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Essay Instructions:


The Populist and Progressive reformers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought about widespread changes to American politics, economics, and society. In this essay, we want you to consider the ethics and civics of the reformers. Describe THREE of the key reform movements of the Progressive era. Who were these reformers and what motivated them? What methods did they use to further their goals through civic engagement? What ethical considerations did they take into account in pushing reforms? How successful were they in achieving these goals?

Note 1: Successful responses will consider a broad range of evidence in support of arguments. Take a few moments to consider how you would respond by making a list of both "ethics" and "civics" related to these reformers and reforms. Be sure to have a mixture of big/broad ideas and specific/detailed evidence in your argument.

Note 2: We DO NOT want summaries. Summaries will not earn a high grade. "A papers" utilize rule of three analysis (including strong rule of three thesis statements in the introduction and each paragraph of the body), specific and detailed historical facts as evidence, analysis instead of summary, consider change over time and historical geography (as necessary in response to the prompt), and properly cite both primary and secondary sources.

Note 3: Required length is 2-3 pages (introduction, 3 paragraphs of the body, conclusion).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The reformers in the progressive era impacted significant changes in the American community's social, political, and economic aspects. Their participation in the reform movements aimed at enacting positive change in society. They influenced issues such as equality, promotion of financial stability, and upholding of human rights. Although the reformers were influential and equipped to engage in the revolution, they needed support from Americans to motivate the anticipated changes. For instance, they required the population to read their publications to understand the intended changes' validity. This paper analyzes three major vital reforms, including civil rights, women's suffrage, and socialism in the progressive era.
Civil rights
The civil rights reform movement in the progressive era arose considering the segregation of African Americans. Although the northern states ignored the laws enacted by Jim Crow to push for segregation of the population, they still faced codification in multiple aspects of life. While Africans could vote and access equal services with the whites in public bathrooms, some places, such as hotel rooms, were segregated. Consequently, African Americans opted to come up with ways to defend themselves from segregation. They engaged in reform movements motivated by Jack Johnson and Booker T. Washington. The significant civil reform movement impacted by the reformists was implemented in Connecticut. Washington impacted the movement by touring the state and influencing the black population to fight for their rights.The demographics heeded the idea and planned on implementing it. Although Washington passed on before achieving the objective of attaining the reform, the black clansmen ensured completion of the plan. They wrote editorials justifying white supremacy and the need for reforms. They chose a peaceful way of revealing the problem of white supremacy instead of fighting. In Connecticut, the black American population raised the movement with substantial dignity and resilience, not to effect war but to defend themselves by eradicating segregation and white supremacy.[Christine Gauvreau, "African Americans and Civil Rights in Progressive Era Connecticut," Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project, last modified May 26, 2016, https://ctdigitalnewspaperproject.org/2016/05/african-americans-and-civil-rights-in-progressive-era-connecticut/.] [Gauvreau] [Christine Gauvreau, "African Americans and Civil Rights in Progressive Era Connecticut," Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project, last modified May 26, 2016, https://ctdigitalnewspaperproject.org/2016/05/african-americans-and-civil-rights-in-progressive-era-connecticut/.] [Gauvreau]
Women’s suffrage
The women's organizations pushed to gain voting rights, economic and political equality, and social reforms at the end of 1800 and 1900. Multiple reformers raised showing their interest in fighting for women’s rights. Susan B. Antony was a strong women's advocate who demanded the inclusion of their right to vote in the fourteenth amendment.Antony’s’ significant zeal to fight for women’s rights intrigued her effort to coordinate with Elizabeth Cady Stanton to found the National Women Suffrage Association in 1869. Later the same year, a group of women, including Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe, and others, formed the Women Suffrage Association. These associations worked on social reform issues to enhance suffrage, improved schools, women in unions, and child labor regulation. Although the organizat...
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