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Legacy of Augustus and his empire

Essay Instructions:

1. Drafts must be minimum of 4 pages of clear organized paragraphs of subject matter text (10 points).
2. Drafts must have a thesis statement & paragraph topic sentences clearly highlighted (0 points)
3. Drafts must contain Chicago Style Citations for each quote, primary source and paraphrased text (6 points).
4. Draft must contain, analysis & reference the 4 primary sources selected from the Augustus text (4 points).

During his long reign of near-absolute power, Caesar Augustus established the Pax Romana, which gave Rome two hundred years of peace and social stability and established an empire that would endure for five centuries. Some regard Augustus as a reformer, others as a revolutionary

Based on your reading of the Western Civilization text and Ronald Mellor's, Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire answer the following essay prompt.

Essay prompt: Analyze the rise, achievements and legacy of Augustus and his empire. Examine the ways Augustus used the military, political changes, and the emperor himself to secure near- absolute power.

In your answer, identify at least four (4) primary source documents included in Augustus text that best represent the Augustus and best support your argument. Be sure to explain why these particular documents stand out from the others. Four primary source documents ___________, _____, _______ and ___________

• Address every question. Be sure to answer every question in the prompt. To avoid overlooking a question, it may help to use the prompt questions to organize your essay.

• Include an introduction. Lay out for your reader the organizational plan for the essay. State your main argument (thesis). You are encouraged to introduce the book in the first or second paragraph of your essay, so that your references are clear throughout.

• Think for yourself. Answer the questions with your own brainpower, in your own words. This is not a research paper assignment! The Western Civilization text and the readings on Blackboard are the only sources outside of the assigned book “Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire” that you may consult. Do NOT visit the Library or the internet for additional resources.

• Prove your point. Provide ample evidence to support your argument(s) by providing concrete examples and illustrations from your reading. Cite relevant events, assertions, passages, and page numbers. Be sure to make specific reference to and cite specific examples from your reading as evidence to support your answer. Essays must include at least four primary sources from the book.

• Avoid personal sentiments. Voice your view, but avoid using the first person and personal sentiments such as “I feel that...” or “I believe that...” Your essay should make an academic argument based on evidence, not opinion.

This assignment is intended to provoke critical thinking on your part. Answer the questions above by relying on your analysis of the history as presented in the book. Some helpful hints


Early Western Civilization Essay #1 Prompt – Online Augustus

• Write clearly and carefully. Does every sentence make sense? If you need help organizing your thoughts into words on paper, you are strongly encouraged to consult the on-campus tutoring or my office hours for assistance. Poor spelling, syntax, punctuation and grammar are often a sign of sloppiness and will weigh heavily against your grade. Take advantage of tools available within MS Word to grammar check & spellcheck the essay before submitting.

• Extra Credit. Students may earn 10% of the earned grade on the essay for visiting the tutoring centerand meeting with a writing tutor to discuss a draft of the essay. Tutoring appointments must be made in advance do not wait until the week the paper is due. (Example: Essay grade 75% +7.5% extra credit = Final Grade 82.5%) Written verification must be scanned and submitted with the essay. Late essays are not eligible for extra credit.

• Follow standard formatting. Your essay should be between 5 to 6 pages (not counting title & bibliography pages), typewritten (Times New Roman, 12-point font), double-spaced with 1-inch margins, Chicago Style citations.

• Citations. Required citation style is Chicago Style (footnotes). Chicago Style formatting guidelines are available on Blackboard. Essays submitted with MLA or any other citation style will receive a 10-point deduction. Essays must include citations to avoid plagiarism issues. Essays submitted without in-text citations or without "valid" citations will not be accepted and will receive zero points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
LEGACY OF AUGUSTUS AND HIS EMPIRE Institution: Course: Name: Date: LEGACY OF AUGUSTUS CAESAR AND HIS EMPIRE Augustus Caesar founded the Roman Empire and became its first Emperor. He was born in 63 B.C. as Gaius Octavius Thurinus. In 44 B.C. uncle Julius Caesar adopted him and he became Gaius Julius Caesar. However, in 27 B.C. the Senate gave him the honorific Augustus, hence the name Augustus Caesar. He was crowned as the heir of Julius Caesar who was assassinated in 43 B.C. This was according to the will of his great-uncle. He fought and defeated Antony and Cleopatra in 31 B.C. to avenge Julius Caesar. Augustus Caesar was by then termed as the undisputed ruler of Rome. Unlike his uncle, Augustus “created a monarchial government long before the term king could be publicly spoken at Rome” in 27 B.C. whereby the emperor held power throughout his lifetime. In this case, the emperor’s powers were derived from a constitution. Nevertheless, he established and retained full control of the Roman state while he directly commanded the army. The essay uses various documents in Mellor’s Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire: A Brief History with Documents, to illustrate Augustus rise to power, the achievements of his reign, and his legacy. They include How Agrippa and Maecenas Gave Political Advice to Augustus, How Augustus Revised the Membership of the Senate, On Augustus’ Restoration of Temples and Revival of Religious Rituals and On the Annihilation of Rome’s German Legions.[Mellor, Ronald. Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire: A Brief History with Documents. Macmillan, 2006. 96] While in the process of ascending to power, Augustus had to overcome the attempt of denying him leadership by Caesar’s chief lieutenant Marc Antony. Antony held Caesar’s assets and funds, which he declined handing over to Augustus. Therefore, he admitted more than 1000 Senate members, some of whom were slaves “under the pretense that they had been named in the papers left by Caesar." But Augustus was determined to adhere and honor Caesar’s ambitions of leading the Roman people. He, thus, effortlessly managed to raise funds by his own means. Fortunately, the Senate was opposed to Antony. According to the Senate, it was Augustus who was to inherit the throne and they were ready to support him. Before the age of 20, he was already a member of the Senate. Antony besieged Decimus Brutus after he defied his demands to have Cisalpine Gaul. In response, the Senate attempted to intervene but failed because they had no army. But the siege was relieved after Augustus volunteered to help them. However, much of the due was given to Decimus Brutus after the victory. Augustus was irritated by the act and retreated from participating in the war. He thus went to Rome and acquired a consul position. On the other hand, Antony together with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus formed a coalition, to which Augustus was to join later. The alliance of the three created the Second Triumvirate that named 300 senators and 2000 equities as outlaws. It is believed that such a move was to a way of eradicating their enemies.[Mellor 104] [Cole, Joshua, and Carol Symes. Western Civilizations. Ebook. 4th ed. Independent Publishers, 2004. Accessed March 16, 2018. https://digital.wwnorton.com/westciv4brv1] The coalition of Triumvirate defeated the armies of Cassius and Brutus during Philippi battles. These were easy battles due to Antony’s legions, and therefore took much of the credit. It was after the victory when Antony gave Augustus the territories of Gaul, Italia, and Hispania while Lepidus got the Africa Province. Antony formed an alliance with Queen Cleopatra VII and moved to Egypt. Augustus was initially commanding about 70 legions which constituted about 900 warships. Due to financial constraints of the Roman state, he had t...
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