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Revolution Documents: Congress of Angostura (1819)

Essay Instructions:

Please use some simple vocabularies, word count is around 400-500 words, please to not excess the word count! thanks. Please DO NOT use the sources from outside, except the one that I gave you. There are two documents, those are the writing requirements, and one is the grading rubric, this is very important, please READ the rubric before writing. Please note that the requirement is to select 4 out of 6 to write, so you don't have to write the two essays from the book(1.French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789)。 2.Maximillian Robespierre, Justification of the Use of Terror). The rest four has to use it, I also will upload it as word document. (3.The American Declaration of Independence (1776)

4.Toussaint L'Ouverture addresses the French Directory (1797)

5.Simón de Bolívar, Message to the Congress of Angostura (1819)

6.Jose Morelos, Sentiments of the Nation (1813), Also these four essays has to make some relation and comparison on the page pp. 91-100,the detail requirement is in the uploaded document. ,(I will upload the PP.91-100 as pictures). Please use footnote when citing the source。

Also these are the tips

Some Important Issues to Consider for Your Papers

Some important issues to consider when reading and assessing primary sources for inclusion in your papers:

The dates in which the accounts were written and the historical context involved

What we know about the authors of the documents and how they differ from each other

The possible motives the authors had for writing their documents

The audience for the documents

Any possible translation issues or other extraneous issues involved with the recording of the documents

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Revolution Documents
There is an underlying message in all the documents in question, on the Atlantic revolutions. The people were seeking freedom from their oppressors. They wanted their rights given back to them so they could protect them. There is an element of power that is stated in the papers, where the power in question belongs to the people. These are documents that were written by people that understood their limitations and their exceeding power to forge a country and future of their own. There is a tone of oppression mixed with that of triumph and motivation. Written at time when the people were tired of the oppressive regimes. The documents mimic the power of the people but more importantly the enlightenment of the people towards their rights and the frugality to go for them. Their audience are thus oppressed citizens of either country. The Atlantic revolution documents though written in different times and different places all carry the message of liberations from despotic rule, with a few differences.[Mark Knight and Angela McShane, From Pen To Print-A Revolution In Communications?, ebook, n.d.] [Mark Knight and Angela McShane, From Pen To Print-A Revolution In Communications?, ebook, n.d.]
The declaration of independence is a document that details the concerns of the Americans at a time when America was under the rule of the Great Britain. The document is keen to pint out the various infringements that were imposed on America among them the civil liberties, which are considered to have been God given. The right to seek happiness, life and liberty. It is important to note the tone that is used on the document is one that shows the level of determination, with a hint of anger. The Americans were tired of being oppressed and manipulated by the British Crown, who they did not own allegiance to.[The Declaration Of Independence (1776), ebook, n.d.] [The Declaration Of Independence (1776), ebook, n.d.]
Compared to the Toussaint L'Ouverture Addresses the French Directory (1797), the American declaration is more of firm stand and not a plea. Toussaint L'Ouverture had been an avid leader of the Haitian revolution, with great political and military acumen. In the letter from Toussaint L'Ouverture, he is seen to be informing the Directory of a coup that could be taking place right in their presence. The letter however is keen to mention the same elements as the declaration with reference to freedom and the barn on slavery. What is more imp...
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