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Chairman Mao’s Radical Revolutionary Project. History Essay

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December 10, 2018
Economic growth of China over the last four decades has impressed global economist because it has been rapid than any other country in the world. Fast economic growth in china has inspired many middle income nation in the world who are putting more efforts to match china’s growth rate. Chinas economic growth begun after independence which occurred in 1948. United States promoted the beginning of independence in china by defeating japan during the Second World War. Chairman Mao Zedong became the leader of the communist party when the coalition government was formed. It is during his leadership that Peoples Republic of china was declared.
This paper will discuss Chairman Mao’s radical revolutionary project and its effect to rapid economic growth of the Peoples Republic of China.
Mao Zedong created a new phase of revolution I late 1920s which lead to relocation of defeated soldiers. He formed military camps near the border as a way of implementing his strategy of rural-based revolution. In the early 1930s Chinese soviet Republic was initiated (Meisner, M. pg.23). The communist under leadership of Mao Zedong established a functioning governmental apparatus where individuals who managed to survive became political administrators. Mao Zedong embraced the principle of guerrilla warfare. This helped leaders under his power to learn more about precondition and social mobilization. Communist members were equipped by the knowledge of radical policies which were necessary in improving economic counter production especially in situations where broad base of popular support in rural societies was highly required.
Communist were Chinese nationalists in late 1930s who were responsible for the role of transforming the response of foreign peasantry to invaders from Japan. China forged the solidarity between themselves and the peasant from other regions which enabled the communist to establish a countrywide movement which resisted the idea of national mission.
Maoism became ideological in the early 1940s. Mao believed that the decisive factor in history was human consciousness and the will of the citizens. His believes fostered the ability of dedicated revolutionaries to rebuild social reality in response to their ideas. .Mao had a populist impulse which became very crucial in rural orientation. His popularity promoted shift of his attention to the country side besides his major ideology of communism which largely dominated china cities (Esherick, W. et.al 2006). Mao failed to prove the will to define the relationship between both organized and spontaneous consciousness besides his clear approval of mastering strategies in organizational issues which he had captured in Leninist principles.
Most of economic policies in the people’s republic of china were not nationalist and they carried Maoist concept of revolution even on its nationals. There was mixed economy of unique kind in the cities as a result of land reforms campaign initiated by Mao in rural areas. Nationalization promoted acquisition of modern national sectors of the economy from the outset. Operation of major private organizations was restricted where by prices and working conditions was monitored by the state. Most private factories enforced regulations and policies of the state in addition to managing the daily activities in the industries. All private companies relied on the state for provision of raw materials and market for their final products. Communi...
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