all quoted material. /33.3

The online text book that need to be used is from this link


the text book is called : ways of the world


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EDFS 309: Scholarly Personal Narrative Writing
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Essay 1: Significant Factors that Influenced the Establishment of Trade and Economic Growth in the 1800s, 1930s, 1950s, and 1980s to present. Introduction             Trade is among the most significant sectors of humanity involving the production and exchange of goods and services. What started as barter trade in ancient times is now an established system of international transactions managed through state-of-the-art technologies and systems that have turned the world into a global village. While the main aim of trade is to generate products and capital responsible for human development, different eras across history have had different reasons for establishing trade and economic growth. The 1800s             The 1800s saw significant developments and a shift from agricultural-based to industrial-based economies due to the emerging Industrial Revolution. With the Industrial Revolution came mass production or products that could be distributed into different markets. In this era, the critical factor for establishing trade and economic growth was increased reliable sea transport across oceans. Transportation allowed goods to move from one region to another where they were sold and other goods transported from these destinations back to the original country. In this era, mercantilism was the leading theory that drove trade in which the main aim was to augment state power at the expense of other national powers. Thus, the key underlying factor of trade and economic trade in this era was to make states more powerful at the expense of others. The 1930s             The early 1900s came with WWI (and later II), whose outcomes were too depressing to the economy. Following the economic lessons from the war, the factors that had influenced trade in the 1800s were no longer viable. Political leaders realized that global peace was more important. In this aspect, trade (and international trade) was a unifying factor in which no country could be isolated and in which isolation of a country could lock it out of association with others. Thus, with a common goal of symbiotically benefitting from trade, global peace became the primary factor driving trade in the 1930s. This is the period in which the League of Nations was formed to unite the global community by reducing barriers to trade such as customs duties and tariffs. Mercantile theories that promoted nationalism were discarded for more open liberal theories that scholars like Adam Smith proposed. The 1950s             The failure of the League of Nations to stop WWII implied that changes were needed for a different trade motivation. The era saw the emergence of international trade agreements. Countries divided along regional political lines looked to find allies and strengthen their global reputation, especially during the Cold War. In this period, the main factor that influenced trade was the idea of global civilization and democracy. The 1980s to Present             From the 1980s to the present, the key factor that has fueled trade is the increase in the international trade agreement. Examples of common and latest trade agreements include NAFTA, European Union, NAFTA, CAFTA-DR, APEC, and ASEAN. These agreements have transformed regions into a family of blocks that aim to have a long-lasting relationship based on trade activities. These trade agreements not only have a unifying feature but also contribute to the reasons mentioned above for the trade, including maintenance of global peace and prevention of conflicts through common interests, enhancing living standards of different countries, and assisting developing nations to catch up to developed nations in terms of development and democracy. Conclusion             Thus, there have been different factors across history that have fueled global trade. These range from augmentation of state power in the 1800s, the need for global peace and expansion of democracy and free market against communism in the 1930s and 1950s, and free trade agreements that began in the 1980s to the present day.   Essay 2: Factors that Led to the Decline of Powers: The Ottoman (1919), Chinese Dynasties (1912), and British...
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